FTB Infinity 1.7.10 Help, Venting and Discussion Thread

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
seeing as Infinity has quite alot of people playing it currently I thought it'd be a nice idea to have a discussion topic going for Infinity aswell.

you can discuss anything related to infinity in this topic, for example updates to infinity, bugs or exploits that needs to be fixed, things you've build or that you're planning to build, what you added/removed/changed to the modpack, tips & tricks you know for Infinity and so on.

I don't know if it's 100% reliable, but I did head @slowpoke mention in a livestream of @Runew0lf that there are some plans for Infinity. to be more precise, there may be an Infinity XL pack in the production that'll future alot more mods, even some mods that FTB usually doesn't use (such as Galacticraft and Mekanism) and though it is a suspicious date, the release date was currently planned for April 1st.

I also heard that Supercraftingframe might be removed because of serious duping bug that a certain streamer (#blamesoaryn) found.

and for people who haven't played with it yet, Agricraft is a very good early game mod that you can start with, where you can grow crops and plants and mutate them to supercrops, which can grow very fast and can give you 4 items per crop that you're growing, which is very useful if you're for example using Ender IO's combustion generator for power.
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I also heard that Supercraftingframe might be removed because of serious duping bug that a certain streamer (#blamesoaryn) found.

I loaded up v1.0.2 today and Supercraftingframe mod is indeed removed. See here:

I'm looking for a good public server to play on, if anyone has any suggestions, but I'm pretty picky about what the definition of a "good server" is - "block-breaking lag" is very bad, so are "banned item lists" and servers that are more focused on profiting from players purchasing stuff. That probably eliminates most public servers, but it never hurts to throw it out there. I'm a "mature" player which is a nice way of saying I'm closer to your father's age than your own (if not older). LOL

Finally, a question - I played on a SSP world for less than a day, I died fighting an "Armored Cave Spider" and lost all my stuff and ragequit when I couldn't get back to it in time. Are the mobs harder in Infinity? Where do "Armored" Cave Spiders come from? I had a suspicion the entire time that something was different with mobs, but my modpack wasn't on hardmode, it was on Regular. I came across something called an "Undying Zombie" I think? When I saw "undying", I finally gave up and just ran away. haha
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I loaded up v1.0.2 today and Supercraftingframe mod is indeed removed. See here:

I'm looking for a good public server to play on, if anyone has any suggestions, but I'm pretty picky about what the definition of a "good server" is - "block-breaking lag" is very bad, so are "banned item lists" and servers that are more focused on profiting from players purchasing stuff. That probably eliminates most public servers, but it never hurts to throw it out there. I'm a "mature" player which is a nice way of saying I'm closer to your father's age than your own (if not older). LOL

Finally, a question - I played on a SSP world for less than a day, I died fighting an "Armored Cave Spider" and lost all my stuff and ragequit when I couldn't get back to it in time. Are the mobs harder in Infinity? Where do "Armored" Cave Spiders come from? I had a suspicion the entire time that something was different with mobs, but my modpack wasn't on hardmode, it was on Regular. I came across something called an "Undying Zombie" I think? When I saw "undying", I finally gave up and just ran away. haha
Not to veer off-topic here, but if you are looking for a mature server, I have been playing on a version of Resonant Rise for a month or so now. We broke off from Wanderlust Reloaded and decided to design our own pack with better recipe tweaks to make things challenging but not impossible :) We just moved onto a dedicated box that can handle pretty much anything we throw at it, and the administrator is just as dedicated as the box the server runs on! We keep the community 18+ to limit age related issues/arguments, and lots of us are in our Teamspeak daily. Great group of players, a few have wives/kids, and we have a good time! If you want more details just message me, hope to see you there!
I'm not sure if this will help, but have you tried pressing "O"? If that doesn't work, something's definitely wrong; make sure the download didn't go wonky and NEI is indeed installed.
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Finally, a question - I played on a SSP world for less than a day, I died fighting an "Armored Cave Spider" and lost all my stuff and ragequit when I couldn't get back to it in time. Are the mobs harder in Infinity? Where do "Armored" Cave Spiders come from? I had a suspicion the entire time that something was different with mobs, but my modpack wasn't on hardmode, it was on Regular. I came across something called an "Undying Zombie" I think? When I saw "undying", I finally gave up and just ran away. haha

The named mobs come from Thaumcraft, and (as you know) have special abilities in addition to drop treasure bags which can give decent loot.
Is there any must-have mods to add to the base pack? Because it has a somewhat...different mod list.
We've added Hunger overhaul. There isn't much point to having Pams Harvestcraft without it. That said I'm considering Modular Powersuits as I enjoy it and it's missing.
NEI won't show up in the inventory, is there something I need to do to turn it on?

