Factorization Router with "Overflow" chests?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there a way to setup a Factorization Router + Barrel sorting system with a last resort "Overflow" chest for items not in the barrels?

I tried with a restriction tube and a chest after the router, but first unknown item just went in and jammed the router.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't know too much about Routers, so I won't be able to help with that. I do know that RP2 Pneumatics are great with sorting. Sorry if that's not what you're looking for, but it's the only thing I've got.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, I've built several RP2 sorting systems.. wanted to try something different


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There is no direct overflow capability that I've seen or thought of.. built into the router at least, I'm hoping he adds an overflow upgrade to direct overflow at a specific block, or have it emit redstone when its jammed (so you can have a transposer/bc pipe pump out the jam).

i did set up a overflow ish system by putting a GT buffer directly against the router, all items to be sorted first pass into the buffer, the router will always be able to bounce items back into the router if it does't have a home it will just get bounced back and forth until the buffer is completely full of items it can't sort. Worked.. Ish.. but I'm sure it is not a very clean / lag friendly method.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I haven't seen one, so here is quick mock-up:

Basically pushed button activates the first filter. After a stack goes through first detector timer is activated, which after a few seconds will empty the router, unless second item detector is activated, which means that there is a space in a router and also next stack can be extracted from chest. From quick test it seams to work fine (except that this red alloy wire should be on block with a button). Item detectors are in a stack mode, filters are empty, router have 2 upgrades, machine filter to only output to barrels and bandwidth to move whole stacks. I use 4 second timer, but less delay should also work. More pictures: http://imgur.com/a/WpyJ0

Edit I don't know if the first detector is even necessary, but as I said it is a quickly done prototype.

Edit2: second idea, IMO better, but can sometimes stuck put unnecessary items in overflow chest if items are going into router really quickly:

There are two iron gates (to use red pipe wire). Gate next to the router is set to emit red pipe signal if there are items in inventory and second gate emits redstone signal if red pipe wire is off. If you try to emit redstone next to the router it will disable it. While thinking about it one gate could be sufficient if set to "inventory empty" -> redstone signal with a timer in the same place. Of course remember to place upgrades on router.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here you go. A router preceded by RP2 Relay, preceded by sorting machine will service a wall of up to 40 barrels (sorting machine has 40 slots). Make a junction between the input chest and the sorting machine with a restriction tube headed to an overflow chest. Put 1 item of everything held by the barrels in the sorting machine, and only valid items will reach the router. The relay will pass items back and forth with the router until everything is put away, so you don't need to upgrade the router for it to work. You can service smaller walls of up to 9 barrels using the same setup but with a filter instead of the sorting machine.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
the simplest one I have mocked up seems to be:


The right chest is the 'dump stuff in chest', the bottom chest is the overflow chest. Timer set to 3 secs (not sure if it matters but make it slower than the router pulls). The iron gate is set to red pipe signal on item in inventory, and the one on the redstone engine is pulse on red pipe signal. Simple yet so far effective, not the fastest but I think you could speed it up by using different engines etc and should work for as many barrels as you have.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here's a mockup of what I'm using.


The chest on the right side is the dump chest. The adjacent filter (no items in filter) pulls a stack at a time from the chest into the router. The router has a bandwidth upgrade and a machine upgrade. Without the machine upgrade, the router will sometimes put items into the filters.

The second filter, on the left (no items in filter), pulls stacks of items from the router into the left chest for overflow. In my real setup, the filter colors the items for overflow storage and sends them back through the tube network.

The timer pulses every 0.5 seconds, first causing the left filter to pull jammed items from the router, then through the repeater so momentarily later the right filter inserts a new stack. If the incoming item has nowhere to go, it will sit in the router for longer than 0.5 seconds and get cleared on the next cycle.

With a large number of barrels, the router speed upgrade may help to make sure items get sorted within 0.5 seconds, but I haven't had any issues on SSP or SMP so far.

The benefit of this setup is that there is no need to specify which items belong in barrels in a sorting machine, etc. Every incoming item can pass through the router and be ejected without slowing down the flow.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Meh i wanted to use this system for my storage room. But without overflow i can't fit it in. I thought the Thoroughness upgrade would help to fill first the near barrels and everything else in the chest at the end but no i did not work.
It seems we need an extra upgrade for the router like priority first barrels then chests, or if no space available eject to this side.

btw. is there any source where neptunpink posts updates or work he is doing on this mod? Twitter, blog,... the only thing i find is the minecraftforum thread...and there he was logged in 5 January.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
btw. is there any source where neptunpink posts updates or work he is doing on this mod? Twitter, blog,... the only thing i find is the minecraftforum thread...and there he was logged in 5 January.
Yeah, I'm wondering myself. I'll give you a one up if you propose this on MCF.

