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<techno156> !help
* IRCMyBot has quit (Remote host closed the connection)

As you can tell, I IRC a lot... And appear to bring along something that breaks things... :p
Reposting things in other places

Now I get pinged. :p

"*Padfoote is not liable for crashes, bugs, and save corruption that may result from following this advice. (C) Padfoote 2014 All rights reserved"

I don't remember when I used that, but I guess I was doing tech support.
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Reactions: buggirlexpres
val waterArtichokeSeeds = <witchery:seedsartichoke>;
val belladonnaSeeds = <witchery:seedsbelladonna>;
val mandrakeSeeds = <witchery:seedsmandrake>;
val minedrakeBulb = <witchery:seedsmindrake>;
val snowbellSeeds = <witchery:seedssnowbell>;
val wormwoodSeeds = <witchery:seedswormwood>;
val seepingShoes = <witchery:seepingshoes>;
val poppetshelfCompass = <witchery:shelfcompass>;
val snowbell = <witchery:snowbell>;
val wispyCotton = <witchery:somniancotton>;
val spanishMoss = <witchery:spanishmoss>;
val spectralStone = <witchery:spectralstone>;
val spinningWheel = <witchery:spinningwheel>;
val flowingSpirit = <witchery:spiritflowing>;
val spiritPortal = <witchery:spiritportal>;
val alderStairs = <witchery:stairswoodalder>;
val hawthornStairs = <witchery:stairswoodhawthorn>;
val rowanStairs = <witchery:stairswoodrowan>;
val statueoftheGoddess = <witchery:statuegoddess>;
val statueofhobgoblinPatron = <witchery:statueofworship>;
val oakStockade = <witchery:stockade>;
val taglockKit = <witchery:taglockkit>;
val tormentPortal = <witchery:tormentportal>;
val tormentStone = <witchery:tormentstone>;
val trentEffigy = <witchery:trent>;
val voidBramble = <witchery:voidbramble>;
val wickerBundle = <witchery:wickerbundle>;
val witchesOvenBurning = <witchery:witchesovenburning>;
val witchesOven = <witchery:witchesovenidle>;
val witchHand = <witchery:witchhand>;
val witchesHat = <witchery:witchhat>;
val rowanLeaves = <witchery:witchleaves>;
val rowanWood = <witchery:witchlog>;
val witchesRobes = <witchery:witchrobe>;
val rowanSapling = <witchery:witchsapling>;
val witchLadder = <witchery:witchsladder>;
val rowanPlanks = <witchery:witchwood>;
val rowanSlabDouble = <witchery:witchwooddoubleslab>;
val rowanSlab = <witchery:witchwoodslab>;
val wormwood = <witchery:wormwood>;
val alderWoodDoor = <witchery:alderwooddoor>;
val alluringSkull = <witchery:alluringskull>;
val altar = <witchery:altar>;
val arthana = <witchery:arthana>;
val waterArtichoke = <witchery:artichoke>;
val babaYagasHat = <witchery:babashat>;
val barkBelt = <witchery:barkbelt>;
val barrier = <witchery:barrier>;
val belladonna = <witchery:belladonna>;
val bitingBelt = <witchery:bitingbelt>;
val bloodPoppy = <witchery:bloodrose>;
val boline = <witchery:boline>;
val enderBramble = <witchery:bramble>;
val brazier = <witchery:brazier>;
val brewBag = <witchery:brewbag>;
val hollowTearsBucket = <witchery:buckethollowtears>;
val spiritBucket = <witchery:bucketspirit>;
val candelabra = <witchery:candelabra>;
val chalice = <witchery:chalice>;
val goldenChalk = <witchery:chalkheart>;
val infernalChalk = <witchery:chalkinfernal>;
val otherwhereChalk = <witchery:chalkotherwhere>;
val ritualChalk = <witchery:chalkritual>;
val heartGlyph = <witchery:circle>;
val infernalGlyph = <witchery:circleglyphinfernal>;
val otherwhereGlyph = <witchery:circleglyphotherwhere>;
val ritualGlyph = <witchery:circleglyphritual>;
val circleTalisman = <witchery:circletalisman>;
val critterSnare = <witchery:crittersnare>;
val crystalBall: <witchery:crystalball>;
val deathsHood = <witchery:deathscowl>;
val deathsFootwear = <witchery:deathsfeet>;
val deathsHand = <witchery:deathshand>;
val deathsRobe = <witchery:deathsrobe>;
val statueBrokenCurses = <witchery:decursedirected>;
val statueOccludedSummons = <witchery:decurseteleport>;
val demonHeart = <witchery:demonheart>;
val devilsTongueCharm = <witchery:devilstonguecharm>;
val distilleryBurning = <witchery:distilleryburning>;
val distillery = <witchery:distilleryidle>;
val lavaDiviner = <witchery:divinerlava>;
val waterDiviner = <witchery:divinerwater>;
val dreamWeaver = <witchery:dreamcatcher>;
val staffDuplication = <witchery:dupstaff>;
val emberMoss = <witchery:embermoss>;
val filteredFumeFunnel = <witchery:filteredfumefunnel>;
val solid = <witchery:force>;
val fumeFunnel = <witchery:fumefunnel>;
val glintWeed = <witchery:glintweed>;
val glowGlobe = <witchery:glowglobe>;
val Grassper = <witchery:grassper>;
val gulgsGurdle = <witchery:gurdleofgulg>;
val pistolCrossbow = <witchery:handbow>;
val flowingSpirit = <witchery:hollowtears>;
val witchHunterBoots = <witchery:hunterboots>;
val witchHunterCoat = <witchery:huntercoat>;
val witchHunterHat = <witchery:hunterhat>;
val witchHunterTrousers = <witchery:hunterlegs>;
val spearHuntsman = <witchery:huntsmanspear>;
val icySlippers = <witchery:iceslippers>;
val infinityEgg = <witchery:infinityegg>;
val candelabra = <witchery:ingredient>;
val kettle = <witchery:kettle>;
val kobolditePick = <witchery:kobolditepickaxe>;
val leapingLily = <witchery:leapinglily>;
val leechChest = <witchery:leechchest>;
val parasyticLouse = <witchery:louse>;
val mandrake = <witchery:mandrake>;
val minedrake = <witchery:mindrake>;
val mutatingSprig = <witchery:mutator>;
val mysticBranch = <witchery:mysticbranch>;
val necromancerRobes = <witchery:necromancerrobe>;
val perpetualIce = <witchery:perpetualice>;
val poppyWebs = <witchery:plantmine>;
val polynesiaCharm = <witchery:polynesiacharm>;
val poppet = <witchery:poppet>;
