Thermal Expansion 3.0!!! No More Beta! Thanks KL!

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... When controlling the dynamo with a lever and your energy cell is half full. I turn the dynamo off and the RF inside the dynamo's buffer just disappears.
Why control it with a lever or redstone signal? When a steam dynamo has no valid use for the power it is producing, it stops producing. The energy buffer stays in place, and the coal/charcoal stops being burnt until something draws power again.
At least that's how it seems to be working in my base.
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Why control it with a lever or redstone signal? When a steam dynamo has no valid use for the power it is producing, it stops producing. The energy buffer stays in place, and the coal/charcoal stops being burnt until something draws power again.
At least that's how it seems to be working in my base.
I'm not seeing that. Well, let me be more clear, I'm not seeing that with magmatics (my steam dynamo is in a box until I get around to automating charcoal production). With a full energy cell and nothing running, I see a slow loss of lava from my storage tank. 10 mb every couple of seconds. It throttles down at lot, but it never shuts off completely that I've noticed.
Yep, I think it throttles right down, but your fuel is still consumed. Only an issue for non-renewable fuels.
Hm, maybe it is dropping consumption to a trickle. It's hard to tell with a charcoal farm providing fuel, and and AE system with MAC connected causing a constant light draw.
last I saw last night it was 4 RF/t IIRC. I've got 5 compression dynamos using liquefacted coal and the rate of fuel consumption is rather low, bearing in mind one bucket of liquid coal is worth a million RF (minus the kinda inconsequential RF cost of pulverizing and melting the coal) or something like that.
Why control it with a lever or redstone signal? When a steam dynamo has no valid use for the power it is producing, it stops producing. The energy buffer stays in place, and the coal/charcoal stops being burnt until something draws power again.
At least that's how it seems to be working in my base.

I don't know how you have your pack setup though. I run with everything on the hardest recipes/configurations. I don't know if that would cause the RF loss in the steam dynamo. I just wanted to figure out if this power loss is on purpose or it is a bug that needs to be addressed. What you have to do to see the power loss is....take 1 steam dynamo and a energy cell. Run the steam dynamo until its internal RF buffer is full. Put a lever next to the steam dynamo and flip it so the dynamo is off. Then connect to your empty energy cell. You will notice the Steam dynamo's buffer just drains and does not output it into the energy cell.
Each steam dynamo has 40,000 RF internal buffer. So if your using more than 1 and trying to conserve fuel/resources. It does not really work. I understand i could just build a tree farm/charcoal producer to keep the dynamos stocked. But then i am just wasting resources to keep them running. Or i could just upgrade my dynamos to magmatic, compression, or reactant ones. I just want to know if that power loss is intended. Thank for your reply though.
I don't know how you have your pack setup though. I run with everything on the hardest recipes/configurations. I don't know if that would cause the RF loss in the steam dynamo. I just wanted to figure out if this power loss is on purpose or it is a bug that needs to be addressed. What you have to do to see the power loss is....take 1 steam dynamo and a energy cell. Run the steam dynamo until its internal RF buffer is full. Put a lever next to the steam dynamo and flip it so the dynamo is off. Then connect to your empty energy cell. You will notice the Steam dynamo's buffer just drains and does not output it into the energy cell.
Each steam dynamo has 40,000 RF internal buffer. So if your using more than 1 and trying to conserve fuel/resources. It does not really work. I understand i could just build a tree farm/charcoal producer to keep the dynamos stocked. But then i am just wasting resources to keep them running. Or i could just upgrade my dynamos to magmatic, compression, or reactant ones. I just want to know if that power loss is intended. Thank for your reply though.
Are you sure it's not just the redstone energy conduits filling up their internal buffer? If memory serves, each one has a buffer of 10k RF. The lesser conduits also have internal buffers, I just don't remember how large.
He did say he tested a setup of a steam dynamo attached directly to an energy cell without conduits in between and there is still loss after turning off the dynamo after the EC is full.

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I wonder if it would be possible to automate this somehow using deployers, such that when your energy cell reaches a certain percentage a new one is crafted, sent to the deployer, and placed down so it can accept the incoming RF. Then, when that one reaches a certain percentage... :P
Can you do it with AE and the Energetic Infuser? Have an export bus to keep 1 newly crafted EC inside the Energetic Infuser and an import bus to retrieve the filled EC?

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Ooh, even better than my method, since that'd be space-efficient as well.

Anyone care to test this? (My computer hates 1.6. :P )
last I saw last night it was 4 RF/t IIRC. I've got 5 compression dynamos using liquefacted coal and the rate of fuel consumption is rather low, bearing in mind one bucket of liquid coal is worth a million RF (minus the kinda inconsequential RF cost of pulverizing and melting the coal) or something like that.
Confirmed, 4rf/t. In the process of doing textures for the dynamos, and happened to notice my steam ones were at 4rf/t being generated.

What I find crazy is that people hate the idea of machines drawing power when not in use under the MJ system, but these dynamos are basically doing the same thing, even though throttled, there's still a constant energy waste going on.
In a dw20 episode KL said he didnt want the dynamos to be full auto. He still wanted the player to build the logic to stop them if it was worthwile, or accept the small penalty of them wasting 10% their production rate.
Hmm, currently it's not 10%, but 5%. Power generation doubled, but not the penalty.
I have skimmed through these pages but couldn't find any info about my issue.

DW20 1.0.11 version
Client lag (FPS drops) while I was using 10 redstone furnaces (full-time) to make charcoal from jungle wood.

For a few days I had terrible FPS lag in my base and my base wan't that advanced yet. At first I couldn't find the cause of it so I started to disable stuff. When I got to the row of 10 redstone furnaces and disabled those, the lag was gone instantly. Turning it on again and the lag returned. The 10 furnaces were hooked up to 1 hardened leadstone energy cell using hardened leadstone conduits. The energy cell itself was hooked up using redstone conduits though, but since the furnaces wont need more than 400RF/t I never upgraded the conduits from the cell to the furnaces. All furnaces were full of power all the time and I used AE export / import busses to fill and empty the furnaces automatically.

I found it odd, especially because everyone always told me the TE machines were designed to reduce lag.
For now I returned to the IC2 induction furnace and everything works much smoother.

Is this a known issue? Is there anything I can do to counter the client side lag?
My PC is a i5 3570K @4.2 Ghz with 8GB DDR3 memory working with a 256GB SSD and a ATI Radeon 7950. Normally I do not encounter any FPS issues in Mincecraft.

I'm using more stuff from TE though without problems. For example, I use 50 steam dynamo's to generate RF.
In that same setup, try removing thing the AE connections and fill all the redstone furnaces manually. Do you still have the lag?

It might not be TE, but AE and TE working together. Rule that out first. Could be an AE issue.
I should have tested that.. yeah. I'll try to recreate the layout tonight and see if I can find what is actually causing the FPS issue. Thanks for your input.
I'm almost certain it is on purpose.

Edit: English fail :confused:

While I think the 5% (4 rf/t) loss from the Dynamo is intentional, I'm not so sure the Dynamo deleting its energy buffer when switched off (instead of keeping it, or outputting it into a storage cell) by a lever is intentional on King Lemming's part. I think the second thing is what KyleKrafter is talking about.

Of course I haven't tested it on my own world yet to see if that's a problem with TE as a whole, or just a bug in Kyle's setup.

Edit: Kyle, can you describe what happened? Did it drain out slowly, or all at once? If it drained slowly then I'm pretty sure it's intentional.