Whitelist Server NoodlePowered | FTB Unleashed 1.1.7 | Friendly | Community | Mature | Dedicated 24/7 | Hats & More!

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Application results sent out.

We are looking for more players, we have spots open! Apply if you haven't already.
1) Your Minecraft Username:Xman10101
2) Your age:23
3) Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence): I am a boy living in belguim working as IT networking guy at a rather large company. Playing Minecraft and WoW in my free time after work . i actualy have no idea what else you guys would like to know so feel free to ask and ill give you an answer :)
4) Have you ever griefed before?
Nope there is in my opinion no point of dooing it since the fun of the game is making stuf so why steal it.
5) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)?
It is actualy the first time i even read of those mods so no i never used them.
6) What is your timezone?
7) How often do you play?
I mostly play after work and in the weekends but i honnestly cant put anny hours on it
8) Why we should trust you? (More than one sentence):
I actualy think you need to give somone a chance before saying you can trust somone . THere is in my opininion not much you can say or trust on the internet. But i gues i could say that i am a friendly player just looking for a fun server to play some minecraft. Not to ruin somones work or fun.
If in anny case you need more questions answered feel free to msg me
1) Your Minecraft Username:Xman10101
2) Your age:23
3) Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence): I am a boy living in belguim working as IT networking guy at a rather large company. Playing Minecraft and WoW in my free time after work . i actualy have no idea what else you guys would like to know so feel free to ask and ill give you an answer :)
4) Have you ever griefed before?
Nope there is in my opinion no point of dooing it since the fun of the game is making stuf so why steal it.
5) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)?
It is actualy the first time i even read of those mods so no i never used them.
6) What is your timezone?
7) How often do you play?
I mostly play after work and in the weekends but i honnestly cant put anny hours on it
8) Why we should trust you? (More than one sentence):
I actualy think you need to give somone a chance before saying you can trust somone . THere is in my opininion not much you can say or trust on the internet. But i gues i could say that i am a friendly player just looking for a fun server to play some minecraft. Not to ruin somones work or fun.
If in anny case you need more questions answered feel free to msg me

Added to review. We will get back with you tomorrow.

Spots are getting full apply if you haven't already!
1) Your Minecraft Username:thelivingsword1
2) Your age:15
3) Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence):I have grown up in a difficult environment. Since I have a rough life it has caused me to act more mature then my actual age, But some times i like to fool around like maybe pranking and other foolish stuff. I also have a great experience with FTB I understand most of the mods except a few
4) Have you ever griefed before? absolutely not.
5) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)? Why would i it takes away all the fun.
6) What is your timezone? Eastern
7) How often do you play? 2-3 hours on a good day
8) Why we should trust you? (More than one sentence): Because most of the time i stay out of peoples way and try not to cause conflict with others. I have always adored whitelisted servers of there characteristics like you can trust others because there likely not to grief or steal from othere[DOUBLEPOST=1382884564][/DOUBLEPOST]1) Your Minecraft Username:thelivingsword1
2) Your age:15
3) Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence):I have grown up in a difficult environment. Since I have a rough life it has caused me to act more mature then my actual age, But some times i like to fool around like maybe pranking and other foolish stuff. I also have a great experience with FTB I understand most of the mods except a few
4) Have you ever griefed before? absolutely not.
5) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)? Why would i it takes away all the fun.
6) What is your timezone? Eastern
7) How often do you play? 2-3 hours on a good day
8) Why we should trust you? (More than one sentence): Because most of the time i stay out of peoples way and try not to cause conflict with others. I have always adored whitelisted servers of there characteristics like you can trust others because there likely not to grief or steal from others
1) Your Minecraft Username:thelivingsword1
2) Your age:15
3) Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence):I have grown up in a difficult environment. Since I have a rough life it has caused me to act more mature then my actual age, But some times i like to fool around like maybe pranking and other foolish stuff. I also have a great experience with FTB I understand most of the mods except a few
4) Have you ever griefed before? absolutely not.
5) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)? Why would i it takes away all the fun.
6) What is your timezone? Eastern
7) How often do you play? 2-3 hours on a good day
8) Why we should trust you? (More than one sentence): Because most of the time i stay out of peoples way and try not to cause conflict with others. I have always adored whitelisted servers of there characteristics like you can trust others because there likely not to grief or steal from othere[DOUBLEPOST=1382884564][/DOUBLEPOST]1) Your Minecraft Username:thelivingsword1
2) Your age:15
3) Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence):I have grown up in a difficult environment. Since I have a rough life it has caused me to act more mature then my actual age, But some times i like to fool around like maybe pranking and other foolish stuff. I also have a great experience with FTB I understand most of the mods except a few
4) Have you ever griefed before? absolutely not.
5) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)? Why would i it takes away all the fun.
6) What is your timezone? Eastern
7) How often do you play? 2-3 hours on a good day
8) Why we should trust you? (More than one sentence): Because most of the time i stay out of peoples way and try not to cause conflict with others. I have always adored whitelisted servers of there characteristics like you can trust others because there likely not to grief or steal from others

