Looking for a massive light source?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there any block or mod that actually makes a functional massive light source without interfering with blocks? is it even possible? I have always had trouble lighting up my areas and I hate to use wrath lamps as they always screw things up for me. I am looking for something that generates an enormous amount of light in a large radius? I love magnum torches but they don't actually light it up all that much, I need things to be bright and night vision potions just make everything look terrible. I am searching for something that does not interfere with other blocks but makes a massive light source in a wide area. Is there anything like this currently? Is it even possible to be made?
As far as I know, it's impossible to make due to blocks having a limit of a light level of 16, which wrath lamps and arcane lamps get around by having invisible light sources. But a modder can feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
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Have you tried Modular Powersuits Nightvision?

Are you playing Monster or Direwolf20? Monster has Blood Magic, which gives you the option to make light sources which can be placed up in the air instead of on the ground so as not to interfere with machines. Ars Magicka has the same thing. You'll need to place a block, but they hang around once the block they're placed against is removed.

Another option is microblocks. Cut a glow stone block or Project Red lighting into nooks and place them behind covers. Microblocks don't block light, so the light will shine through. The one annoyance however is that you'll need two thick walls or floors for it to be completely hidden.
Thaumcraft Lamp sounds like it will fit your bill. It spaces 'empty' light source blocks around the area . They don't really impact or have any effect on blocks or items, they just kinda hang there and produce light.
If you have access to Thaumic Tinkerer, and are willing to spend a little while doing the research, I would recommend the Gaseous illuminae to you. It's basically an invisible light source, which you release into the world via a right click. Each one lights up 16 or so blocks, but you can put blocks in the area without risk of the light going away. So yea, you can light up an entire base using a light that acts like it isn't even there! (Well, there are a few particles that come every once in a while, but that's about it.)
Fun methods of lighting you will probably never use:
1. Fluiducts carrying lava back and forth.
2. An arcane bore with an arcane lamp attached, ripping apart your base.
3. If you're running 1.7, a glitch exists (in vanilla) where you can place a tall grass block on top of another, light the top on fire and break the bottom one. The fire stays, with it's lighting intact, but it turns completely invisible. It also may require fire spread set to false, not sure though.
Sure, you might set your hair on fire, but that's the price of science!
Fun methods of lighting you will probably never use:
1. Fluiducts carrying lava back and forth.
2. An arcane bore with an arcane lamp attached, ripping apart your base.
3. If you're running 1.7, a glitch exists (in vanilla) where you can place a tall grass block on top of another, light the top on fire and break the bottom one. The fire stays, with it's lighting intact, but it turns completely invisible. It also may require fire spread set to false, not sure though.
Sure, you might set your hair on fire, but that's the price of science!
Actually a lot of people put molten glowstone in fluiducts as a lightsource.
A Fan from Rotarycraft could be used to spread fire around. If you power it directly with a steam engine with burning netherrack under it, it might be able to grab that fire and spread it to normally non-flammable surfaces in front of it. I haven't tested this, so it may or may not keep enough fire spread around to provide a constant light source, and setting things on fire is probably a bad idea no matter how you go about it.

...Yeah, floodlights are probably better all around. Or Arcane Lamps from Thaumcraft, I'm a fan of those. They only place enough floating "Glimmer of Light" blocks to keep everything within their area of effect at light level 8 or above. The result is kind of spotty, but there's not nearly as many blocks as wrath lamps produce, so you're less likely to run into a problem with one.
Torches under microblocks is how I light everything up... That and jack o lantern nooks.
In that case you mind as well use glowstone nooks.
Man, I didn't think microblocks retained the light spawning capabilities. Or perhaps they didn't earlier. Could have sworn I have tested it before.
Would be awesome to have microblock parts of inverted lamps then(Project red, mariculture etc). But guess the redstone signal deal will be screwed up then.
Man, I didn't think microblocks retained the light spawning capabilities. Or perhaps they didn't earlier. Could have sworn I have tested it before.
Would be awesome to have microblock parts of inverted lamps then(Project red, mariculture etc). But guess the redstone signal deal will be screwed up then.

They do. I use them to light the grounds of bloke towers