As of v2.3.14 map is now a separate download for the client and as of version 2.7.3 for the server! Main Menu has a download button.
You can now download Content packs!
You will once again need a code for the FTB launcher: tolkienadv2
Draconis is in danger. You arrive just as the call for help is sent across the land by the king looking for able-bodied citizens to join the guard to help with monster attacks that are on the rise!
Journey through a town that is thriving and interactive. Help the merchants out with tasks and slowly uncover the darker side of what is happening here and ultimately try to bring peace back to this troubled land.
Combining CustomNPC's and HQM for a true MMO experience, you will talk to npc's, kill bosses and adventure in the land of draconis in ways you have not yet experienced in a modpack!
Currently the only modpack to utilize the customnpc mod AND HQM together and featured on the customnpc website!
In an homage to the world’s of Tolkien(no ic2 here!) I have put together this modpack to bring back adventure to minecraft. Centered around a magic and low-tech theme, you can choose to become a farming magnate or travel to middle-earth and strive to be a powerful warrior or mage or even get married!
There is variety in the overworld as well! With Biome’s ‘O Plenty you will not only have a wide range of lands to visit and explore, but you will also have variety with Ars Magica, Roguelike Dungeons, and MineCraft Comes Alive. The adventuring has just begun!
Still not enough? Not only will you have access to all the overworld biomes and features but with Witchery and Extra Utilities you will have access to exotic dimensions to explore as well!
So have fun and enjoy the Fantasy world of Middle-Earth!
….and in the darkness mine them.
The all-new and improved TolkienCraft modpack is now available! Quests used in a way you haven't seen before (I hope) and not in a skyblock format.Yes, that's right, all the love and openess of standard modded minecraft with an MMO feel!
I do ask that anyone playing keep these things in mind:
- If you truly wish to donate, I have finally added this to make it possible.
- The Regions that come with this modpack map should not be built in, as updates are released they will be overwritten.
- The Mods are in relatively stable status, but are still considered beta. If you run across a crash, please report it at the modpacks website.
- You can download additional content now.
- MOST IMPORTANTLY - Please provide feedback.
- Now with more FAQ! Please Read before posting.
Currently the recommended version released is 2.9.5 for SSP and SMP.
Now with an un-official, official texture pack! Head over to BDCraft to check it out!
Also now with more server! This is limited to 10 people. Thanks to a partnership with the guys at Aim2Game!. If you are interested in using them as your minecraft host you can use promo code GO25 for 25% off of everything they offer for as long as you are a customer or GO50 for 50% off your first month!
If you are interested in applying for this server: http://www.tolkiencraft.com/home/server-rules/
and for those interested in donating:
As of update 2.3.14 I will no longer include the map with the modpack download. You will, however, be able to download it from Curse.com as well as content packs. This means I can decrease the size of the modpack download, and increase the size of the map (I have ideas that this ability is important).

What this means for players: Nothing, existing worlds will not be affected any differently than when the map is included. You will still handle updates normally, only now one extra step of downloading the map separately. I will also be including a button on the main menu as a direct link to the download location.
Special thanks to the following:As of update 2.3.14 I will no longer include the map with the modpack download. You will, however, be able to download it from Curse.com as well as content packs. This means I can decrease the size of the modpack download, and increase the size of the map (I have ideas that this ability is important).

What this means for players: Nothing, existing worlds will not be affected any differently than when the map is included. You will still handle updates normally, only now one extra step of downloading the map separately. I will also be including a button on the main menu as a direct link to the download location.
For all their hard work and willingness to share that work with all of you, show them some love!
For those experiencing performance problems, many users have experienced results from one or more of these added:- @SatanicSanta and his JVM arguments
- Optifine (I use this too and it doesn't seem to have any issues with this pack)
- and FastCraft by player
Thanks go out to everyone who provided open-source music, graphics, schematics, etc that I used to help build this map. Below are the ones I can remember or remembered to write down. (If you recognize anything in the pack and know who made it, please let me know in a PM and I'll verify and make sure you get listed!)
Nearly all music was provided by:- Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
- Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
- Jonas Lefvert (jonaslefvert.com)
- Inspiration behind the acoustic version of Concerning Hobbits
- @Vals NoisyToys (twitch.tv/valsnoisytoys)
- Voice acting for HQM lore
For those of you seeking more direction when you first get started, @Vals NoisyToys has graciously thrown together a video to explain the beginning basics!Courtesy of @Vals NoisyToys - Instruction for transferring between map updates.