val poppetShelf = <witchery:poppetshelf>;
val universalAntidote = <witchery:potion>;
val mogsQuiver = <witchery:quiverofmog>;
val refillingChest = <witchery:refillingchest>;
val rowanWoodDoor = <witchery:rowanwooddoor>;
val rubySlippers = <witchery:rubyslippers>;
val scarecrow = <witchery:scarecrow>;
val waterArtichokeSeeds = <witchery:seedsartichoke>;
val belladonnaSeeds = <witchery:seedsbelladonna>;
val mandrakeSeeds = <witchery:seedsmandrake>;
val minedrakeBulb = <witchery:seedsmindrake>;
val snowbellSeeds = <witchery:seedssnowbell>;
val wormwoodSeeds = <witchery:seedswormwood>;
val seepingShoes = <witchery:seepingshoes>;
val poppetshelfCompass = <witchery:shelfcompass>;
val snowbell = <witchery:snowbell>;
val wispyCotton = <witchery:somniancotton>;
val spanishMoss = <witchery:spanishmoss>;
val spectralStone = <witchery:spectralstone>;
val spinningWheel = <witchery:spinningwheel>;
val flowingSpirit = <witchery:spiritflowing>;
val spiritPortal = <witchery:spiritportal>;
val alderStairs = <witchery:stairswoodalder>;
val hawthornStairs = <witchery:stairswoodhawthorn>;
val rowanStairs = <witchery:stairswoodrowan>;
val statueoftheGoddess = <witchery:statuegoddess>;
val statueofhobgoblinPatron = <witchery:statueofworship>;
val oakStockade = <witchery:stockade>;
val taglockKit = <witchery:taglockkit>;
val tormentPortal = <witchery:tormentportal>;
val tormentStone = <witchery:tormentstone>;
val trentEffigy = <witchery:trent>;
val voidBramble = <witchery:voidbramble>;
val wickerBundle = <witchery:wickerbundle>;
val witchesOvenBurning = <witchery:witchesovenburning>;
val witchesOven = <witchery:witchesovenidle>;
val witchHand = <witchery:witchhand>;
val witchesHat = <witchery:witchhat>;
val rowanLeaves = <witchery:witchleaves>;
val rowanWood = <witchery:witchlog>;
val witchesRobes = <witchery:witchrobe>;
val rowanSapling = <witchery:witchsapling>;
val witchLadder = <witchery:witchsladder>;
val rowanPlanks = <witchery:witchwood>;
val rowanSlabDouble = <witchery:witchwooddoubleslab>;
val rowanSlab = <witchery:witchwoodslab>;
val wormwood = <witchery:wormwood>;
val alderWoodDoor = <witchery:alderwooddoor>;
val alluringSkull = <witchery:alluringskull>;
val altar = <witchery:altar>;
val arthana = <witchery:arthana>;
val waterArtichoke = <witchery:artichoke>;
val babaYagasHat = <witchery:babashat>;
val barkBelt = <witchery:barkbelt>;
val barrier = <witchery:barrier>;
val belladonna = <witchery:belladonna>;
val bitingBelt = <witchery:bitingbelt>;
val bloodPoppy = <witchery:bloodrose>;
val boline = <witchery:boline>;
val enderBramble = <witchery:bramble>;
val brazier = <witchery:brazier>;
val brewBag = <witchery:brewbag>;
val hollowTearsBucket = <witchery:buckethollowtears>;
val spiritBucket = <witchery:bucketspirit>;
val candelabra = <witchery:candelabra>;
val chalice = <witchery:chalice>;
val goldenChalk = <witchery:chalkheart>;
val infernalChalk = <witchery:chalkinfernal>;
val otherwhereChalk = <witchery:chalkotherwhere>;
val ritualChalk = <witchery:chalkritual>;
val heartGlyph = <witchery:circle>;
val infernalGlyph = <witchery:circleglyphinfernal>;
val otherwhereGlyph = <witchery:circleglyphotherwhere>;
val ritualGlyph = <witchery:circleglyphritual>;
val circleTalisman = <witchery:circletalisman>;
val critterSnare = <witchery:crittersnare>;
val crystalBall: <witchery:crystalball>;
val deathsHood = <witchery:deathscowl>;
val deathsFootwear = <witchery:deathsfeet>;
val deathsHand = <witchery:deathshand>;
val deathsRobe = <witchery:deathsrobe>;
val statueBrokenCurses = <witchery:decursedirected>;
val statueOccludedSummons = <witchery:decurseteleport>;
val demonHeart = <witchery:demonheart>;
val devilsTongueCharm = <witchery:devilstonguecharm>;
val distilleryBurning = <witchery:distilleryburning>;
val distillery = <witchery:distilleryidle>;
val lavaDiviner = <witchery:divinerlava>;
val waterDiviner = <witchery:divinerwater>;
val dreamWeaver = <witchery:dreamcatcher>;
val staffDuplication = <witchery:dupstaff>;
val emberMoss = <witchery:embermoss>;
val filteredFumeFunnel = <witchery:filteredfumefunnel>;
val solid = <witchery:force>;
val fumeFunnel = <witchery:fumefunnel>;
val glintWeed = <witchery:glintweed>;
val glowGlobe = <witchery:glowglobe>;
val Grassper = <witchery:grassper>;
val gulgsGurdle = <witchery:gurdleofgulg>;
val pistolCrossbow = <witchery:handbow>;
val flowingSpirit = <witchery:hollowtears>;
val witchHunterBoots = <witchery:hunterboots>;
val witchHunterCoat = <witchery:huntercoat>;
val witchHunterHat = <witchery:hunterhat>;
val witchHunterTrousers = <witchery:hunterlegs>;
val spearHuntsman = <witchery:huntsmanspear>;
val icySlippers = <witchery:iceslippers>;
val infinityEgg = <witchery:infinityegg>;
val candelabra = <witchery:ingredient>;
val kettle = <witchery:kettle>;
val kobolditePick = <witchery:kobolditepickaxe>;
val leapingLily = <witchery:leapinglily>;
val leechChest = <witchery:leechchest>;
val parasyticLouse = <witchery:louse>;
val mandrake = <witchery:mandrake>;
val minedrake = <witchery:mindrake>;
val mutatingSprig = <witchery:mutator>;
val mysticBranch = <witchery:mysticbranch>;
val necromancerRobes = <witchery:necromancerrobe>;
val perpetualIce = <witchery:perpetualice>;
val poppyWebs = <witchery:plantmine>;
val polynesiaCharm = <witchery:polynesiacharm>;
val poppet = <witchery:poppet>;
val poppetShelf = <witchery:poppetshelf>;
val universalAntidote = <witchery:potion>;
val mogsQuiver = <witchery:quiverofmog>;
val refillingChest = <witchery:refillingchest>;
val rowanWoodDoor = <witchery:rowanwooddoor>;
val rubySlippers = <witchery:rubyslippers>;
val scarecrow = <witchery:scarecrow>;
Here's mine:

