Recent content by usafphoenix

  1. U

    Problem Guide API Doesn't Load - Impossible to Play

    confirmed, guides GUI doesn't open in single player (don't have friends so that's all i can play lol).
  2. U

    Bug Can't join team/island after no-saplings forced restart.

    also, attempting "/ftb team join " command results in same error: "This feature is disabled!" opening game to lan, enabling cheats and repeating doesn't fix issue. and /ftb team leave results in "you must be in a team to do that!" /ftb team gui also results in "disabled" error.
  3. U

    Bug Can't join team/island after no-saplings forced restart.

    First time running through got 0 saplings from tree. forced restart of map. deleted map, and recreated from template. When attempting to restart, console output says i haven't joined or created a team, but clicking on the [Click Here] that i did the first time around results in error: "This...
  4. U

    Problem FTB Infinity Evolved Skyblock IC2 vs Immersive enginnering blast furnace issue

    although the fact that it does not require charcoal is "kinda" nice, eventually, it's a meaningless endeavor, because a tree farm specific for getting charcoal is very simple to set up, and the improved blast furnace from IE is like 10x better, but since i had NEVER used IC2's blast furnace...
  5. U

    Problem FTB Infinity Evolved Skyblock IC2 vs Immersive enginnering blast furnace issue

    that's what i thought..... i spend about half my time finding stuff wrong in mods or packs in general, and seeing if i can find a this case the HQM info is just plain incorrect. thanks for the input :)
  6. U

    Problem FTB Infinity Evolved Skyblock IC2 vs Immersive enginnering blast furnace issue

    also thought that may have been it, but the blast furnace doesn't accept overclockers, only the compressor does (which, is useless as the compressor is way faster at making compressed air than the blast furnace is at using it. in testing, the IC2 blast furnace takes 300 seconds (5 minutes)...
  7. U

    Problem FTB Infinity Evolved Skyblock IC2 vs Immersive enginnering blast furnace issue

    So the HQM quest "better-Than-Iron-Man" says that IC2's blast furnace, once set up is faster than Immersive engineering's blast furnace (testing against the crude one without any pre-heaters), but i've not found this to be the case. I've got a heat generator with 10 coils, outputting 100HU into...
  8. U

    [1.7.10] Ultimate Questpack [WIP][800+ Quests][HQM][OpenWorld]

    Early-game quest in Tinkers construct: "Stone Tool Forge tools" cannot be completed due to Iguana Tinkers Tweaks disabling stone tools (stone can only be used as a cast), suggest either making the items "fuzzy" to check that any hammer, excavator,broadax are made, or made from iron to start, as...
  9. U

    Problem Problem with OP

    Check to see if you have Ars Magica 2 installed with (or without) Archimedes ships... reason listed here: remove AM2 if you do and let me know if this helps you. :)