Added to review we will get back with you today/tomorrow.
1) Your Minecraft Username: Maylith
2) Your age: 48
3) Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence): I have been a gamer since Pong was first in pinball halls and, in fact, had a Pong console. Then the Atari 2600. These days, as I near my dotage, I tend to play a limited amount of games at any one time and rarely stop playing them so I tend to things like Minecraft or MMO's. For example, I played Everquest from 99-09.
4) Have you ever griefed before? No. Don't see the point.
5) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)? No, I have built an x-ray machine once to scout out caves I had not lit up in vanilla.
6) What is your timezone?US Central
7) How often do you play?daily
8) Why we should trust you? (More than one sentence):My wish to be on a server is to have a bit connectivity with people while doing my own thing. I do like to work on community projects, but I also like my alone time to add to my own base.
1) Your Minecraft Username: Maylith
2) Your age: 48
3) Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence): I have been a gamer since Pong was first in pinball halls and, in fact, had a Pong console. Then the Atari 2600. These days, as I near my dotage, I tend to play a limited amount of games at any one time and rarely stop playing them so I tend to things like Minecraft or MMO's. For example, I played Everquest from 99-09.
4) Have you ever griefed before? No. Don't see the point.
5) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)? No, I have built an x-ray machine once to scout out caves I had not lit up in vanilla.
6) What is your timezone?US Central
7) How often do you play?daily
8) Why we should trust you? (More than one sentence):My wish to be on a server is to have a bit connectivity with people while doing my own thing. I do like to work on community projects, but I also like my alone time to add to my own base.

Added to review. We will get back with you tomorrow.
If you haven't applied already slots are getting full.
1) Your Minecraft Username: HazDS
2) Your age: 26
3) Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence): i'm Haz, been playing Minecraft since the beta and run a few vanilla servers in the past. Looking into FTB and what it has to offer, want to play more than run a server with a good community and this place seems good from what I can see.
4) Have you ever griefed before? Nope.
5) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)? Only when testing the plugins that stop these sort of mods on my own server.
6) What is your timezone? GMT.
7) How often do you play? 2-3 hours a day.
8) Why we should trust you? (More than one sentence): Genuine guy looking for a good community to play unleashed with :)
1) Your Minecraft Username: HazDS
2) Your age: 26
3) Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence): i'm Haz, been playing Minecraft since the beta and run a few vanilla servers in the past. Looking into FTB and what it has to offer, want to play more than run a server with a good community and this place seems good from what I can see.
4) Have you ever griefed before? Nope.
5) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)? Only when testing the plugins that stop these sort of mods on my own server.
6) What is your timezone? GMT.
7) How often do you play? 2-3 hours a day.
8) Why we should trust you? (More than one sentence): Genuine guy looking for a good community to play unleashed with :)

Application put under review. We will get back with you tomorrow.

