Whitelist Server LightCraft|Unstable 1.0.8|Whitelist

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App- Ign:maplepies
How often are you on:all the time
Have you ever been banned, if so why:no sir
Minecraft expertise:lots:D
Other: i did notice that your server is offline and i dont mind you seem like someone dedicated to making sure its running well for the players so i would like to join:P. im sick of these server accepting me and then restarting every 30 mins because of bugs or because they want to play the newest version of everything which i understand but, it not worth playing threw bugs.
How often are you on: Depends on schooling. Most likely at least 1-2 hours a day
Have you ever been banned, if so why: No
Age: 16
Minecraft expertise: Played since 1.3
Other:Hope to get on and have fun with a community of people that also enjoy modded minecraft.
Ign: Corrupted_Fiend
How often are you on: Some days I'll be on for an hour, others I'll be on for 5+, depends on how I feel.
Have you ever been banned, if so why: Nope, never been banned.
Age: 18
Minecraft expertise: Been playing from 1.2.5 , started playing modding at 1.5.
Other: Would love to play on this server, looking for a good 1.7 Unstable server to play on.
Ign: xEtnies
How often are you on: whenever I'm not at work or away from home
Have you ever been banned, if so why: not that I am aware of
Age: 22
Minecraft expertise: been playing since Alpha, lots of modpack expertise :)
Other: Doctor Who is amazing :D
Ign: Marty91
How often are you on: Couple hours per day
Have you ever been banned, if so why: No i havent been banned.
Age: 23
Minecraft expertise: Im playing since the end of Alpha and i played a lot of diffrent modpacks before.
Other:Would like to play the 1.7.10 Version of the Mods with other players together :)
Ign: Kurassier
How often are you on: Couple hours per day
Have you ever been banned, if so why: No i havent been banned.
Age: 28
Minecraft expertise: Im playing since the end of Alpha and i played a lot of diffrent modpacks before.
Ign: Chaos366
How often are you on: Couple hours per day
Have you ever been banned, if so why: No
Minecraft expertise: I've played minecraft since 1.3 beta and i play a lot of different modpacks
Ign: ScrollsKing
How often are you on: 5+ hours
Have you ever been banned, if so why: no
Age: 14
Minecraft expertise:Too Much :)
Other: hi darkilic, i played on berry server./SCG
App- Ign: pibx10
How often are you on: multiple hours a day
Have you ever been banned, if so why: no
Age: 18
Minecraft expertise: a lot
Ign: DerpPilz
How often are you on: Everyday (hopefully)
Have you ever been banned, if so why: Nope
Age: 20
Minecraft expertise: I have played MC since Beta, and tekkit since early days.
Other: I just want to try 1.7 packs out :)
Ign: it44123
How often are you on: 5-7+ hours
Have you ever been banned, if so why: Nope
Age: 15
Minecraft expertise: Building, Redstone
Other: Skype: it44123
Server should be getting ready sometime this month. KEEP IN MIND: this is on the unstable pack so it it using the unstable builds of the mods so there will still be bugs
Server should be getting ready sometime this month. KEEP IN MIND: this is on the unstable pack so it it using the unstable builds of the mods so there will still be bugs

Any updates on what you are doing in the server or lists of items you have already deemed unusable?
Any updates on what you are doing in the server or lists of items you have already deemed unusable?
Well I know adv. genetics is out but so far nothing else and I am keeping the rest hidden so you guys arent asking more and more about it,but progress is going good and school is starting this month for me so if Im not on and the server goes down wait for a few hours it should come back up due to an autorestart or me restarting it[DOUBLEPOST=1407449727][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh and guys watch the title of the post it will keep you guys up to date on the version of the server
App- Ign: SniperSkillz812
How often are you on: Everyday
Have you ever been banned, if so why: Nope, Never
Age: 15
Minecraft expertise: Ive been playing minecraft since 2011 and started with mods 2012
Other: I am from New Zealand.
How often are you on: about 3 or more hours daily
Have you ever been banned, if so why: no
Age: 15
Minecraft expertise: A lot with modded minecraft.
Other: Wanting to play an Unstable server.
Ign: starstyler2010
How often are you on: ca. 1-2 hours a day (at the 13.08 I'm not at home)
Have you ever been banned, if so why: No ;)
Age:17 (nearly 18)
Minecraft expertise:Minecraft since the Halloween Update and early Tekkit and FTB.
Other: Testing the Mods in 1.7 and playing some Minecraft ^.^ btw. I'm from Germany so its possible that I'm playing when u are offline.
Ign: jsmart17
How often are you on: 3-4 Hours a day
Have you ever been banned, if so why: No i only stop playing servers when i get bored
Age: 15
Minecraft expertise: I have played many mod packs and watch a lot of videos/livestreams to learn the mods. Also i have played minecraft for 2-3 years now
Other: Although i may not be the best aesthetically pleasing building but i know how to make cool machines to automate things.
How often are you on: 6-8+ hours
Have you ever been banned, if so why: no
Age: 17
Minecraft expertise: a lot
App- Ign: zaubamann
How often are you on: 1-2 hr daily
Have you ever been banned, if so why: nope
Age: 27
Minecraft expertise: Playing since Beta 1.6, played tekkit when it was cool, after that direwolf20 pack for 3 years now
Other: Want to get into botania and bloodmagic, Still missing Redpower2 and EE2 ;)