[1.7.10] Rebirth V2.9.10 | Mekanism 8 | Custom Mods | Very Stable | 7/24

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Do you plan on adding Biome O plenty or Alternate Terrain Generation ? Vanilla generation is a bit limited imo.
Do you plan on adding Biome O plenty or Alternate Terrain Generation ? Vanilla generation is a bit limited imo.

It may be up for consideration for 1.2.X, at which point we would perform a map reset (which would be required if we add any type of extra world gen mods like BOP). However, this is not planned for anytime soon.
Our goal for 1.1.X is to fine tune the pack to add a complete set of quests, migrate to Forge as much as possible (as opposed to using bukkit plugins), and to add a lot of balancing tweaks that offer players enough challenge to keep them hooked and not able to just blast through a large mod in a day or two.

Minor update -
We have added a few more quests, performed more fine tuning to server configs, and will be entering into a 1.1.2 test phase this weekend. We will be testing out changes for 1.1.2 on our test server and will be keeping players up to date on what we have planned. We will be adding IguanaTweaks, Hunger Overhaul, and Minetweaker+ModTweaker.

Our plans for each of these three are:

Iguana Tweaks - heavily configure this mod to gently encourage players to utilize TiC... actually, it will be more like encourage players to NOT use vanilla tools. May not necessarily just bump vanilla tool durability to 1, but rather give TiC a MUCH better appeal over vanilla tool.

Hunger Overall - sort of the same as above. We will be looking at the difficulty and complexity to craft various foods i n the game and adjust hunger/saturation payouts accordingly. Again, we don't want vanilla undermining the effectiveness of mods. Players will still have access to vanilla foods and be able to eat them to restore hunger, but mods like Harvestcraft and Natura will have much more appeal over just a handful of steaks.

Mine/modtweaker - fix/change recipes of half broken mods. Example is Modular Powersuits. The mod has indeed been updated for 1.7.10, but the Thermal Expansion recipe list has not, leaving some of the MPS recipes broken. We will try to incorporate Mekanism, TE, and even a little bit of ProjRed into MPS recipes. We may also investigate other recipes from other mods that could use some tweaking to make mods play better with each other. Don't worry, we won't be completely overhauling recipes to the point where they are unoriginal or overcomplicated. We may also disable some items for more specific reasons.

We have also discussed removing the FLORA mod. This mod was added during 1.0.X as a temporary substitute to Modular Powersuits. After playing with the mod, we felt it was way too overpowered. Basically, you can become a walking nuclear bomb with no consequence to you at little effort (early/mid TE progression) - the armor doesn't consume power nor does it have durability.

Remote IO (NOT to be confused with Ender IO) is on the chopping block as well. Doesn't provide any unique or over favorable features when compared against other mods in the pack. In other words, we haven't seen anyone use it nor even know what it is. Other mods in the pack already do what it can do, and players are a lot more familiar with those other mods.

Stay tuned for more updates, and feel free to get in touch with us to give us feedback, suggestions and requests![DOUBLEPOST=1413126910,1413061666][/DOUBLEPOST]Grief Prevention was removed due to it causing serious client side FPS drops.
Pretty much your average donate to play site disguised as a modpack. If you try to play single player, it will quit at some point and put you in the multiplayer window, showing you their server listing. Server is nice until you add your first chest, then everything seems to break. I'm sure the owners will dispute the "donate to play" bit claiming cosmetic only items, and maybe that's so, but in the long run, everything breaks if you don't pay. Please release a modpack that doesn't include the involuntary force-jerk and I'll look at it again.
Pretty much your average donate to play site disguised as a modpack. If you try to play single player, it will quit at some point and put you in the multiplayer window, showing you their server listing. Server is nice until you add your first chest, then everything seems to break. I'm sure the owners will dispute the "donate to play" bit claiming cosmetic only items, and maybe that's so, but in the long run, everything breaks if you don't pay. Please release a modpack that doesn't include the involuntary force-jerk and I'll look at it again.
I find this pretty funny. I've been playing for about 3 weeks without paying and have a very solid setup. As for the single player crashing to the server list, Unstable does the same thing for me. Does that mean ftb is a donate to play group?
Pretty much your average donate to play site disguised as a modpack. If you try to play single player, it will quit at some point and put you in the multiplayer window, showing you their server listing. Server is nice until you add your first chest, then everything seems to break. I'm sure the owners will dispute the "donate to play" bit claiming cosmetic only items, and maybe that's so, but in the long run, everything breaks if you don't pay. Please release a modpack that doesn't include the involuntary force-jerk and I'll look at it again.

I'll break this down point by point.

1) What do you mean single player will just quit at some point? If the game is kicking you out of single player, then please report this as a bug. We have not implemented anything that tries to force players to play on the included server.