I'd also like a new upgrade for barrels which'd allow insertion from bellow. This way we could hook 'em up with managers. That would be neat. Add a sortron into the mix and you've got the perfect sorting and autocrafting setup. Then again, that kinda does counter to how a barrel works....


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, I'm wondering myself. I'll give you a one up if you propose this on MCF.

I'd also like a new upgrade for barrels which'd allow insertion from bellow. This way we could hook 'em up with managers. That would be neat. Add a sortron into the mix and you've got the perfect sorting and autocrafting setup. Then again, that kinda does counter to how a barrel works....
my barrels seem to be accepting items from below, I'm using RP tubes.
I heard they'd only accept one stack but it doesn't seem to be the case with mine :confused:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
my barrels seem to be accepting items from below, I'm using RP tubes.
I heard they'd only accept one stack but it doesn't seem to be the case with mine :confused:
Odd, I had the problem. Haven't tested since. Looks like it's time for a test, eh?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm using jeffl86's system, it works like a charm.
But since I don't have access to the machine filter upgrade (no creative and too lazy to find dungeons) I changed it a bit and put a tube between the inputting filter and the router and replaced the extracting filter with a retreiver, so I was able to put a tube in between them. With this setup the router will only be connected to the barrels.
PS. If someone requires a more visual description, I can recreate it in creative and put a screenshot up. Just ask.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
yep, I'll be double checking what's going on with mine tonight.
Tested for myself and for me it behaves as such:

Barel manager(1) is 0 set to keep any amount of cobble
Chest manager(2) is 1 set to keep certain amount of cobble

If I increase the amount manager 2 should keep, manager 1 will send the requested cobble, it'll also send some extra which'll return just fine once the conditions are met.

If I decrease the amount manager 2 should keep, then the cobble will head towards manager 1, but rebound, go back and rebound again. Said cobble stays stuck like this.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've been using a sorting machine and RP Tubes, I just happened to notice items being inserted through the bottom.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Little sorry that he is missing..could be Eloraam :)
I would like to see the mod going on ATM some parts are great and some need more love to iron out the bumps.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just found a nice compact way of unblocking a Router using a very small amount of room and so far its 100% effective.

1.Iron AND gate set to Items in inventory = Emit Red Pipe signal
2.Red Pipe
3.Redpipe signal off = redstone signal
4.Timer set to 5-10 seconds to trigger 5
7.Overflow Chest

If theres an item in the Router (6) then a redstone signal is sent via the redstone piping to the 2nd gate turning it off causing the timer (4) to start a 5 second count. if the 2nd gate is not reactivated then the filter will pulse pulling what ever is in the Router out and resetting the system.
The 5 second timer give the Router the time to send things to the Barrels so your never get items in the overflow chest that could have gone into the Barrels
This setup is easy to figure out so I will leave you with a piccie.
Lemmie know if this dont work.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here you go. A router preceded by RP2 Relay, preceded by sorting machine will service a wall of up to 40 barrels (sorting machine has 40 slots). Make a junction between the input chest and the sorting machine with a restriction tube headed to an overflow chest. Put 1 item of everything held by the barrels in the sorting machine, and only valid items will reach the router. The relay will pass items back and forth with the router until everything is put away, so you don't need to upgrade the router for it to work. You can service smaller walls of up to 9 barrels using the same setup but with a filter instead of the sorting machine.
Sorting machines are exactly the thing to use IMO. I build with a partner; our sorting system is ~200 barrels, plus about 6 or 7 sorting machines, and it's easily expandable.
  • Basic items are pumped by the initial sorting machines into a relay, which feeds 2 routers (probably overkill but we had jamming problems at first).
  • Routers have machine filter upgrades (barrels only) plus speed upgrades and bandwidth upgrades.
  • Stuff that doesn't go in the main barrel room falls into three categories:
    • To be processed (things like ores, tiny dusts, basalt cobblestone, cactus, etc.). These get sent via tesseract to the processing room then pumped back into the sorting system.
    • To be stored elsewhere (Thaumcraft materials go to the Thaumcraft room). Tesseracts to other routers elsewhere.
    • To overflow. Currently four diamond chests.
The trickiest part was dealing with the tiny dusts. We actually ended up using two sorting machines for that. The first one dumps any quantity of tiny dusts into a chest. The second one pulls dusts out, but only four at a time, and pipes them to a packager. From there they go back into the sorting system to be smelted.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
All I did was

Incoming line - tesseract > relay > chest > router > sorting (barrels)

Hook up a filter to extract from router on a slow timer (40 secs) and send back to another tesseract > reject chest

Anything stuck would get pulled out and on the odd occasion the filter pulled out something it could sort, I'd just chuck it back in the input side.
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