All slots are full we are no longer accepting application at this moment of time.
1) Your Minecraft Username: sionyn
2) Your age: 18
3) Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence): Im a chilled out person that like's ftb unleashed. I Like a bit of challenge and most of all adventuring.
4) Have you ever griefed before? no
5) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)? Never
6) What is your timezone? UK (GMT)
7) How often do you play? Everyday
8) Why we should trust you? (More than one sentence): I never griefed before or been stupid and im not going to anytime soon either! I'd Help everyone i could and i'd contribute to the community
1) Your Minecraft Username: sionyn
2) Your age: 18
3) Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence): Im a chilled out person that like's ftb unleashed. I Like a bit of challenge and most of all adventuring.
4) Have you ever griefed before? no
5) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)? Never
6) What is your timezone? UK (GMT)
7) How often do you play? Everyday
8) Why we should trust you? (More than one sentence): I never griefed before or been stupid and im not going to anytime soon either! I'd Help everyone i could and i'd contribute to the community

I am sorry mate. All slots on the server are full. We are not accepting applications at the moment.
First off: I saw that the serverslots are full, but I'd like to just put out my application already just incase some spots become available :)

1) Your Minecraft username: Yall89
2) Your age: 24
3) Tell us about yourself: I'm from belgium and I enjoy myself by playing minecraft, especially the tech-mod-part of it. I've been playing FTB for about 9 months or so, but still having a blast experimenting and figuring out all the different mods. Latest one I've been enjoying alot is AE!
4) Have you ever griefed before?: No, I haven't. I've only played on a few multiplayer servers, but on those I only helped the others out. Need a diamond? Check my chests! Need some info on a mod? Ask away! Need a hug? Well... come and find me?
5) Have you ever used unfair mods?: No, I've been using the FTB modpacks without extra additions. The only "cheating" I might've done is putting the world on Peaceful everytime I head into the nether, but only because that place hates my ass....
6) What is your timezone?: GMT+1
7) How often do you play?: Usually a couple hours a day. Since I work random shifts (sometimes at night, sometimes early morning, sometimes pretty late), you'll often find me only on random hours.
8) Why we should trust you?: I see no reason to take away the fun from someone else. I'd hate it when I work hard for something to see it destroyed/broken/whatever, so why would I ever do it to someone else myself then?
1) Your Minecraft Username:Gobbel
2) Your age:21(22 next week)
3) Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence): I'm from the Netherlands and enjoy playing the ftb packs. I like to learn more and see some clevery solutions to problems.
4) Have you ever griefed before? Never I did always play with some friends on a private server and I don't see the fun of it.
5) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)? No
6) What is your timezone? GMT +1
7) How often do you play? A few hours a day it depends on my schedule.
8) Why we should trust you? (More than one sentence): I have always played SMP with friends without any protection. I'm not planning to screw up anything and will only touch something if the owner agrees with it.

Edit: I saw after posting that there are no slots available anymore. I would happily join if one opens up.
1) Your Minecraft username: Linkiscl
2) Your age: 17
3) Tell us about yourself: I love Minecraft and FTB and have played for a long time. I mainly play these two games and like to stay with a server
4) Have you ever griefed before?: No, I haven't.
5) Have you ever used unfair mods?: No
6) What is your timezone?: MST
7) How often do you play?: Usually a couple hours a day. You'll see me on randomly.
8) Why we should trust you?: I work hard to get what i have and then I work towards helping others anyway I can! I've been staff on a number of serves and understand that maturity is a big aspect. I can handle pretty much anything and would hate for someone not to have fun!!
I know that applications are inactive, but I hope that there will be some free slots soon :)
1) Your Minecraft Username: Yldron
2) Your age: 17
3) Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence): I am from Switzerland and I am still learning English. But it is enough to talk fluently and understand everything. I play minecraft since the alpha days and I am a moderator on a vanila server named Swisssmp.ch. I had, or still have a tiny private FTB server, but it is just much more fun to play with other people. I really dont like open servers because of the griefing and insults everywhere. I think it is important that players know each other in order to have a friendly atmosphere.
4) Have you ever griefed before? Yes, I completely filled my friends house with melons. And it was also full of chickens once.
5) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)? Yes as a reason to ban players.
6) What is your timezone? CET/GMT+1
7) How often do you play? At the moment I don't play FTB, because it's pretty boring alone. But I have time to play almost every day on a server that I like :)
8) Why we should trust you? (More than one sentence): As I said before I am moderator at one of the biggest swiss gaming community. But actually there is not a lot more reason to trust me. I could write anything here. I just want to say one more thing: I am not the person who rushes UU-Matter and tries to get the cheapest energy possible. I don't like to abuse some overpowered combinations of mods and aestetics play a big role in my gameplay.