Update Process (Primarily migrating from version prior to 2.2.x):
This is how you will transfer stuff to newly generated worlds from an existing world- BEFORE UPDATING: move all your stuff including trinkets OFF your character and put it in chests in a new region (ie your base) and/or in the bank. I suggest you put a care package in the bank (Charm of Dislocation set to your base, perhaps a suit of armor, weapons and tools as well). Save and quit.
- AFTER UPDATING: Launch, and generate a new world. Then save and quit.
- In the folder the pack is installed to do the following to transfer your stuff:
- in the saves folder of newly created world
- copy FROM the old world saves folder TO the new world saves folder
- copy over saves\mapwriter_sp_worlds\OLDWORLDNAME folder (This will save your map markers.)
- rename the folder for mapwriter to the same as the new world you generated
- Under your saves\OLDWORLDNAME folder copy over the following to the saves\NEWWORLDNAME folder:
- AE2 folder
- AM2PowerData
- backpacks folder (to keep items in backpacks)
- customnpcs\playerdata folder (to keep npc quest progress, bank contents)
- copy all data from the dimensions you've been in
- DIM-1 - Nether
- DIM1 - The End?
- any other DIM-xx folders you've visited
- DIMStorage folder
- enderstorage folder (to keep contents in ender chests / tanks)
- hardcorequesting folder (to keep hqm quest progress)
- JABBA folder (to keep barrel contents)
- playerdata folder (Thaum aspects and research)
- RedstoneEther folder
- under the middle-earth folder (if you've visited it)
- follow the same procedure for the middle-earth region files as listed below for the overworld region files
- (overworld) region folder: copy over any region files that are NOT the same as the ones created in the new folder
- it is VERY important to ONLY copy ones that are NOT in the new folder
- to keep morph data copy the MorphSave section in yout old level.dat over via NBTExplorer: Data > Player > ForgeData > PlayerPersisted > MorphSave
- copy over saves\mapwriter_sp_worlds\OLDWORLDNAME folder (This will save your map markers.)
2.1.x to 2.1.y
- copy the customnpcs folder
- FROM TolkienCraftII\minecraft\template TO TolkienCraftII\minecraft\saves\YOURWORLDNAME
- Copy JUST the region files from TolkienCraft II\minecraft\template\region to the same folder in your current world's save.
- Otherwise, update and continue playing as normal.
Changelog:- As of v2.8.0 I am posting the updates on the website at http://tolkiencraft.com
- Update v2.6.6
- This update fixes some of the map issues I was seeing as well as updates several mods.
- Mods Updated
- AsieLib
- BDLib
- AgriCraft
- Applied Energistics
- BiblioCraft
- Blood Magic
- BuildCraft
- Extra Utilities
- Gendustry
- The Lord of the Rings
- Magic Bees
- NEI Add-ons
- Thaumic Energistics
- Unique Artifacts
- Update v2.6.4
- Core Mods Updated
- Aroma Core
- BDLib
- Immibis Core
- Mods Updated
- AgriCraft
- Ancient Warfare
- Antique Atlas
- Applied Energistics
- Aura Cascade
- Binnie's Mods
- Botania (We will be staying at version 193 until further notice due to the damage cap Vazkii coded into her mod)
- BuildCraft
- Chisel 2
- Decocraft
- Dimensional Anchors
- Extra Cells 2
- Forestry
- Gendustry
- JourneyMap
- Logistics Pipes (You will still see an update alert since this is a different branch for BC 7.x)
- Magic Bees
- Mystcraft
- NEI Thaumcraft
- NEI Integration
- Resource Loader (Fixes resource packs resetting every load)
- Storage Drawers
- Iguanaman TCon Tweaks
- Wawla
- Few minor config tweaks
- Core Mods Updated
- Update v2.6.3
- Core Mods updated
- BDLib
- Forge
- MultiPart
- MrTJPCore
- Mods Updated
- Binnie's Mods
- BuildCraft
- Gendustry
- NEI Addons
- Project:Red
- TolkienTweaks
- This update was to fix a Multipart crash that occurred when placing and trying to select multiparts in your inventory.
