Whitelist Server O.D.G Craft| Direwolf 20 1.7 | Mature 18+ | Non PVP | Small White-listed | Dedicated Server

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IGN (In Game Name): coconut_donut

Age: 46

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: 2+ years vanilla minecraft, mod on an old, established vanilla server. 1+ years with various ftb and tekkit version, short stint running my own ftb server.

Do you have Teamspeak3: yes

Have you read and understood the rules?: yes
IGN (In Game Name):Lataruz

Age: 24

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: Played since beta, mostly played modded the last years. Mainly looking for a small server with a good community rather then a large server

Do you have Teamspeak3: Yeah

Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes
IGN (In Game Name): Delthyn

Age: 18

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: I've played since 1.2.5. I've more recently gotten into mods. I like them because they add a nice variety to the base game, also I like building with a bigger choice of blocks.

Do you have Teamspeak3: No, I do not.

Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes I have and I understand them.

The one thing I regret is that there is no Flans Mod in Direwolf20's pack. Oh well.

IGN (In Game Name): CombatKitt3n

Age: 19
A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: Been playing for 3 years, with mods for 2 years but kind of off and on in the last year

Do you have Teamspeak3: Yes, I like to talk to the people i play with

Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes I have
hey every one i have some great news

we have just added a new server

this server you can go on and test some builds in creative, you can get some friends to help out to
hopefully adding some new people soon.

a few messages have gone out to some old applications, if i don't hear anything in the next day or two i will move on to some more

hope to see you all soon
hi there i would like to welcome Oscaro947, Tundras and DrakoEsper to the server hope you all enjoy

i will be adding more people over the next week so keep a look out
IGN (In Game Name): Naquada

Age: 22

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: Started out when the game was in devolopment. After all these years i think i could write a book, but i feel it's enough to say : been there, done it all. I've touched every branch of the game. From regular player to hosting servers to mod dev.
Currently looking for a server to settle down on long term. I enjoy playing with others.

Do you have Teamspeak3: Yes

Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes
(In Game Name): LordBarron
Age: 20
A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: I'm horrid at describing myself, but i'm normally quiet and stick to myself. trying to find a server that doesn't go down every five moments, with a nice community that would like to create some sort of village together, or at least, let us be connected though some means other than mere linking books.

In short, I want to get onto the server for a couple of things, to build a bathhouse (for all your thaumcraft enthusiasts) and some sort of rail network that would span the map to places that people would like.
Do you have Teamspeak3: Yes
Have you read and understood the rules?: Of course.
IGN (In Game Name): Millez171

Age: I'm 22 year old British male :p

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: I'm a Gas engineer by trade but spend most of my free time either with my GF or minecraft :P. i have been playing minecraft Longer then i can remember.. i wanna say 3 to 4 years? and i know most mods very well :p

Do you have Teamspeak3: Yes and i have a headset a mic to use :p

Have you read and understood the rules?: Yeah they seem very fair
IGN (In Game Name): nifeboy123

Age:13, Almost 14

I am going to be completly honest in this application.

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: Well, I have played minecraft for quiet a while now about 3 years. I am still learning about ftb, but it interests me a lot and I would love to join of awesome folks who play ftb and are more experience I catch onto things pretty fast. I know stuff about server plugins I have owned a server with my friend before. I like to play baseball and hangout and meet new people and new friends. Also play Advanced warfare to! #Raging dad. I would say that I am pretty mature. But yeah, I would love to join the server and hangout with some new people and make some new friends I have been trying to find a good trust worthy crackpack server I could play on without being raided. (Ect)

Do you have Teamspeak3: Yes, and I also do have skype.

Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes, I have read the rules and have understood them clearly.

Thanks for reading, sincerely nifeboy123/Ethan
And this is to apply for O.D.G Correct? http://servers.atlauncher.com/server/ODGCraft
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Hiya Guy, HappyGamerMike here.

So it seems the Christmas Spirit has hit the server as we got together in the Spawn Town and pulled together this awesome like Christmas Scene. Happy Christmas Guys.

IGN: falcon7370

Age: 20

A little about you and your Minecraft experience?: I actually was around buyer 50,000 of Minecraft, way back before it was popular, and have been playing with mods since the very beginning. Haven't played recently due to college, but I figured it would be a nice stress reliever. Not to familiar with some of the new mods to the pack (Blood magic, botania, etc..) but I do want to learn!

Do you have Teamspeak? I do not currently, but would be more than willing to get it!

Have you read and understood the rules? Yes
hi everyone i have just court up with all the applications so check out your inbox

if i you haven't got a message don't be down i may have missed you by mistake or looking over the application again
IGN: Kneeba

Age: 24

A little about you and your Minecraft experience: I first started playing Minecraft just before it went into beta, so I guess that would be in 2010 sometime. My first introduction to modded Minecraft was playing Tekkit, and then I started playing FTB at around 1.4.

Do you have Teamspeak3?: Not at the moment, but I would gladly get it if I'm welcomed on the server

Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes
IGN (In Game Name): McKim_Boys

Age: 20

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: I first started playing minecraft back in the beta right before the nether update. I started playing modded minecraft about 2 years ago and i haven't been able to play vanilla again. My favorite mod packs have been ftb ultimate because gregt was awesome and FTB monster was pretty fun. Playing on a server is probably the most enjoyable part of minecraft. Creating awesome builds and showing them to all your servermate is just awesome.

Do you have Teamspeak3: yes and i love servers with this function

Have you read and understood the rules?: yes
IGN: Merelia
Age: 24
A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: Been playing it since early alpha. While I had a lot of fun in vanilla MC I really started loving the game when the mods started appearing. Decently experienced when it comes to the game I guess but hardly a expert. Especially since I haven't played a little while.
Do you have Teamspeak3: Yes, got it. Pretty sure I got every VoIP program in existence by now.
Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes.
IGN (In Game Name): INTENSS

Age: 35

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: Been playing FTB and the "other" one for a few years now. I like to build complex and detailed builds. I've spent SEVERAL hours on a simple 12x12 shop in the past (just the structure). I'm looking for a nice server to play on with some good people.

Do you have Teamspeak3: I do have TS

Have you read and understood the rules?: I have read the rules
hi all i would like to welcome Merelia, INTENSS, McKim_Boys, Kneeba, LordBarron,ca1dera and simtimzero to the server hope you all have fun
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