AE Spatial IC2 Mining Apparatus Mark II (ASIMA 2)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

So my friends and I were wondering what to do with Spatial Tech in Direwolf 20 1.6.4. (Note: You must enable Spatial Tech in the AE config file.) And that's when it first hit us: ASIMA 1, or Ae Spatial Ic2 Mining Apparatus Mark 1. ASIMA will change the way you get resources forever. Gone are the days of being an animal and going to the resources. This the age of technology, and we bring the resources to us! ASIMA 2 features 100% base operation automation and improved energy efficiency by in large as a result of being a AE subnetwork. ASIMA is a new technology field and is very much a work in progress. We accept any helpful tips on how to improve it.

Edit: ASIMA 1 and ASIMA 2 were built in survival mode by 3 people. No quarries were used in the production of this technology. No terrain was harmed in the production of this technology.

AE Spatial IC2 Mining Apparatus Mark II

What this is:

A method of acquiring resources from any dimension while not destroying the terrain like a quarry does. Instead of mining where resources are, teleport the resources with Spatial Tech from AE to a massive network of stationary automated IC2 miners. This method harvests approximately 2500 blocks of resources per second by using 250 miners on a 128x128x128 space adjacent to your base.

What you need:
IndustrialCraft 2 and Applied Energistics for Minecraft 1.6.4 or higher. Modular Force Field Systems highly recommended. A high-end CPU. Make sure Spatial tech is enabled in the AE config. This device was built on a small Direwolf20 1.6.4 (+ Other mods) server. Setting spatial scaling to 1.0 in the AE config is highly recommended. Note: I’m using the sphax texture pack.

How you do it:
Make the mining rig (with a chunk loader) and a 100% efficient spatial area near your base, having at least 2 primary 128-block-tall pylons (I use 4). Use the mining rig to harvest all the resources from within the spatial area at first. Teleport the original terrain out of the spatial field and repair any damage to the pylons caused by the first time mining. Go to a biome you want the resources from, and set up two 128-tall (standing on top of the tower = y =130) pylon towers diagonally adjacent to the opposite corners of a 128x128 square. Connect these pylons to your AE network with 2x quantum link chambers and store the terrain in a spatial cell. Load that cell in your spatial field near your base and deploy the miners. Then retract the miners when all the loot is gone, teleport the terrain back to where you harvested it from. Then, rotate one of the harvesting pylons around the other to get an entirely new chunk of terrain to teleport.









Major tips:

Be experienced in AE, IC2, Spatial Fields, MFFS, and some incredible energy source. Start small, practice with small Spatial Fields, learn how the miners work and what their upgrades do, and practice with MFFS. Never be inside the spatial field unless you know it’s impossible to activate while you’re inside it. Never activate the spatial system while mining pipe is in the field. Only have one spatial system connected to your AE network at a time. Get one working unit of the automated miner functional. Then make a whole row of them work. And go from there. You need to automate the crafting of every component of this rig. Units should be spaced 8 blocks apart. You will need 10,000s of spatial pylons for the rig near your base. Repeating MFFS forcefields to build the pylons makes life much easier. You’ll need more pylons than you see in my pictures because my pylon-builder went on vacation.The miners take 8k eu/t, and at 1.0 Spatial scaling (recommended), it’ll cost 2 billion eu to store/load the terrain. At 1.5 Spatial Scaling (default), it’ll cost 60 trillion eu to store/load the terrain. If you don’t adjust the Spatial scaling, you will need almost a billion AE energy cells. If you adjust the spatial scaling to 1.0, you will only need 100,000 of them. In either case, use MFFS systems to hollow out the world and automatically fill it in with energy cells. You need multiple 8k eu/t power lines going into the ME controller. Ensure you fully automate the gathering of resources and retraction of the mining pipe, manually working each of the 250 miners is cruel. Setup an automatic cobblestone destruction method. Make a huge ore refinery, no matter how big you make it, it won’t be capable of handling materials as they come in. Have a ton of organized ME storage cells. Make the mining AE network a subnetwork for easy management. Use ME Bus Memory Cards. The AE Subnetwork does not need to be on 24/7 in regards to energy cost and server lag. Do something else while making and connecting the 250 units, and building 10,000 blocks of pylons. I watched tons of movies while doing this. Beware of the miners being stuck at harvesting infinitely regenerating water source blocks. Don’t make your mining rig out of dirt. Only barbarians build with ugly materials.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Major Kudos for thinking so far outside of the box for your mining, with extra bonus points for the usage of spatial pylons. I'm thoroughly impressed both by the build and by the fact that you have the power net to support it. Well done indeed
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay, so here's a little picture sequence to show just how easy this is now. So I showed up in a desert biome.

The miners are already kicking into action and harvesting the area. I bet those Mammoth's didn't expect to suddenly be in a snow biome with invaders coming down. And 10 minutes later, all the valuable stuff from all those chunks is in my storage being processed and there won't be a hole in the ground when I put the stripped-desert chunks back where they came from. Then I'll just break one of the pylons, spin it around the other pylon like it was an axle on a wheel, and restart the whole process.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Must resist temptation to steal someone's base...

