This thread is only for the discussion of this pack.
Remember that this is a BETA pack and theres still alot to work on.
Recommended Version: 1.1.1
Most Recent Version: 1.1.1
The last update for EPiCCRAFT 1.6.4 should be up this week and with this we are done until 1.7.10 or 1.8, Also forgive me for the lack of updates but a family member has been in the hospital for a while now and I havent had the time to do anything.
Hope you'll understand and keep enjoying the pack even if it still has some bugs. See you all in 1.7.10/1.8?
For bug reports/suggestions please use our forums while we work something out to have them in here. Also theres a Spanish section if english is not your first language.
Adding/Removing mods is not supported in this pack neither as changing configs (except for hud configs). If you have a suggestion we will take it into consideration but modification of configs/mods will break the progression of this pack.
Minimap is not enabled by default but you can edit mods and enable mapwriter or zan's minimap.
Remember this is a 3rd party modpack and for any kind of support you should address it to this thread and not FTB directly.
What is EPiCCRAFT?
EPiCCRAFT is all about progression and survival. Thirst? Air Quality? Landslides? Avalanches? Weather? Yup, Try to survive in this pack intended to make you use every mod, visit every dimension and make you think about your next step every single time but at the same time give you that satisfying feeling of completing something.
This pack is not yet finished since we are still working on 2 custom mods for this pack and we need a big test now that is public to fix some issues.
How do I start, are there any guides?
We have an awsome text walkthrough made by MinecraftingDAD which also contains all the Changelogs on great detail and The modlist of the pack:
Starter Guide / Walk-through (Work in Progress)
Known Issues:
Client Side
* Mariculture Fishing? (Not really sure where the problem is.)
Server Side
* Weather not showing to everyone.
Special Credit to those that helped with coding, testing and exploit fixes :
American2050: For making Custom Food Mod for cyanideepic and myself that contains some of our favorite foods and also working on making the FINAL MOD!
Funwayguy : For bug fixes and config support of his awsome mod and for making a custom mod in seconds (Ok around 1 hour but seconds sounds better)
Glenn: For helping us troll every streamer he saw and bugfixing
MinecraftingDAD: For such an amazing text guide and for helping us bug test from the beginning
And of course to all the testers that broke the progression of the pack on ways I couldn't even imagine
Also Thanks to the amazing cyanideepic stream community for supporting us!
You could be here .....
Remember that this is a BETA pack and theres still alot to work on.
Recommended Version: 1.1.1
Most Recent Version: 1.1.1
The last update for EPiCCRAFT 1.6.4 should be up this week and with this we are done until 1.7.10 or 1.8, Also forgive me for the lack of updates but a family member has been in the hospital for a while now and I havent had the time to do anything.
Hope you'll understand and keep enjoying the pack even if it still has some bugs. See you all in 1.7.10/1.8?
For bug reports/suggestions please use our forums while we work something out to have them in here. Also theres a Spanish section if english is not your first language.

Adding/Removing mods is not supported in this pack neither as changing configs (except for hud configs). If you have a suggestion we will take it into consideration but modification of configs/mods will break the progression of this pack.
Minimap is not enabled by default but you can edit mods and enable mapwriter or zan's minimap.
Remember this is a 3rd party modpack and for any kind of support you should address it to this thread and not FTB directly.
What is EPiCCRAFT?
EPiCCRAFT is all about progression and survival. Thirst? Air Quality? Landslides? Avalanches? Weather? Yup, Try to survive in this pack intended to make you use every mod, visit every dimension and make you think about your next step every single time but at the same time give you that satisfying feeling of completing something.
This pack is not yet finished since we are still working on 2 custom mods for this pack and we need a big test now that is public to fix some issues.
How do I start, are there any guides?
We have an awsome text walkthrough made by MinecraftingDAD which also contains all the Changelogs on great detail and The modlist of the pack:
Starter Guide / Walk-through (Work in Progress)
Known Issues:
Client Side
* Mariculture Fishing? (Not really sure where the problem is.)
Server Side
* Weather not showing to everyone.
Special Credit to those that helped with coding, testing and exploit fixes :
American2050: For making Custom Food Mod for cyanideepic and myself that contains some of our favorite foods and also working on making the FINAL MOD!
Funwayguy : For bug fixes and config support of his awsome mod and for making a custom mod in seconds (Ok around 1 hour but seconds sounds better)
Glenn: For helping us troll every streamer he saw and bugfixing

MinecraftingDAD: For such an amazing text guide and for helping us bug test from the beginning
And of course to all the testers that broke the progression of the pack on ways I couldn't even imagine

Also Thanks to the amazing cyanideepic stream community for supporting us!
List of EPiCCRAFT Streamers (This list is made out of streamers that we find on twitch which continuously stream EPiCCRAFT):
(This link will lead you to see all the EPiCCRAFT live streams currently broadcasting on
This link is only a keyword search to find streams with the packs name in it so it's possible that all the streamers playing this pack won't be shown here, it's also possible that people not playing this pack may also show up here.)
(This link will lead you to see all the EPiCCRAFT live streams currently broadcasting on
This link is only a keyword search to find streams with the packs name in it so it's possible that all the streamers playing this pack won't be shown here, it's also possible that people not playing this pack may also show up here.)
Without mods, modpacks would not exist so be sure to help them out so they can keep updating and creating their awsome mods (Will add more as soon as I find them)
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