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  • Hey sun how come im not white listed on the server anymore?
    Hi Oz-- we have switched to the Resonant Rise pack & ATLauncher, and the server is now for members aged 25+ years.
    *poke* Hey sun, Dream here... Finally done with surgerys, revalidation and other health crap thats (hopefully). How r u, did you take over my bee industry?

    Figured i'd say Hi as its been a while and it seems jenrals server went down while i was away, u still playing?
    Hi Jen! Glad you told us! I will be logging in shortly, I miss playing on a server. :( Been playing a custom pack on LAN, but I miss you guys!
    Dream, I was also playing Neverwinter for a while-- have you given that a try? It's okay, has the potential to be really good... but I am soooo addicted to Minecraft! LOL! And I *still* cannot automate the freakin' bees! Argh!
    Neverwinter had so much negative feedback, i pretty much skipped it. I'm playing hearthstone beta & minecraft now tho on a more casual level for both of them then i did a while back cause real life kicked in ^^

    Automating bees isn't too hard, the problem is that its expensive and requires a fair bit of power to keep it going if you want -everything- automated.
    Awesome avatar you got there.
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