FTB Monster mod pack listed - What do you think?

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Nothing on the launcher yet. My responses:

which mods are you most looking forward to playing?
most of the new to 1.6 mods, especially RotaryCraft and Reactorcraft

which ones will you disable?
the HUD mods, OPIS (use Zans instead), Lycanite mobs & Endernet for now.
possibly Reliquary.

will you add any to the pack?
maybe Gregtech. maybe not. depends on how involved I get with Reika's mods.

Are there any surprise inclusions?
pleasantly surprised to see Chisel & Heraldry. Time to build a decent base.

surprise exclusion ~ wondering what happened to Big Reactors? Was the TE dynamo buff considerd enough?

Overall, a fantastic selection of mods. Congratz FTB team on what looks like a fabtastic modpack!!
How common are these Roguelike Dungeon and how generous is the loot?

They can be very common, look to the configs. They're also massive and while the first level is easy the others are quite difficult. The first level has such features as an enchanting room with lapis blocks as the walls, glowstone blocks as lights, and redstone blocks as accent features. Loot was fairly typical dungeon loot which means not great not bad.
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Which ones will you disable?

IC2Exp and everything associated with it; Worthless outdated mod, every other mod does everything this can do better.
Agriculture; Adds nothing I'd use.
Better Storage; I'd never use anything here over Iron Chests.
Craft Heraldry
Dye Trees; Why.
Roguelike Dungeon Mod
Lycanites Mobs

Will you add any to the pack?

Big Reactors; Was in the original Monster pack but isn't in the final for some reason.
Gravity/Portal Gun
ExtraCells; Don't know why this is never included.
Power Converters
Binnie's Mods; When its stable if its not added.
Soul Shards; When its stable if its not added.
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Very happy to see Logistics Pipes and Modular Power Suits added. Those (and Binnie's, but that's due to instability) were the only mods I felt were missing from the preliminary list.

Chisel and Heraldry are nice surprises. More aesthetic options are always a good thing, IMO, especially if they're optional like these and not something that tends to clog up inventory space.

Mimicry seems like it could be a little OP. It is at least resource limited though, so it may not be really an issue depending on worldgen. It's an interesting take on a conversion mod though, so I just hope it doesn't unbalance anything. This isn't an informed opinion at all though, so I'd have to actual test it before having a legitimate complaint; I'm just generally wary of certain types of mods.

I'm happy to see Nether Ores in. I've always felt it had a good risk/reward if you were manually mining, and manually mining is generally something that needs buffing in modded Minecraft IMO. I've missed it when it's not in packs, even though it's a relatively minor thing.

Meteorcraft is a good concept, but I'm worried about potential accidental world griefing. I know Ars Magicka 2's meteor's only replace default biome cover blocks, so if it works like that, then I'm just all for it. Again, just some general wariness, not an informed opinion. I think it's a nicer solution than having to make a Mystcraft age just for ores though. It'd be nice if there was a way to call Meteors like that other meteor mod, but that's not really important.

Reliquary's back! :D He did say Tome of Alkahest and some other mods can create dupe bugs, so I hope that's defaulted to off. The Alkahest is interesting, but again, I'm always wary of that kind of thing for the natural imbalance it can create. Still, I've missed all those nice magical items it provides, and I'm glad to see it back. I'm also glad Xeno was nice enough to pass it on to a new developer, and I hope TheMike does a good job.

Sync is a really quick addition for just having been made for ModJam, but iChun has always been a crazy coding beast. I love that it works for hardcore worlds, and it makes me want to roll a hardcore survival pack with it in there. Maybe I'll brainstorm a modlist in a bit...

So, that's my random thoughts on the mods in Monster. Yes, I do type posts that are way too long. I swear, I'm gonna have to start spoilering these things if I keep it up.
Oooooo they're going with ATG... wonder what kind of oregen they'll ship with... defaults just plain do not work with ATG
Fairly disappointed with the mod set personally. I'll probably end up modifying one of the packs so much it won't even come close to resembling the pack.
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The full list seems interesting. I'm disappointed with the large amount of duplicate and similar functionality of some of the mods though.

I also have mixed feelings about the return of Mystcraft. It was always cool to be able to make a world that you could completely plunder without consequence, but with the Twilight Forest, Deep Dark, and possibly even more dimensions that spawn both Vanilla and mod ores, there are already plenty of places to plunder. I particularly like the concept of the Deep Dark. Lots of ores, but very dangerous to mine. Another problem with Mystcraft worlds, is it's possible to do silly things like make a super flat world covered with Thaumcraft dungeons, villages, and other structures, making the acquisition of rare dungeon loot trivial. You can also find a world with an infinite molten lake of a very hard to acquire substance like manyullyn, uu-matter, or some other rare material, giving you an infinite amount of something that should require far more than just a pump to get. Also, linking books, and by extension crystal portals, make pretty much every other portal system useless. Enhanced Portals 3 in particular looks very interesting, but other than aesthetics, there is very little it can do that Mystcraft can't do at a considerably cheaper cost. Now don't get me wrong. If I was only playing singleplayer, I would just disable Mystcraft and that would be the end of that. However, I prefer to play on a server with my friends, where it is not my decision what mods are kept and what aren't. If Mystcraft is kept, I fear everyone will just do what they're used to and create lots of mining ages and linking books, instead of exploring other potentially more interesting options.