I'm not sure if this will help, but have you tried pressing "O"? If that doesn't work, something's definitely wrong; make sure the download didn't go wonky and NEI is indeed installed.

It's always the "O" key. LOL I cannot tell you how many times I've done this, and yet it still makes me panic every time I press "E" and don't see the NEI items list. LOL So don't feel bad millatime, we've all "been there, done that". People have suggested re-binding the "O" key to something that you wouldn't ever hit by accident, but I've yet to ever do so. Go figure.

The named mobs come from Thaumcraft, and (as you know) have special abilities in addition to drop treasure bags which can give decent loot.

Interesting. I've avoided Thaumcraft because I had done the TC progression too many times (once was enough) but clearly the mod still seems to be evolving since this is big news to me - not necessarily bad news tho, I guess the game does need just a little bit of that "mob anxiety factor" to keep us all on our toes. I was pretty shocked when I died and saw the word "Armored". LOL

We've added Hunger overhaul. There isn't much point to food without it.

Fixed. I guess it's a very good thing to add, however I'm one of those people who isn't happy when food doesn't mean anything, and also not happy when food becomes a big pain in the butt (the "diminishing returns" thing). There's no making someone like myself happy, so no need to even try. :)
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I'm not sure if this will help, but have you tried pressing "O"? If that doesn't work, something's definitely wrong; make sure the download didn't go wonky and NEI is indeed installed.
Yep, that worked. I haven't played in a good while and just getting back into Minecraft. Thanks.
Is there any must-have mods to add to the base pack? Because it has a somewhat...different mod list.
I haven't really delved into these mods much, but I added Doggy Talents, Iguana Tinkers Tweaks, and Minecraft Comes Alive to my client. Hunger Overhaul would be worth it, or at least Apple Core or Spice of Life. Have barley, carrots/potatoes, and fruit, and you're ok for a good while. That, and natura berries make good food as well as a 'fancy' edible hedge.

As for seeking a server, MineYourMind has a pair of Infinity servers running. I cannot say it is mature, for tossing a sheet over the chat seems to be the only way to not consider poking lava in their direction. Its discretion of how much 'stuff' you can stand. Pretty active amount of moderators/admins too.
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Finally, a question - I played on a SSP world for less than a day, I died fighting an "Armored Cave Spider" and lost all my stuff and ragequit when I couldn't get back to it in time.

Umm graves are enabled so your stuff was safe in a grave
Had a question with a problem I fixed long ago. tl;dr I used to play minecraft, quit, watched dans gaming and now Im playing infinity again.

Anyway, a problem that happened a while ago was that Twilight Forest biomes would spawn in the overworld with BoP stuff. I remember I had fixed it.. but I dont remember how. Now while playing infinity I jsut ran into a thornswood thingy and one of those massive giant TF trees(Unless a redwood is now in BoP, aswell as thornlands. In which you can tell me to shut up.

Anyway, anyone remember what I had to change in the configs to fix this problem of Im supposing conflicting biomes?
Anyone come across an Ore Map for this pack yet? I have yet to find one and would like to know the best Y levels to mine for different ores.
From what I remember it's the same ore levels as DW 20 with possibly a small tweak here and there
Is there any must-have mods to add to the base pack? Because it has a somewhat...different mod list.

personally with pam's harvestcraft installed I'd have also installed hunger overhaul. I'd have also installed iguana tinker's tweaks if they added an actual method of removing modifiers aswell.
I'd have also disabled AromaBackup and replace it with WorldStateChecpoints, as I prefer WSC when using a backup mod because it gives more control over your backups ingame.

with that I'd have also installed ArmorStatusHUD and StatusEffectHUD, Steve's Addons, Thaumcraft Node Tracker, Backpacks and well... pretty much a whole lot more mods.
but I decided to play the pack the way it's released, otherwise I'd make it too easy for myself
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I've been out of the loop for so long I have no idea on how to progress besides the vanilla stuff. Is there a quick short progress list?
Also if I put walls with a fence on the side, things can't climb up can they?
I've been trying to figure out how to make a working logistics sorting system but I've run into an issue with the default route not working. I've recreated my system on a separate creative test world and it seems to work there but on my main world the default route fails to. I am tearing apart my house and I can't seem to find out what the problem is. (automated grinding/smelting works and the polymorphic item syncs are doing their job). If you want I can post a few pictures.
Yesterday, I made a separate client instance and swapped Biomes O Plenty for ExtraBiomesXL. I like the terrain, but it seems that watching youtube, and loading chunks doesn't completely agree.
i cant seem to make any conduits
Leadstone Energy Conduit
Hardened Energy Conduit
Redstone Energy Conduit

does ftb infinity not include them i made a magmatic dynamo and now i have no way too hook it up to anything