- Update v2.6.1
- Mods Removed
- Extended Potions
- Mods Added
- BrandonsCore
- PotionID Helper
- Mods Updated
- Core Mods
- BDLib
- Regular Mods
- Aura Cascade
- Binnie's Mods
- Botania
- Blood Magic
- BuildCraft
- Extra Utilities
- Forestry
- Gendustry
- Gravestone Mod
- JourneyMap
- Logisitc Pipes
- MystCraft
- NEI Addons
- Pam's HarvestCraft
- Storage Drawers
- Tinker's Construct
- Traveler's Gear
- Unique Artifacts
- Witching Gadgets
- Core Mods
- Configs Changes
- Potion ID's fixed...again
- Minor Tweaks for balance based on player input
- Hand of Ender in botania - Can only view your inventory and not that of other players
- Gravestones SHOULD have the death tracker issue fixed so Mob farms SHOULD be a thing again!
- With all the fixes lately, I have re-enabled catacombs, they should be a thing to generate again, They were missed horribly
- Map Changes
- Made warehouse in WyvernHaven a real one, this is primarily for the benefit of servers to have a community chest of sorts, for single player, you will be able to store excess items until you can get situated
- Windmills in Hobbiton are a real thing now thanks to Ancient Warfare
- Farms in Draconis have been updated for agricraft (was done in 2.6.0 actually)
- New Quest in Helm's Deep for those downloading the extended content
- Minor tweaks and fixes noticed while wandering around
- Mods Removed
- Update! - v2.5.0 - Using Forge 1389
- Mods Added
- Better Loading Screen
- ExtraTiC (Now with more Draconic Evolution compatibility!)
- Lolnet Pack Identifier (This mod is ONLY for players who wish to play on the lolnet servers so you will be able to join the lobby rather than get booted if the server crashes)
- Mods Removed
- RedGear Core
- BrewCraft
- Mods Updated
- AsieLib
- BDLib
- CodeChicken Core
- CofH Core
- Forge
- Multipart
- iChun Utilities
- OpenModsLib
- SlimeVoid
- MrTJP Core
- Antique Atlas
- Applied Energistics
- Aquaculture
- Artifice
- Aura Cascade
- BiblioCraft
- Biomes O' Plenty
- Blood Magic
- Botania
- BuildCraft
- Carpenter's Blocks
- Chisel
- Crafting Manager
- Deco Craft
- Dense Ores
- Draconic Evolution
- Ender Storage
- Extra Cells
- Extra Utilities
- Jabba
- Logistics Pipes
- Lord of the Rings
- Magic Bees
- Mystcraft
- NEI Add-ons
- Node Tracker
- Open Blocks
- Ore Dictionary Converter
- Pam's HarvestCraft
- Project:Red
- RailCraft
- Redstone Arsenal
- Refined Relocation
- Resource Loader
- Storage Drawers
- Thaumic Energistics
- Thaumic Tinker
- The Camping Mod
- Thermal Foundation, Dynamics and Expansion
- TiC Tooltips
- Tinker's Construct
- Wawla
- Witchery
- Witching Gadgets
- Configs changed/updated
- Finally think I have the ore spawning fixed so shiny metal will spawn in new terrain
- A Few other config tweaks
- PHEW! that was a heck of a list!
- Update v2.4.9
- Mods Updated
- Botania
- BuildCraft
- Draconic Evolution
- MystCraft
- TolkienTweaks
- Wonderous Steam Power
- Custom Main Menu
- FastCraft
- Work continues on the DLC! Check out image progress at pretty much all the social media things
- Update v2.4.8
- Mods Added
- Thaumic Expansion
- Mods Updated
- Immibis Core
- Applied Energistics
- Aura Cascade
- Botania
- BuildCraft
- CustomNPC's
- Draconic Evolution
- Extra Cells
- Extra Utilities
- Logistic Pipes
- Lord of the Rings
- MystCraft
- Project:Red
- Roguelike Dungeons
- Storage Drawers
- Thaumic Tinker
- Witching Gadgets
- Minor config changes
- Map had bugs and has been updated, unless you have purchased a home in WyvernHaven or Hobbiton, updating should not cause any harm (still always backup first!)