##BTN Flora
val jadedAmaranthus = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "jadedAmaranthus"});
val endoFlame = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "endoflame"});
val pureDaisy = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "puredaisy"});
val manaStar = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "manastar"});
val dayBloom = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "daybloom"});
val nightShade = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "nightshade"});
val thermaLily = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "thermalily"});
val rosaArcana = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "arcanerose"});
val munchDew = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "munchdew"});
val entropinnyum = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "entropinnyum"});
val kekimurus = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "kekimurus"});
val gourmaryllis = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "gourmaryllis"});
val belleThorn = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "bellethorn"});
val dreadThorn = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "dreadthorn"});
val heiseiDream = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "heiseiDream"});
val tigersEye = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "tigerseye"});
val oreChid = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "orechid"});
val exoFlame = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "exoflame"});
val agricarnation = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "agricarnation"});
val hopperHock = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "hopperhock"});
val rennuncarpus = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "rannuncarpus"});
val tangleBerrie = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "tangleberrie"});
val jiyuulia = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "jiyuulia"});
val hyacidus = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "hyacidus"});
val pollidisiac = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "pollidisiac"});
val clayConia = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "clayconia"});
val loonium = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "loonium"});
val daffomill = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "daffomill"});
val vinculotus = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "vinculotus"});
val hydroangeas = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "hydroangeas"});
val fallenKanade = <Botania:specialFlower>.withTag({type: "fallenKanade"});
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