I like this rig a lot, brilliant design- and you only collect the useful stuff.

Thanks for the suggestion. Give me an hour or so, and I'll post a prototype to something you just gave me an idea to do. Er, might be more than two hours what with how my friend just had a creeper punch a hole in my underground hanger door. And now the Moocreatures ogres are falling in like a waterfall. D:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Must resist temptation to steal someone's base...

I like this rig a lot, brilliant design- and you only collect the useful stuff.
"Rig" to me means something mechnical


Not all I have to do is program two of these to move x and y away from a spot so they line up perfectly, auto build the pylons, auto-activate the Spatial port, toss the in an end chest to my base and do it all in reverse again and move +B and +A and become another autonomous flying mining machine of mine. BTW, the mod that makes them fly is "Redstone in Motion" which is easily added to DW20 1.6.5 with a blockid change.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Fascinating setup. Ive been thinking of doing something similar and youve given me ideas. Theres a bomb in the ICBM mod that regenerates chunks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm interesting. Don't have to deal with the cobblestone. Really good, and it gived me an idea on what i could do with it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I see theres extrautils in the pack. Why not to use ender quarry? You have to deal with less amount cobble this way?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I see theres extrautils in the pack. Why not to use ender quarry? You have to deal with less amount cobble this way?

An Ender Quarry (EQ) is much slower than 250 IC2 Miners, I'll look into the EQ to see if there's ways to improve it's speed and usability in this case. I'll also check to see if it even works with ASIMA at all. As some miners only check local blocks when they are placed. If I can get the EQ up and running well, it'll probably be an ASIMA Mark VI


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
An Ender Quarry (EQ) is much slower than 250 IC2 Miners, I'll look into the EQ to see if there's ways to improve it's speed and usability in this case. I'll also check to see if it even works with ASIMA at all. As some miners only check local blocks when they are placed. If I can get the EQ up and running well, it'll probably be an ASIMA Mark VI

if its works with that, then the technology can be used in more packs.
hmm. Some kind of over sized block breaker tunnel bore to mine everything whitch isnt the surface? Then put back the hollowed out chunk.
could try eng toolbox husher too.

Could hollow out the whole chunk, then run a block placer module to put a few layers of cobblestone covered with grass, or rebuild it with mffs.
if its possible to set up a system whitch basicly eats up the chunks extremly fast, then i would not care about rebuilding it somehow.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
if its works with that, then the technology can be used in more packs.
hmm. Some kind of over sized block breaker tunnel bore to mine everything whitch isnt the surface? Then put back the hollowed out chunk.
could try eng toolbox husher too.

Could hollow out the whole chunk, then run a block placer module to put a few layers of cobblestone covered with grass, or rebuild it with mffs.
if its possible to set up a system whitch basicly eats up the chunks extremly fast, then i would not care about rebuilding it somehow.

What I was thinking was putting an entire layer of downward facing ME Transition Planes in place of the miners and then using MFFS force manipulators to push the loaded chunk vertically into the ME Transition Planes. So not only will you get the ore, but you'll get it in the raw format (ie: diamond ore instead of diamonds). But the lag would be insane moving that many blocks. But at that point, you might as well just use a quarry if you want to eradicate an entire area. I don't like huge holes in the ground.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
An Ender Quarry (EQ) is much slower than 250 IC2 Miners, I'll look into the EQ to see if there's ways to improve it's speed and usability in this case. I'll also check to see if it even works with ASIMA at all. As some miners only check local blocks when they are placed. If I can get the EQ up and running well, it'll probably be an ASIMA Mark VI
For the EQ I would go with dartcraft time torches, they will probably help with ore processing as well :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
if its works with that, then the technology can be used in more packs.
hmm. Some kind of over sized block breaker tunnel bore to mine everything whitch isnt the surface? Then put back the hollowed out chunk.
could try eng toolbox husher too.

Could hollow out the whole chunk, then run a block placer module to put a few layers of cobblestone covered with grass, or rebuild it with mffs.
if its possible to set up a system whitch basicly eats up the chunks extremly fast, then i would not care about rebuilding it somehow.

The End Quarry will destroy the Pylons. Thus, you can either place the fencing so it passes through the pylons (linking the two halves of the pylon with ME cable) or put the fence on top of the pylons, which I did on the same platform as all the IC2 miners. You can make multiple fencing layers and have multiple End Quarries. This design is superior in terms of lag and setup difficulty. Thus, this is ASIMA MkIV
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Could set up a transition pane system bellow it, (put the pylons higher). And move the panes in smaller units, not the whole structure.
In chase you need the ore blocks.
Do not go further than the lowest block on the surface, then fill the area with cobble.

Could use high temp. furnance generators to power. They can give around 1200-1300 rf / tick for 13 hours (if stuffed well). They are possibly the most efficient power gen. Infinite fuel, just make sure you do not put in too mutch coal, or the machine starts to bug and stops giving power.
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