GeoStrata seems like it could be annoying. I've seem some of Slow's streams, and it appears that this stuff is everywhere. Even worse than Redpower2's marble. There are already materials added by other mods in the pack that look VERY similar to most of what GeoStrata has to offer. Those materials, however, either don't spam worldgen as badly, or are simply crafted instead of generated. This stuff seems like it will clog up a lot of inventories. The crystals and extra potions seem kind of cool, and if the mod added just that, then I would be cool with it. Even though the crystals will likely have an effect on framerate similar to Xycraft's quartz crystals.

As far as other changes go, Mimicry seems like it adds nothing worthwhile. We DO NOT NEED any more ore doubling. Especially one as good as that, which can be used in addition to other ore doubling, making it more like ore quadrupling.

MeteorCraft seems fun in concept, but in servers with chunk loaders it could be a real pain. Even if it doesn't hit structures directly, it looks like it could potentially make the areas around them a meteor riddled wasteland.

Sync seems really fun. I just love the idea of having an evil lab filled with clones of myself! Also nice if you want to have different sets of armor and equipment set up for various tasks like mining or building, and then be able to switch between them easily.

I'm glad Forge Multipart made it in. I love microblocks and it is BY FAR the best micro block mod.

I also wish Big Reactors wasn't cut. It seemed like a lot of fun. Instead We have Compact Solars, which I hate, since it trivializes other power generation. Especially with Universal Electricity added.

Dye Trees seems a little silly, but meh.


Also worth noting, there are still very few of the Horizons mods in Monster. Do they not meet the standards of Monster? Are they trying to avoid putting Horizons mods in other packs so Horizons is more unique? Or what? I'm a little confused is all. Some of the new mods in Horizons are quite good, and seem like they would fit in Monster quite well.
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What mods Will I remove?

JABBA- total ripoff of factorization barrels. Not needed as FZ is included anyway.
WALIA/Hud stuff- Annoying.
Minimaps- Cheating.
Torch Levers- not needed
This will probably get 3x longer when I dig through there in detail.

Will probably rebuild half the config options to enable gameplay over instant gratification and having everything on a silver platter from the off.
I believe Eyamaz or Slow mentioned they were testing custom world generation configs for when ATG is enabled.
I think it may be based on CoFH's oregen system, as that allows modification down to the tiniest detail. Have used it in singleplayer, and there's a lot you can do with it.
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I think it may be based on CoFH's oregen system, as that allows modification down to the tiniest detail. Have used it in singleplayer, and there's a lot you can do with it.

KL called it "stupid". It will do just about anything you tell it to. He did add in a new check to make sure the ID used is under 4096 so it should at least be a place-able block save vanilla items.
What mods Will I remove?

JABBA- total ripoff of factorization barrels. Not needed as FZ is included anyway.
WALIA/Hud stuff- Annoying.
Minimaps- Cheating.
Torch Levers- not needed
This will probably get 3x longer when I dig through there in detail.

Will probably rebuild half the config options to enable gameplay over instant gratification and having everything on a silver platter from the off.

How is Minimaps cheating? I assume you think NEI and using the internet is cheating as well?
In that case:

TiCo because it's intrusive, changes too much of vanilla and other mods, annoying, cheating, and total rip off of modular tools. On top of that, removing TiCo will provide game play and remove instant gratification.
How is Minimaps cheating? I assume you think NEI and using the internet is cheating as well?
In vanilla Minecraft, it's easy to get lost. With minimap mods, especially if they have waypoints, it's more or less impossible to get lost. They can also reveal the location of generated structures that are nearby when you are traveling that you may have missed otherwise. If the minimap works underground, it can reveal even more. Some people think this makes things too easy.
Not reading too much into it, but the private pack (which we assume the team used for testing), LycanitesMobs, MeteorCraft and BoP were disabled by default.

Also, BigReactors is included - so perhaps this is an oversight on the Confluence page or it was dropped at the last minute?
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Oooooo they're going with ATG... wonder what kind of oregen they'll ship with... defaults just plain do not work with ATG

Looks like in the private pack they configured CoFH WorldCustomGen for ATG.

Includes Alum (y128-170), Apatite, Certus (105-140), Coal, Iron (128-192), Silver (195-220), Gold (ditto), Copper (100-135) & Tin (140-160), so mountaineering wont be without its rewards