Well you know my Tungsten story, Pyure.

Up until two days ago, I didn't even know where I could find any of it. I've mentioned it in other threads, but I finally figured it out. Despite checking NEI many times over and over again, I somehow completely missed the recipes for turning Tungstate Ore and Scheelite Ore into Tungsten Dusts using an MV Electrolyzer. I spent all day yesterday turning all 1000 ore blocks into Tungsten dust (which gave me a ton of Oxygen gas as well as Manganese Dusts). I don't cheat at everything, but I simply have to cheat with the EBF and Tungstensteel because there is no way I'm gonna put my game "on hold" for the next 40 hours. I can't even go AFK because I have to constantly watch my steam levels (I'm still using a single GT Steel Steam Boiler until I get the Tungstensteel version built).
I certainly understand your point, and agree with it completely. I've actually been following your strategy of "EBF Never Sleeps", but it's been making steel ingots, aluminum ingots and stainless steel ingots the entire time. Like I say, I think the "correct" way to do it is to make many multiple EBF's and have them all working in unison.
GregTech is insane. LOL But since we all seem to love it, I dunno what that says about us.