Whitelist Server O.D.G Craft| Direwolf 20 1.7 | Mature 18+ | Non PVP | Small White-listed | Dedicated Server

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IGN (In Game Name): DeltaOperations

Age: 19

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: I never really played vanila since I found it too shallow and boring even though I liked the concept. That's why a modded Minecraft was a revelation for me. Have played it for almost two years now and I'm hoping I'll play more, especially if it's a small cozy whitelisted friendly server :3

Do you have Teamspeak3: Yes, I do.

Have you read and understood the rules?: I understood them by the time I reached the age of reason, no surprises there xD
IGN (In Game Name): MINTCHIP777

Age: 16 but im mature for my age :/

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: i have been playing minecraft since 1.2.5 i have been staff on few vanilla servers but in the past 6 months i have gotten into modded minecraft and i want a nice community to enjoy mods with because i got tired of playing by myslef

Do you have Teamspeak3: yes

Have you read and understood the rules?: yes
Age: 15 I am Mature
IGN: thebearjew2421
A litle about Me: I have played Minecraft for about 5 years. I dont really play Minecraft vanilla any more but now i play a lot of Ftb/Mod packs i know a lot of cool thing i can do on the server that will be fun to do with other players. And also if you want to know i will play the sever a lot.
Do you have Teamspeak3: I dont have TeamSpeak3 but i am sure i can get it if i really need it.
Have i understood the rules: Yes i do

And if i can I may Recored/Live stream.
IGN (In Game Name): John_Quango

Age: 21

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: I played SSP for a long time and started playing on a server recently and thought it was really fun to play with others, share ideas and builds as well as help and get help. Sadly it closed down and that's why i'm here looking for a new group of players to share the fun and exiting experience of playing awesome modpacks. I am familiar with most of the mods in the pack and enjoy the variety. You pretty much never run out of anything to do, build, mess with and every day you discover new features, gadgets or mecanics.

Do you have Teamspeak3: Yes and i intend to use it.

Have you read and understood the rules?: yes!
IGN (In Game Name): Texaporta

Age: 30

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: I enjoy modded Minecraft's more technical aspects as well as setting strange challenges for myself. I've played on a server before which I became a moderator on. This server also had 06koconnell and John_Quango on it. If you are wondering about John then wonder no longer. He comes with good history.

Do you have Teamspeak3: Most VOIP programs I am comfortable using with the exception of Skype due to its resource hogging

Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes
IGN (In Game Name): Afrique617

Age: 27

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: Been playing minecraft on and off since the 1.4.7 mindcrack pack

Do you have Teamspeak3: No

Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes.
-IGN: Nanosight
-Age: 19
-Bio & Experience: I like modded Minecraft more than vanilla, purely due to the fact there's more content to play with. Outside of video games I like to make music and sometimes do pixel drawings when I feel like it.
-Teamspeak3?: Yes, and I'd use it.
What is your IGN: DemonicShadow89
Skype (mandatory)DemonicShadow89
Country/Time Zone:USA Eastern
is your greatest achievement in Minecraft:Building with my Friends building epic builds that to weeks to build
What is your experience with modded Minecraft:4 yrs and counting with Direwolf,monster and Ultimate
how often will you play:10 hours a day
What can you contribute to the server:My experience with Running servers and having my own server also help out new players to the mod pack

What is your favorite part of Minecraft:To its legos and to be able to build epic builds that you come up with in your mind
Do you have Teamspeak3: yes i do
Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes i have read and understand the rules
IGN (In Game Name): Zeplintwo
Age: 38
A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: Vanilla for a few years then switch to other games tell a bout 2 years ago and Found Modded Minecraft. Have been playing on monster,ultimate, and direwolf20 mostly the may have been more. Have been a Admin on a few servers and enjoyed it some times. Also was a Owner of a few open servers and that was cool as long as i could keep the plugins running. Am a heavy automation builder. and trying to dabble into the magical mods as there a some neat items that i have seen thought the DW20 channels and want to try and make a better automation for it(maybe). I also am a big fan of the DW20 youtubes and sometimes watch Soaryn's stream if i can find time for it.
Do you have Teamspeak3: My favorite voice program
Have you read and understood the rules?: Short rule list are the best
IGN: Bubble0seven
AGE: Pre-Historic (40)
Minecraft Experience: Run multiple modded servers and vanilla servers. Been playing DW20 since 1.2.5
Teamspeak: Yes I have it and use it as i am too lazy to type half the time :)

Oh i am a Aussie also :P
IGN (In Game Name): EragonRo

Age: 16 but I'm behaving responsible and as mature as possible

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: I've been playing moded minecraft since 1.0.0 and I've been posting modded minecraft videos for almost 3 years but they are in Romanian (my main launguage)

Do you have Teamspeak3: Yes I have and I can't wai to talk with you guys :D

Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes I have.
IGN (In Game Name): nick5036

Age: 17

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: i enjoy building towers and strip mining.

Do you have Teamspeak3: I dont have teamspeak

Have you read and understood the rules?: I Read them and will follow them
Hello I would like to apply for myself and another friend, I hope that is okay he just currently is not online.

IGN: James110508
Age: 24
Experience: I have over two years of administration and staff experience on minecraft servers, over a decade if you include other games such as Runescape and WoW. Modpack wise I have quite a bit of experience with DW20, including currently over a month of playing it on a different server. I enjoy Big Reactors, Extra Utilities, OpenBlocks, TiCo, Ender IO has been an excellent addition, and I have just recently gotten into Steve's Factory Manager. I participate on the FTB community showcase as well when I find something I like :).
Do you have Teamspeak3: Yep!
Have you read the rules: Yes!

IGN: Xenogami
Age: ~24
Experience: Xeno's experience is far beyond that of mine. He is very knowledgeable in a plethora of mods and has been very helpful in expanding my understanding and abilities in mods. He enjoys helping other players as much as possible and teaching others. Honestly you're better off picking him than me lol.
Do you have Teamspeak3: Yes I believe he does.
Have you read the rules?: Although the rules are basic server rules for anyone who wants a stable server, I have sent the rules from the thread to him and will make sure he's read them. I hope that's okay.

Reason for wanting to join: We're looking for a server that has staff dedicated to keeping the server running smoothly and maintaining a presence on the server. This server seems like it offers a stable place to call home that doesn't have ridiculous bans on items and all that lame stuff. We're looking to create an awesome, very efficient base that isn't going to kill everyone else's experience. I hope to get a reply soon, as we really want to check it out :)
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IGN (In Game Name): Zoothorne and hers Zarella422

Age: we are both 21

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: been playing for about 4 years off and on. ive soloed every boss easly like everyone else. love to build big castles out of ore legitly

Do you have Teamspeak3: I do she doesnt. (only 1 mic)

Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes we agree
IGN (In Game Name): gaaraofthed

Age: 27

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: i have been playing minecraft for a few years now i think since beta 1.7.3.even spend a short time as an admin on a prior server

Do you have Teamspeak3: no. but have no objection to getting it but i have no mic

Have you read and understood the rules?: yes
hi all i am sorry to say we have since closed the dire wolf server but we are still here on ftb with the infinity pack
IGN (In Game Name):TehEpicPeanut

Age: 19

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: I have been playing minecraft since I was 15 and have loved it ever since.
Do you have Teamspeak3: I do and would love to talk

Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes I have
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