one thing that I would like to ask: Are there a lot of map resets? Because I hate servers that clean their map every few months..
1) Your Minecraft username: Linkiscl
2) Your age: 17
3) Tell us about yourself:
I love Minecraft and FTB and have played for a long time. I mainly play these two games and like to stay with a server
4) Have you ever griefed before?: No, I haven't.
5) Have you ever used unfair mods?: No
6) What is your timezone?: MST
7) How often do you play?:
Usually a couple hours a day. You'll see me on randomly.
8) Why we should trust you?: I work hard to get what i have and then I work towards helping others anyway I can! I've been staff on a number of serves and understand that maturity is a big aspect. I can handle pretty much anything and would hate for someone not to have fun!!

I know that applications are inactive, but I hope that there will be some free slots soon :)
1) Your Minecraft Username: Yldron
2) Your age: 17
3) Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence): I am from Switzerland and I am still learning English. But it is enough to talk fluently and understand everything. I play minecraft since the alpha days and I am a moderator on a vanila server named Swisssmp.ch. I had, or still have a tiny private FTB server, but it is just much more fun to play with other people. I really dont like open servers because of the griefing and insults everywhere. I think it is important that players know each other in order to have a friendly atmosphere.
4) Have you ever griefed before? Yes, I completely filled my friends house with melons. And it was also full of chickens once.
5) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)? Yes as a reason to ban players.
6) What is your timezone? CET/GMT+1
7) How often do you play? At the moment I don't play FTB, because it's pretty boring alone. But I have time to play almost every day on a server that I like :)
8) Why we should trust you? (More than one sentence): As I said before I am moderator at one of the biggest swiss gaming community. But actually there is not a lot more reason to trust me. I could write anything here. I just want to say one more thing: I am not the person who rushes UU-Matter and tries to get the cheapest energy possible. I don't like to abuse some overpowered combinations of mods and aestetics play a big role in my gameplay.

one thing that I would like to ask: Are there a lot of map resets? Because I hate servers that clean their map every few months..

Applications have been added to review.

@Yldron: No. Our server map is cleaned out every 6 months. Unless there is a vote on our forum (http://noodlepowered.com/forum) to clean out the map for a major world change update. (Possibly FTB Unleashed updating Minecraft to 1.6)

We have reopened applications. You may now apply for the server.
(We have also improved processing time of applications dramatically, so no more waiting more than a day for results!)
1) Your Minecraft Username:JyrasiQ

2) Your age:21

3) Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence):i love gaming, im friendly, easy to get along with, i like to skype. and yeah cant think of anything else lol

4) Have you ever griefed before? nope

5) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)? nope

6) What is your timezone? eastern us

7) How often do you play? after work prob 6 hrs a day

8) Why we should trust you? (More than one sentence): because im an adult and im respectful
All whitelist application results have been sent out. We have many slots that need to be filled! Apply if you haven't.
1) Your Minecraft Username: th3niiinja

2) Your age: 24

3) Tell us about yourself (More than one sentence): I enjoy gaming on pretty much every level. The number one thing I love about games is that you can play with other people. I like to build in a community setting and help other people out, so even if I have nothing ask me and I'll help the best I can :D

4) Have you ever griefed before? I have once. Well, it was considered griefing by the owner. On a towny war server a while back my entire town and I poured lava all over the enemies town during war. It said in the servers rules that griefing during war was allowed, but we were all banned anyway. I guess the server owner didn't want to listen to the other town complain to him about us doing that, so he just banned us.

5) Have you ever used unfair mods (Example: X-Ray Texture Packs, Nodus, etc.)? I have tried them in my singleplayer just to see what they are. I will never use them again though, because I feel like cheating in any environment doesn't really get you anywhere. You don't learn, and eventually you will get bored because what you have you didn't earn.

6) What is your timezone? Eastern United States

7) How often do you play? Whenever I'm not at work I'm on my computer, so pretty often you could say.

8) Why we should trust you? (More than one sentence): You should trust me because I was just completely honest about the things I have done. I will never use any type of xray mod/texturepack. I will also never grief because I have been griefed in the past on Ftb servers and it just ruins the entire gameplay experience for me, so I wouldn't do that to another person.