[1.7.10] Flux Galaxy - A Space-Based MagiTech Modpack

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Yarma thanks for this nice info. I didnt know endermen dropped lilly seeds, if that's the case then i could simply go for an ender hunt in a desert and could collect me some seeds. But i will definitely learn and apply botania tactic in the evening stream today.

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Hmm makes me wonder if there is a mod that allows me to edit mob drops. That way I can add the seeds to Enderminies and Endercreeper rare drops as well.

Edit: apparently it's planned for MineTweaker 3.1
Thanks all who came to watch the stream (http://www.twitch.tv/insomx) yesterday. I will sum up the events here every after stream so lets begin ;)
Yesterday's stream was fun. Made preparations for nether, completely empowered dark armor and in nether I have collected myself some ardite and cobalt and gathered 40 manyullyn ingot worth of both (20 ardite 20 cobalt) and geared toward cleavers. today's stream will be more focused on making manyullyn tools mixed with slime rods after exploring those floating slime islands and gathering slime tree saplings as well and some dungeon exploration afterwards. Maybe we start galacticraft stuff if time allows.
Hope to see you guys there http://www.twitch.tv/insomx

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Hmm makes me wonder if there is a mod that allows me to edit mob drops. That way I can add the seeds to Enderminies and Endercreeper rare drops as well.

Edit: apparently it's planned for MineTweaker 3.1
That's nice to know!

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Thanks all who came to watch the stream (http://www.twitch.tv/insomx) yesterday. I will sum up the events here every after stream so lets begin ;)
Yesterday's stream was fun. Made preparations for nether, completely empowered dark armor and in nether I have collected myself some ardite and cobalt and gathered 40 manyullyn ingot worth of both (20 ardite 20 cobalt) and geared toward cleavers. today's stream will be more focused on making manyullyn tools mixed with slime rods after exploring those floating slime islands and gathering slime tree saplings as well and some dungeon exploration afterwards. Maybe we start galacticraft stuff if time allows.
Hope to see you guys there http://www.twitch.tv/insomx

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I added your twitch page to the OP :)

If anyone else does streams or LPs, then let me know so I can add you the OP as well.
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So, either I'm derping hard of there is a bug in 0.5.11 that I've found. I can't seem to power the Railcraft Rolling Machine. It won't connect to any of the universal cables to get power from the RF system. We're playing on a server and I can't find a way to power it. The Railcraft and Buildcraft engine recipes don't craft on the server. The BC ones work on single player, but back on the server, it doesn't work.

Without the Rolling machine, we can't make steel plates, no steel plates, no progression outside magic.

Has anyone else come across this?
I could power it with ender io stirling engine + conduits otherwise it would have been impossible for me to even start galacticraft

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So, either I'm derping hard of there is a bug in 0.5.11 that I've found. I can't seem to power the Railcraft Rolling Machine. It won't connect to any of the universal cables to get power from the RF system. We're playing on a server and I can't find a way to power it. The Railcraft and Buildcraft engine recipes don't craft on the server. The BC ones work on single player, but back on the server, it doesn't work.

Without the Rolling machine, we can't make steel plates, no steel plates, no progression outside magic.

Has anyone else come across this?
Hmm the BC kinesis pipes should work on the server too. Just use EnderIO energy conduits.
Hmm makes me wonder if there is a mod that allows me to edit mob drops. That way I can add the seeds to Enderminies and Endercreeper rare drops as well.

Edit: apparently it's planned for MineTweaker 3.1
Mobproperties allows that and much more.

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One thing I've run into, and been noticing more now that I'm playing this pack "for real" instead of just messing around and cheating things in if I want to try them, is that meteorites seem stupidly rare. I spent 4 heavy oxygen tanks worth of time flying around the surface of the moon (I love that hangliders work there) and only got a dozen meteoric iron and a lot of boredom. Considering to make AE presses and a T2 rocket to get to Mars (never mind the T3 rocket) I'm going to need 88, this just seems like an annoying grind.
One thing I've run into, and been noticing more now that I'm playing this pack "for real" instead of just messing around and cheating things in if I want to try them, is that meteorites seem stupidly rare. I spent 4 heavy oxygen tanks worth of time flying around the surface of the moon (I love that hangliders work there) and only got a dozen meteoric iron and a lot of boredom. Considering to make AE presses and a T2 rocket to get to Mars (never mind the T3 rocket) I'm going to need 88, this just seems like an annoying grind.

Yeah, it takes quite some time to get all the needed meteors for the last two rockets. When I was "farming" meteors I planted my character on the moon in a small shack with a tree farm for air, for many hours at a time :)
as a side node, it's not true that the leaf blocks are consumed in the air generation process.

