More efficient/completely safe nuclear reactor setups?

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Hey. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong here, but I swear I'm trying this exactly how it is designed.

It seems to be overheating the components... fairly quickly too.

This is for FTB 1.1.2 (for 1.4.7)

This right there is your issue. The newer Ultimate packs don't just use bona fide 1.4.7 mods anymore. In particular, it foolishly included a beta version of GregTech that was meant to test out features intended for 1.5.x, including a rework of reactor fuels. In addition, the beta version is also horribly buggy, also including the reactor fuels. Thorium basically does almost nothing beside generating heat in that version, and plutonium scales twice as fast as you'd expect it to.

When Pepe said "in 1.4.7" he really meant "in GregTech 2.8x".

Well, this Tower of Power generates just over 7k EU/t and runs Mk. I (at least without Gtech).

It runs Mk.I with GregTech too. GregTech (currently) changes nothing about the basic IC2 components, or about uranium. All basic IC2 designs are equally valid and efficient under GregTech. The only difference is that you have additional fuel types and components to work with.
can anyone help me? i have some problems regulating my power. I have a simple setup like this http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.blueyo...zx3dm9lx4a017gypeys5qjxtmtrlpa5vaaiko7uk9cpa8 and it works fine fore my needs. but i am trying to get it to shut off when it is not needed. So i hooked up some rednet cables to shut it of when my mfsu`s full only thing is i need some sort of crace periode like dont turn on again unless it is at half charge, its not needed to turn on again when it is at like 99% full.
can anyone help me? i have some problems regulating my power. I have a simple setup like this http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.blueyo...zx3dm9lx4a017gypeys5qjxtmtrlpa5vaaiko7uk9cpa8 and it works fine fore my needs. but i am trying to get it to shut off when it is not needed. So i hooked up some rednet cables to shut it of when my mfsu`s full only thing is i need some sort of crace periode like dont turn on again unless it is at half charge, its not needed to turn on again when it is at like 99% full.
Does your modpack have Advanced Power Management? If yes, simply use the storage monitor.
AHHH thats what i needed. Thank you so mutch.....soooo many mods! not easy to know whats best always
nothing as far as I can tell. it wont blow up in your face.
you make it yourself?

yep. I saw someone with a recipe that say it give 6 recharges each , so i was wondering if i was doing sum wrong because i only get one.
Breeders are more efficient the hotter they run. So you could get the same amount of recharges with half the cells if you simply made it much hotter (more plating and heating cells).
I started to messing up with nuclear in 1.6.2 experimental IC2 build - all of setups for 1.5.2 work the same (100 EU/t, 300, 420 EU/t). The only difference is that you can get plutonium from depleted uranium cells and make it infinite energy EU source generator (max 16 EU/t for a lot of plutonium - so it's not that cheap). Also i don't know if it works in 1.5.2 but simple on/ off switch for nuclear reactor is to put basic BC gate on construction gravel pipe and emit redstone signal if energy can be stored in MFE/ MFSU.

@ Omicron
Yup but it's simple and always works :)
DarthVader45, I have made a completely safe super high efficiency reactor with Quad Cells!
Mark 1 EB, and it's got max efficiency.
420 EU/t, which is the best out there (I think)
If anyone has one that makes more EU/t, please notify everyone on here!
Link: Mark I EB <--- Reactor.
And this is 100% guranteeed not to blow up my base?
As long as you wire it correctly, don't get it wet, feed it after midnight, or look at it funny, and sacrifice a virgin under the light of a blood moon once every seven months. Oh, or screw up the placement of the components.
Unfortunately, Mk 1's are the only ones guaranteed not to blow up. Whenever I try a CRCS/condensator setup, regardless of the instantaneous transfer, chunkloading, and the reactor switching off whenever it gets too hot, they STILL blow up.

At least the cost of quad cells has been reduced to something reasonable in 1.6 (or 1.5 with GT).
Unfortunately, Mk 1's are the only ones guaranteed not to blow up. Whenever I try a CRCS/condensator setup, regardless of the instantaneous transfer, chunkloading, and the reactor switching off whenever it gets too hot, they STILL blow up.

At least the cost of quad cells has been reduced to something reasonable in 1.6 (or 1.5 with GT).
To be fair, the referred design was the Mk. I HAYOCorp "Beast", the one producing 420 EU/t. So, for that example, my statement stands.

CRCS setups have gotten a bit easier of late. I set up the system to pull at 25% or lower and insert 75% or over, and it seems to run fine. As always, of course, YMMV. CRCS reactors are still more of an art than a science.
Here is my current reactor setup. I used a Mark I design for a while I found on the internet and then played around and created this design on my own. So if you are planning on reposting this in other forums, please just give me credit.