- MANY quests added to HQM bringing the total quests in the pack to almost 300!
- Mods Added
- Update v2.4.6 - The Quest Update
- New Mods Added
- Witching Gadgets
- Crafting Manager
- Mods Updated
- AsieLib
- CoFH Core
- Forge MultiPart
- OpenModsLib
- Artifice
- Applied Energistics 2
- Aura Cascade
- BiblioCraft
- Binnie's Mods
- Blood Magic
- Botania
- BuildCraft
- DecoCraft
- Draconic Evolution
- Ender Storage
- Extra Cells
- Logistics Pipes
- OpenBlocks
- Project:Red
- Redstone Arsenal
- Refined Relocation
- Storage Drawers
- Thaumic Tinker
- The Camping Mod
- Thermal Dynamics, Foundation, Expansion
- Tinkers Construct
- Tinkers Mechworks
- Tolkien Tweaks
- Traveler's Gear
- Witchery
- Wonderous Steam Power
- Custom Main Menu
- Not Enough Codecs
- OpenEye
- Iguanaman's Tinker Tweaks
- Configs Changed
- Suffice to say a bunch - Flight is now only available after killing the wither (Morph Mod). This change was made to balance out since the pack really does suffer from having flight so early.
- Other minor tweaks based on player input
- Silver Coins no longer craftable - Yes, this means you need to start earning them.
- Quest/Dialog Work
- Finished the Main quest line.
- Added a couple more side-quests
- Dialog tweaks - Huge thanks goes to @Mikhaila666 as he gave all the npc's their own personality!
- New Mods Added
- v2.4.3
- Mods Updated
- BDLib
- CoFH Core
- Artifice
- Aura Cascade
- Binnie's Mods
- Blood Magic
- Botania
- BuildCraft
- Draconic Evolution
- Extra Cells
- Gendustry
- Logistic Pipes
- Node Tracker
- Pam's HarvestCraft
- Thaumic Tinker
- Thermal Dynamics
- Thermal Expansion
- Thermal Foundation
- Traveller's Gear
- Mod's Removed
- CoFHLib
- Configs Changed
- I believe I have fixed the potion effect issue once and for all
- minor tweaks from feedback from players and work on the dev server
- More of the main quest line completed
- Mods Updated
- Beta Update v2.4.2
- New Mods
- Thermal Dynamics
- FastCraft
- Updated Mods
- BDLib
- CoFH Core
- CoFH Lib
- Binnie's Mods
- Botania
- Carpenter's Blocks
- Draconic Evolution
- Gendustry
- Jabba
- Node Tracker
- Project:Red
- Redstone Arsenal
- Refined Relocation
- Roguelike Dungeons
- Storage Drawers
- Thaumcraft
- Thaumic Tinkerer
- Thermal Expansion
- Tinkers Mechworks
- TolkienTweaks
- Traveler's Gear
- Flaxbeard's Wonderous Steam Power
- Antique Atlas
- NEI Add-ons
- NEI Integration
- Waila
- Configs Changed
- Potion ID's have hopefully been thoroughly worked out, please let me know if you have any potion effect issues (this update may break any existing potions, but then, this is why this is beta)
- Protections put in place for some items
- Some items from thaumic tinkerer have been disabled (Server killers mostly)
- Blacklisting of Middle-Earth dimension for Unique Artifacts
- Other Changes
- Corrected dialogs and quests from CustomNPC's (Thank you @@BerryRJ )
- Added a few more quests (There are only a couple, to set up the quest ideas)
- New NPC's in place in preparation for the new quests and hopefully a full release soon(tm)
- Fixed HQM
- Downgraded Railcraft back to because of HQM breaking changes
- Map-wise, Hobbiton and Mount Doom are complete, you can now buy houses in Middle-Earth!
- Server version will now be available - This is intended for testing purposes and should not be done to a busy/live server unless you know what you are doing.
- Various other tweak too many to remember (Thanks to the LOLNET team for help on server-side tweaks
- Special thanks to everyone who provided feed back from the last release to help improve this release!
- New Mods
- As before, this is a beta release and most likely will require a reset (this is what testing is for on a mass scale
) I will mention, that even with a stable release, anyone moving from 2.3.x to 2.4.x will require a reset due to the massive amount of changes, I apologize, but this was necessary in order to move forward with some ideas we have (trust me, I feel it will be worth it)
- Special Update - v2.4.0
- This is the first of the content update!
