Recent content by maylith

  1. M

    Minecraft crashes while trying to load any pack

    OK, I solved this one on my own.....I run both 32 and 64 bit Java....Seems the 64-bit version was corrupt. I removed both versions, redownloaded and installed both and everything works.
  2. M

    Minecraft crashes while trying to load any pack

    to be slightly more detailed.....Minecraft Launcher opens after slecting pack in curse client. I click Play and then 5-8 seconds later, crashes
  3. M

    Minecraft crashes while trying to load any pack

    Title: Minecraft crashes while trying to load any pack Launcher Version: Curse, most recent Modpack: Inifinity Evolved and both Pickle Packs (Magic/Space) Modpack Version: Most recent in all three cases Log Link: Details of the issue: Minecraft...
  4. M

    Whitelist Server NoodlePowered | FTB Unleashed 1.1.7 | Friendly | Community | Mature | Dedicated 24/7 | Hats & More!

    1) Your Minecraft Username: Maylith 2) Your age: 48 3) Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence): I have been a gamer since Pong was first in pinball halls and, in fact, had a Pong console. Then the Atari 2600. These days, as I near my dotage, I tend to play a limited amount of games at...
  5. M

    is there a list of mods in ftb that are 1.5 or 1.5.1 ready and a list of mods that might not make it

    Here is a link of a website that follows as many mods as possible....
  6. M

    Waypoint Question

    Rei's is client side only
  7. M

    REI's Minimap

    rei's is client side, and can easily be installed....and used on any server....
  8. M

    Epic Fail stories

    I was derping around with Thaumcraft when, by mistake, I tossed my Advanced Mining Drill in to the crucible.....
  9. M

    How to install snapshots onto FTB server?

    As I understand it, each mod would have to be updated to be compatible with have the snapshot. If the mod is not updated, you would have to disable it for the server. As each mod is updated to the snapshot, the server and their users would have to update. You could find each mod over on the...
  10. M

    Clay in Mystcraft ages

    Only slightly related but there is plenty of clay in the rivers of Twilight Forest. I think it spawns more there than in the overworld. However, large scale production should probably use redrock biomes....
  11. M

    T5 Endermen Spawner but how to kill them

    I believe Enderman require a 42 block drop to receive enough fall damage to be a 1 hit kill, 43 will kill them outright. As for porting away, the spawner and drop should all be in a tower shaped room so they can't escape....
  12. M

    Mods updated for 1.4.6

    Mystcraft just updated to 1.4.6, here's a link to the page. I would expect we should be seeing a stream soon to announce the DireWolf20 pack.....
  13. M

    Mods updated for 1.4.6

    OK, after looking at the spreadsheet linked to in my original post, here is the info as I understand it. Of the mods listed, the following are NOT upgraded to 1.4.6, and the buzz about them. Equivalent Exchange 3 - Early Beta, not ready for distribution, no world gen, can be added at any...
  14. M

    Huzzah for FTB, and a lumberjack question

    You will have to add it yourself....Slowpoke himself has said he doesn't like the mod, thinks it is way OP and will not add it to any pack. In the past it has had major bugs as well i believe.
  15. M

    New Mod Pack Added

    Mystcraft will be added as soon as the author finishes an update to 1.4.6. The author is on vacation but trying to code for us. He has run in to a snag which is why it is not out currently. You can see his explanation here. You have to be on the right level to mine it.....there is...