I just took a peek at the source code (bless micdoodle8 for releasing it), and it looks like there is a one in 7000 + a one in 21000 chance each tick for a meteors to spawn (per player on the moon, chunk loaders does not count). That is something like one meteors per 4 minutes 22 sec on average.
There meteors spawns ~200 blocks above the head of the players, and have a x,z velocity of +-2.5 blocks/tick, and drops to the ground in ~100 ticks; ie. they land in a square of "radius" 250 around the player.

Just for giggles I plotted a small map of where they landed around my shall moon shack where my player was camping there:
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Yeah, it takes quite some time to get all the needed meteors for the last two rockets. When I was "farming" meteors I planted my character on the moon in a small shack with a tree farm for air, for many hours at a time :)
as a side node, it's not true that the leaf blocks are consumed in the air generation process.

I just took a peek at the source code (bless micdoodle8 for releasing it), and it looks like there is a one in 7000 + a one in 21000 chance each tick for a meteors to spawn (per player on the moon, chunk loaders does not count). That is something like one meteors per 4 minutes 22 sec on average.
There meteors spawns ~200 blocks above the head of the players, and have a x,z velocity of +-2.5 blocks/tick, and drops to the ground in ~100 ticks; ie. they land in a square of "radius" 250 around the player.

Just for giggles I plotted a small map of where they landed around my shall moon shack where my player was camping there:
View attachment 13215
Thats is a pretty awesome map. So do you guys think I should possibly lower the time required? Not by too much, but just not as long as it is atm. How would one go about doing that?(as in what files in the src would I have to edit) I already use a custom build of Galacticraft, but the only thing I removed is a couple of nei handlers for unused machines.
Thats is a pretty awesome map. So do you guys think I should possibly lower the time required? Not by too much, but just not as long as it is atm. How would one go about doing that?(as in what files in the src would I have to edit) I already use a custom build of Galacticraft, but the only thing I removed is a couple of nei handlers for unused machines.

In src/main/java/micdoodle8/mods/galacticraft/core/entities/player/GCPlayerHandler.java there is throwMeteors, you could lower the number (1000) in there to increase the spawn rate on all planets:
final int f = (int) (((IGalacticraftWorldProvider) world.provider).getMeteorFrequency() * 1000D);

or to increase it on the moon only, by lower getMeteorFrequency() in src/main/java/micdoodle8/mods/galacticraft/core/dimension/WorldProviderMoon.java
(per player on the moon, chunk loaders does not count)
TIL taking a break from meteor hunting to go back to the overworld and work on Thaumcraft research isn't helping matters. :confused:

Edit to add a quick calculation: 4 min 22 secs * 88 needed to get AE + T2 = just under 6 and a half hours needed to be spent on the moon, assuming you don't overlook any of them.
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Thats is a pretty awesome map. So do you guys think I should possibly lower the time required? Not by too much, but just not as long as it is atm. How would one go about doing that?(as in what files in the src would I have to edit) I already use a custom build of Galacticraft, but the only thing I removed is a couple of nei handlers for unused machines.
This too has been a source of frustration. Even the tier 3 rocket requires a ridiculous amount of meteors as well (more than 160 for both tier2 and 3 rockets). I think either reducing the amount of meteor needed in the recipes or increasing the spawn rate would be good.
However, understanding how they spawn now, it'd probably be easier to farm them, but it does mean spending a lot of time sitting still doing nothing.
At the very least, I wish luck enchanted tools would have a chance to drop more than one fragment when mining the meteors.[DOUBLEPOST=1414084058][/DOUBLEPOST]
TIL taking a break from meteor hunting to go back to the overworld and work on Thaumcraft research isn't helping matters. :confused:

Edit to add a quick calculation: 4 min 22 secs * 88 needed to get AE + T2 = just under 6 and a half hours needed to be spent on the moon, assuming you don't overlook any of them.
Took about a week for a friend and I to get to Mars without cheating.

edit: one small suggestion, maybe add the servertools mod to the server package? :o
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Yah there a couple administration type mods like that. ESM and Forge Essentials to name two. Main reason I don't include them is because I think it should be up to server admins to add what they want. Only server-side mod I added was Morpheus.

Also regarding ProjectE:
I have decided to go ahead and not include ProjectE at all. Even at end-game it kinda defeats the purpose for a lot of other end-game stuff. Also disabling all the possible ways to get infinite emc will be a pretty hard task and will probably end up messing up recipes from other mods. So if this bums you out, then sorry. Luckily 1.7 allows mods to be added easily and MineTweaker allows servers to use their own recipes, so you can add it and "balance" it even if you run a server. Will be updating changelog tonight. Luckily 0.6pre1 wasn't approved yet, so I will re-submit with the fixed modlist, configs, and scripts.