- This is not set as recommended and WILL require a reset (new map) due to the large number of changes, so only people who are risk-takers or want to help bug test should play this version
- New Mods Added
- Aura Cascade
- TC Node Tracker
- ClothingCraft
- Cosmetic Armor
- TolkienTweaks (Mod made specifically for this pack, special features unique to minecraft (I hope))
- Mods Updated
- AsieLib
- BDLib
- Forge MultiPart
- RedGear Core
- Applied Energistics
- Ars Magica
- Botania
- BuildCraft
- Extra Cells
- Logistic Pipes
- Lord of the Rings
- Project Red
- RailCraft
- Storage Drawers
- Thaumic Energistics
- Thaumic Exploration
- Thaumic Tinker
- Flaxbeard's Wonderous Steam Power
- NEI Integration
- Thaumic NEI
- Config Tweaks
- More work to try to fix the combustion issue
- Couple more blood magic tweaks
- Multiple other tweaks from user input
- New towns in the downloadable map!
- In the overworld
- WyvernHaven - Small town, with some special features! There is a spleef arena and the ability to buy houses!
- DragonBurg - Larger town and they are definitely a manufacturing city! Large outdoor market
- In Middle-Earth
- Hobbiton can now be visited!
- While not a town, Mount Doom is now available!
- In the overworld
- This update is the first in a roadmap that will further set apart TolkienCraft as a unique modpack!
- Prior release information available at my website
- These people have pledged on Patreon and are simply awesome!
- Goshen
- Putzaroo
- Birdie
- Teagan
- TexCubSF
- captainrbaker
- Soulrift
- GlitchN11
Please show some love for these wonderful streamers and youtubers who are showcasing this modpack!
Please show some love for these wonderful streamers and youtubers who are showcasing this modpack!
- @Vals NoisyToys
- YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/user/valsnoisytoys
- Twitch - http://www.twitch.tv/valsnoisytoys
- Prosper Craft
- YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/ProsperCraft
- Twitch - http://www.twitch.tv/prospercraft
- MCKerrnel
- YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/MCKerrnel
- @Ogreboy
- Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/user/ogreslash
- @Matthewk1000
- TheArikast
- YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/TheArikast
- Anton CrinkleCraft
- Flothar
- Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/user/Flothar94
- gamer55561
- Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/user/gamer55561
- xSnowstep
- Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/user/xsnowstep
- Prosper Craft
- Kyrriam
- Youtube -https://www.youtube.com/user/Kyrriam
- Lanceypooh
- Modii101
- Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/user/TheModii101
- NCNexus
- YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/TheNCNexus
- HuskyMudKipz
- TitaniumGamingMedia

Special thanks go to the following players for their enormous help in making this pack what it is and helping me get out of beta! (These are the ones who have an NPC in-game)
Special thanks go to the following players for their enormous help in making this pack what it is and helping me get out of beta! (These are the ones who have an NPC in-game)
- @Vals NoisyToys - Bug testing dialog changes and the awesome opening soundbite for the HQM manual
- @Garret Jax - Bug testing and a bunch of the quests for the custom NPC's
- @kittana and Hikarr- Bug testing and grammatical errors (and Hikarr for some of the server version errors)
- @deanec64 - Bug testing
- The LoLNet Team for helping to bring even more content to players!
Without your guys' help I am not sure where the pack would be!
And all the other players who have contributed since leaving beta - You know who you are and your help is greatly appreciated as well!
I have made every effort to try to balance the mods in this pack against each other to maximize the fun.And all the other players who have contributed since leaving beta - You know who you are and your help is greatly appreciated as well!
While I am still adding quests over time, this pack is considered stable at this point with a server version now currently being worked on.
Check back here to see all of the great things the new pack will bring!
Looking forward to any input and experiences anyone has with this pack!
as always - Happy Mining!
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/Tolkiencraft_GreatOrator
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/thegreatorator/
Google+ - https://plus.google.com/+Tolkiencraft_GreatOrator
Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/greatorator
Player.me - http://player.me/?invite=greatorator
IRC - http://webchat.esper.net/?channels=TolkienCraftII
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