It's specs are:
Output EU: 96,000,000 EU
Total UE: 96,000,000 EU
Active: 480 EU/t
Effective: 480 EU/t
Maximum Cycles: Infinite Cycles

Classified as a Mark II-E-SUC EA

This one is a bit stronger


It's specs are:
Output EU: 128,000,000 EU
Total UE: 128,000,000 EU
Active: 640 EU/t
Effective: 640 EU/t
Maximum Cycles: Infinite Cycles

Now for the biggest one I created so far


It's specs are:
Output EU: 224,000,000 EU
Total UE: 224,000,000 EU
Active: 1120 EU/t
Effective: 1120 EU/t
Maximum Cycles: Infinite Cycles

Update, 5 minutes later of testing and player:


It's specs are:
Output EU: 224,000,000 EU
Total UE: 224,000,000 EU
Active: 1600 EU/t
Effective: 1600 EU/t
Maximum Cycles: Infinite Cycles

Even stronger:


It's specs are:
Output EU: 416,000,000 EU
Total UE: 416,000,000 EU
Active: 2080 EU/t
Effective: 2080 EU/t
Maximum Cycles: Infinite Cycles

I am holding back my plans for my best creation which the specs are this here:

It's specs are:
Output EU: 676,000,000 EU
Total UE: 676,000,000 EU
Active: 3380 EU/t
Effective: 3380 EU/t
Efficieny 5.45 of 5.45
Maximum Cycles: Infinite Cycles

Mark 1-SUC EA+
Last edited:

Mod- Vanilla IC2
Total Eu- 820,000,000
Eu/t- 4100 (good luck with anything above 2048Eu/t)
Efficiency- 5.26
Cycles- Infinite/until you run out of lapis
Safety- perfectly safe, remember to turn OFF before changing condensers.


Mod- IC2+Gtech
Total Eu- 3,280,000,000 (Yep - 3 Billion Eu)
Eu/t- 8200 (superconductors are awesome right?)
Efficiency 5.26
Cycles- Infinite/until you run out of lapis (EE3/XReliquary might be useful here)
Safety- also perfectly safe. Remember to set up in the middle of your base so you use fewer superconductors to hook it up.
(Gtech also adds a few machines that can target specific slots in the reactor- you might be able to pull it off without shutting down)
Here is my current reactor setup. I used a Mark I design for a while I found on the internet and then played around and created this design on my own. So if you are planning on reposting this in other forums, please just give me credit.

Congratulations, you've discovered how to make reactors using condensators! Get back to us later when you've actually built one of them ingame and tell us how that worked out for you ;)

(In all honesty: no offense, but those designs you posted clearly show that they've never left the reactor planner. Every month or so a new player digs up this thread and posts such a thing, and after the sixth or seventh time it starts getting old... you will understand why those designs are good only in theory when you try to run them ingame, trust me. There's a reason you don't ever see a condensator reactor in any recommendation thread, ever.)

Mod- Vanilla IC2
Total Eu- 820,000,000
Eu/t- 4100 (good luck with anything above 2048Eu/t)
Efficiency- 5.26
Cycles- Infinite/until you run out of lapis
Safety- perfectly safe, remember to turn OFF before changing condensers.


Mod- IC2+Gtech
Total Eu- 3,280,000,000 (Yep - 3 Billion Eu)
Eu/t- 8200 (superconductors are awesome right?)
Efficiency 5.26
Cycles- Infinite/until you run out of lapis (EE3/XReliquary might be useful here)
Safety- also perfectly safe. Remember to set up in the middle of your base so you use fewer superconductors to hook it up.
(Gtech also adds a few machines that can target specific slots in the reactor- you might be able to pull it off without shutting down)

holy this gt reactor setup need that condensator replaced 460 times in 5h of its running o.o
that is like 5k lapis in total?
Highest efficiency Uranium- MK I EA
28Mill Eu at 140Eu/t
Totally safe.

Highest efficiency Plutonium- MK V EA
Runs- 2Min 39Sec
Cools- 2Min 30Sec
280Eu/t- averaging 140Eu/t
Efficiency 7 Plutonium makes too much heat for continuous running. You might be able to do something with coolant cells/condensators, but a 2 minute timer and a toggle latch feels a lot safer.

holy this gt reactor setup need that condensator replaced 460 times in 5h of its running o.o
that is like 5k lapis in total?

something like 2750 replacements/cycle
(or almost 7k lapis)
Yeah- EE3 or XRel needed. The real headache comes in automating them though. My test word one averaged around 8kEu/t, turning off the reactor to change condensators.
Probably not viable to do legit mind- that plutonium is hard to come by.
Interestingly component heat vents will cool/charge a condensator (probably a bug)
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