Whitelist Server O.D.G Craft| Direwolf 20 1.7 | Mature 18+ | Non PVP | Small White-listed | Dedicated Server

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IGN (In Game Name): Iustius

Age: 23

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: Only started playing Minecraft and FTB this past summer but have loved learning the various mods. Really hoping to find a good MP server because I love to see what other people can do/build.

Do you have Teamspeak3: Yes and will be on frequently if other members use it

Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes I have and I hope everyone abides by them haha
IGN (In Game Name): Wiitarded007

Age: 18

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: I've played Minecraft itself since infdev, and my earliest experience with mods was back when the flying boat came out.

Do you have Teamspeak3: Yes, I like to have others to talk to when playing.

Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes, good and simple.
IGN: Sw33tR0llThief
AGE: 20

I am a college student and I also have a part time job. In between that I like to squeeze in some minecraft for at least an hour every day if possible. I have played minecraft for years and modded minecraft since FTB first put out a modpack. I enjoy being a community member and contributing builds to spawn. I do have Teamspeak and would use it for sure. I also have read and understood the rules.

Thank you for your consideration!
IGN (In Game Name): Hadrosak
Age: 31
A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: Started with vanilla MC 2 years ago, played Tekkit and FTB since 1.4.6.
Do you have Teamspeak3: Yes i do (not a native speaker but i use English on daily basis)
Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes

thank you
IGN (In Game Name): Facepunch317

Age: 14 years, 3 months, 23 days, 15 hours, 26 minutes at the time of posting. Now, I know a fall a little short here, but I'd appreciate the chance to participate within your community. If you still don't want me around after a bit, I'll leave without any fuss.

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: Well, I've been playing on/off for ages, now, since before the Nether was a thing, anyways. A year or 2 ago, I got interested in mods, originally took up Tekkit, then moved to FTB.

Do you have Teamspeak3: Yes, however, I do not have a working mic at the moment.

Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes, simple and fair rules.
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IGN: netjunkie77

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: bought Mc two weeks into the beta. started playing Modded Minecraft in Dec of 2011.

Do you have Teamspeak3: I do have and use TS3.

Have you read and understood the rules?: I have read the rules and understand them.
IGN (In Game Name): damien1114

Age: 20

A little about you and your Minecraft experience?: I've been playing minecraft for about 2 years and modded for about one and a half. Im huge when it comes to tech based mods and the magic based mods

Do you have Teamspeak3: Yep! I used it on my old server.

Have you read and understood the rules?: Yep! Crystal Clear!
IGN (In Game Name): Thumboose

Age:I'm 18 years old

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: I've beenn playing minecraft since 1.2.5 + FTB since the launcher came out

Do you have Teamspeak3: Of corse i have becasue I'm game afterall

Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes, i have read rules and understand them
IGN: DrMurch

Age: 40

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: Iv played for years trying out different mod packs and also run modded servers.

Do you have Teamspeak3: yes i do.

Have you read and understood the rules?: yes and yes.
IGN: RawChickenInc
Age: 15 , you might think oh a 15 year old that plays Minecraft? Must be a troll or a griefer, wel I am happy to say I am not. I am not your stereotypical 15 year old that's mean to other people, no. I actually love to help other people and answer their questions with my own FTB knowledge. And if you don't like me in your server then il just leave because I don't want to be trouble to anyone.

A little about my minecraft experience ( warning huge story, I heard you where interested in it)
How long have you been playing minecraft/FTB packs:
I have been playing regular minecraft for 2 and a half years now. I started with the demo playing that over and over again because I just didn't run out of ideas, I kept thinking about more complex ideas but the demo time limit just didn't cut it, I needed more time so I bought the game because I really wanted to support the creators of the game and I knew this game would last for years without me getting bored of it. I was a noob in the beginning not knowing how to do anything but funny enough now I think back I wish I could be that noob again, reading things on the wiki, having fun exploring things, I even played on peaceful because I was so scared of the mobs. ( I think we all were scared at some point). And then I became informed of all the mods that were out there and I just downloaded a bunch of mods and... I felt like that noob again I had so much fun learning everything again. And then I learned about the mod packs, I first started playing the technic packs and then after that the FTB packs, I spent my whole summer vacation (6 weeks) to learn everything about FTB and create my own giant technical world (without cheating). SUMMARY: Regular minecraft around 2 and a half years, and FTB and other packs for about a year

Do you have teamspeak 3? Yup I do I have used it on many servers sadly all those small community servers got shutdown it was always fun talking to people who understand the packs.

Have you read and understood the rules? Yes I do and I respect them, those are some good rules btw!
IGN (In Game Name): wahle


A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: Been playing minecraft for a long time now and modded minecraft since the FTB packs first started coming out.

Do you have Teamspeak3: Yes I use it, alot of times i will be on my friends TS but I got no problem joining others

Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes I read them and yes I understand, Hope to hear from you soon
IGN (In Game Name): Orbitus2001

Age: 32

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: I have been playing Minecraft and FTB in many different forms since 1.4.7.

Do you have Teamspeak3: I do.

Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes
IGN (In Game Name): Nytro

Age: 22

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: Bought minecraft in beta, was with FTB since the start of it. I always like to make fancy and pointless redstone contraptions to make something look better. Making things look ridiculous was always my kind of thing.

Do you have Teamspeak3: Yuppers

Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes
IGN (In Game Name): Rhokanov

Age: 25

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: I'm fairly new to the modded aspect of minecraft but I played for a long time up until about a year ago. I played on a top ranked survival server helping build some of the best looking towns (won a few server awards as well). Looking forward to getting deep into the functionality/aesthetics of these mods.

Do you have Teamspeak3: Sure do

Have you read and understood the rules?: Sure have.
IGN: pinkdragon8969
AGE: 25
I've played modded MC for 2 years and love building and learning new mods. But project red is my favorite.
I have TS3
I do understand the rules quite clearly.
iGN (In Game Name): caelans123

Age: server me and my friend are both 17 we only play mature servers so you can trust were not going too be annoying little kids:P

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: i started playing mc whatever update before squid came out close too the original halloween update i think and have been playing modded since yogcast started tekkit

Do you have Teamspeak3: i prefer not to use it because i have a constant skype call going on with 4 friends

Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes the rules are very basic easy too follow rules

* My friend i was talking about is atomic667 and is applying about now
iGN (In Game Name):atomic667

Age: 17

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: I started playing minecraft in early 2011 and have been playing ever since, Probably about a year after I started playing was when I started to get into modded minecraft starting with a small tekkit server with some friends, and ever since then I have been playing modded minecraft.
Do you have Teamspeak3: I do have teamspeak.

Have you read and understood the rules?: I have read and clearly understood the rules.

* I am applying alongside caelans123.
IGN (In Game Name): Twostocks

Age: 51

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: Just an old guy that likes to build things. 2+ years of modded goodness

Do you have Teamspeak3: Yep

Have you read and understood the rules?: Yes
IGN (In Game Name): KingGongora

Age: I am 25

A little about you and you Minecraft experience?: I have played Minecraft and FTB since they both launched, with my family mostly. I personally enjoy the mature communities and sharing each others creative builds!

Do you have Teamspeak3: I do yes, and a Mic!

Have you read and understood the rules?: I have both read and understand the rules.
hi there all the server is back up and running sorry about the 2 day down time it was due to a world corruption to which we had to do a complete resart from fresh again sorry about this
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