The ONLY method we took to add our server to the pack was by having one of us log into our multiplayer server then dropping the generated server.list file into the modpack. THAT'S IT. Nothing should be forcing you to play on our server only.

Again, if you are having any issues staying on single player, PLEASE report this issue to us as a bug and include any logs. We are simply including our server with the pack - not forcing it on anyone.

2) Yes, it is cosmetic only. We our doing are absolute best to fund the server in a way that doesn't break our wallets nor breaks the new EULA. If you think we are breaking any legal contracts or terms of service, please inform us and we will review our donate features and ensure everyone is happy.

Our intent is to allow everyone equal access to all items and features that affect gameplay while rewarding those who support our server costs. Trust us, we will not try to exploit players of their money.

The Minecraft community already has a bad reputation with that, and we certainly don't want to represent the Minecraft community negatively. We will NOT be implementing any sort of pay to win feature, period.

We will be implementing website and community features in the future to add more transparency to server costs and funding, and to implement better methods of funding our costs and growth. Things like Patreon and even stretch goals where ALL community members are rewarded for achieved goals are in the talks/works.

We are not hosting this server on our home computers. We are utilizing a 24/7 hosting company to deliver quality server experience. However, please be aware servers are never free and we are still a small community. It's not unusual for the community owners to pay out of pocket, so we are doing what we can. Work with us =)

3) We put the Grief Prevention plugin on our server recently as a temporary place holder protection method until MyTown2 is fully updated and ready. However, a few days of this plugin on our server revealed that it was having severe compatibility/performance issues. We have since resolved the issue - the plugin was removed, and all affiliated issues were thus resolved.

Bukkit development is pretty much at a stand still, with things like Spigot and Cauldron using binary patches. Between this and the majority of plugins not getting updates anymore, we will expect these kind of issues and work quickly to resolve them. Our ultimate goal is to migrate completely to Forge/Sponge (when it's released), and get away from bukkit as much as possible, since plugins will keep breaking more and more as time passes on.
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so is there any reason as to why immibis core is in there? I'm just wondering because you dont have any of the mods you need it for.
so is there any reason as to why immibis core is in there? I'm just wondering because you dont have any of the mods you need it for.

Thanks for pointing that out. We will be cleaning up the modpack with the 1.1.2 update. Eureka also needs to be removed - an API for BC, which we don't have.

What's the grief protection plugin now ? And how does it work ?

Currently, nothing. We may put on LWC. It's going to be a bit difficult finding a working, up to date plugin. Already running into issues with several plugins since development for Bukkit has halted due to the DCMA takedowns. Ideally, we would use MyTown since it's a server side mod, but it's still under development for 1.7.10. MyTown IS our ultimate choice, though. Bear with us.
Will there be a server download available soon?

We currently do not have plans to include a server download. We may eventually release one, but we are focused on the pack itself. Once we feel the pack is near completion (still making config tweaks, balancing changes), we may then focus on building a server download. It depends also on the popularity of the pack and demand of a server download.

New changes for 1.1.2:

Map will be reset. Current players will be given the chance to pack up their stuff and hold onto it. We will move all player data through the reset. A map reset is required due to the inclusion of Biomes O Plenty in 1.1.2, and due to some chunk corruption issues we are currently encountering. Yes, you heard right - BoP will be included in the next update!
I'm having an issue updating to 1.1.2 it doesn't seem to apply the update, and when I join the server i'm disconnected for having the wrong mod versions. is anyone else having this problem? 1.1.1 worked perfectly fine.
I'm having an issue updating to 1.1.2 it doesn't seem to apply the update, and when I join the server i'm disconnected for having the wrong mod versions. is anyone else having this problem? 1.1.1 worked perfectly fine.
I had the same problem. If you download the technic launcher, they also have a copy of the pack there. You can get the info on teamspeak. That worked for me and possible made the ftb version work.
I'm having an issue updating to 1.1.2 it doesn't seem to apply the update, and when I join the server i'm disconnected for having the wrong mod versions. is anyone else having this problem? 1.1.1 worked perfectly fine.

I noticed the same issue, however, upon deleting the Rebirth folder from my FTB folder, and redownloading it, it worked.

Also, IguanaTweaks has been disabled due to incompatibility with Cauldron. I know I know... we are slowly trying to get away from Bukkit altogether. Maybe in a future update....
For anyone whanting to make a server of your own heres a quick guide
get latest forge same one on your rebirth client install server where you whant it then copy mods and config folders from your rebirth client thing and make a start.bat file to start the server works like a charm no lag at all im really graceful for this stable modpack btw ^^ ty
Resolved an issue with our server force restarting. A plugin was to blame (of course) - more reason for us to keep pushing ourselves away from bukkit plugins.