I Derp, You Derp, We all Derp, What's your's?

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So here's my derp

I'm playing the new hqm crash landing map right I die inside my ship due to water my grave is next to my sync shell i think we'll water is disabled til re log and hunger barely changesmy ship door is closeds
and all my items are in a grave so they won't despawn so why not grab a snack

20 minuts later come back and I'm dead with a skeliton on me and I remember graves spawn skeliton

That world is no more
I blew up a RoC Performance engine tonight! WEEE!
Left it on by accident from when I was setting up my magnetizing unit (without a water supply). Kept working on the setup, heard a hissss sound. "What the-" BOOM! "Hrm." :(
Back in 1.4.2 I went mining and mined an ore on the ground. By the time I realized there was lava directly underneath, I had already gone down to get the ore. I lost my nanosuit and the 15+ iridium I had picked up on that mining trip. I am now always cautious when mining, and I never mine with the volume off.
Back in 1.4.2 I went mining and mined an ore on the ground. By the time I realized there was lava directly underneath, I had already gone down to get the ore. I lost my nanosuit and the 15+ iridium I had picked up on that mining trip. I am now always cautious when mining, and I never mine with the volume off.
I usually manage to do this at least once a world. Been playing since early beta.

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So I was in my mines when suddenly a cow walks by.
Apparently, it wandered inside my open door (really just a hole in the wall) from the hills outside, found its way to my staircase, and happened to end up by me.
Well, either that, or Eyamaz infiltrated my personal modpack, or Mikee is now trolling via pathfinding and tracking cows... I did almost think it was a hostile mob.
I turned my sound off and a creeper came up to me and destroyed my main power gen (mekanism hydrogen power). It was pretty annoying to get another power gen setup since the parts are fairly expensive.
I had a very nice world on the old ultimate pack I had NO home FULLY end game cuz laziness....
That's not my derp yet...
I was growing nodes via silverwood+dartcraft cheats+hoe of growth I got a 10k node but that's not my derp...
I wanted to make some ultimate hybrid solar panels but my SINGLE mass fab was not fast enough (still not the derp) so I worked for a LOOONG while getting some extra biofuel steam boilers (a fuck ton) then I did the badness
.. I hooked my mass fab up to ev power... that was right next to my me system... and automation... I crashed and when I logged back in I was still alive (cheaty power suit) but all my stuff was gone... and my 10k node vanished (nodes where kinda glitchy back then).... but that was not my derp... no... my derp was.. making a ugly ass ward home via cheaty vajra then never moving in.... XD but don't worry I did use some tricky to restore my save.. seriously at the time I thought the house looked good... (it was terrible)

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Discovered how hard it is to fight the Wither without any containment available (FTB Unstable). Well, could've at least used better armor than diamond! And bow 'n arrow is also a thing.
But I also discovered that iron golems deal tons of damage to him, couldn't have killed him without.
Set up a turtle to mine while i was afk. It mined.... half my base lol. Never goibg afk in minecraft again lol.
This is an irl thing, but apparently spending a few hundred dollars on a mechanical keyboard when you're using rubber domes is the worst possible thing you can do to get a quieter keyboard.
Maybe the solution is just to relocate away from people who are studying, but honestly, those mechanical keyboards are louder than a chainsaw at full tilt even when you're using the keys quietly -.-
This is an irl thing, but apparently spending a few hundred dollars on a mechanical keyboard when you're using rubber domes is the worst possible thing you can do to get a quieter keyboard.
Maybe the solution is just to relocate away from people who are studying, but honestly, those mechanical keyboards are louder than a chainsaw at full tilt even when you're using the keys quietly -.-
you don't buy mechanical for the noise reduction period...

you buy it for the key travel characteristics
I removed my nether portal temporarily and told my buddy at the server "please don't use the nether portal atm, I'm relocating it".
Suddenly, while I was crafting something I heard zombie pigmen and as I turned around there was a nether portal right in the middle of the room.
Turned out that he only stood in the portal in the nether for a second or so (and didn't get teleported) and then realized this was the wrong one.
I didn't know that the portal on the other side is created even when you just stand in it for a short time. Or maybe it was the pigman which went through the portal.
I removed my nether portal temporarily and told my buddy at the server "please don't use the nether portal atm, I'm relocating it".
Suddenly, while I was crafting something I heard zombie pigmen and as I turned around there was a nether portal right in the middle of the room.
Turned out that he only stood in the portal in the nether for a second or so (and didn't get teleported) and then realized this was the wrong one.
I didn't know that the portal on the other side is created even when you just stand in it for a short time. Or maybe it was the pigman which went through the portal.
I tink the portal just acts as a force spawner (if the nether is unloaded they will still spawn from the portal) which is nice if you want to create a pigman farm: just create a bunch of large portals and a water channel to a kill zone
My derp is just a stupid derp...
I butt rushed the twilight forest, as I had diamonds, but next to no iron. I set a way point at the portal (as I spawned on top of that forest biome that gives blindness) and set a waypoint in the first ore hill I found.
I get killed while in that mine, and forgetting that Blood Magic spawns you with less health (dunno if that fix has been released or not) I TP straight back the the waypoint (I dont like walking 200 blocks with blindness :P) and get killed by the exact same mob that killed me before