The.Factory |FTB Beta Pack A|Whitelist| PvE, Small, No Grief, Friendly,

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  1. IGN: Weasley59
  2. Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: Yup
  3. Have you been banned before?: Nope
  4. IF so, why and how many times?: see above
  5. Why should you be whitelisted?: I have been playing Minecraft for a long time and have been playing tekkit from release so I know most of the mods on FTB.
  1. Whitelist Application:
    2. Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: Yes, they seem fair :)
    3. Have you been banned before?: Nope, i hope to never be!
    4. IF so, why and how many times?: See above.
    5. Why should you be whitelisted?: I am the scientist of FTB, i love industrialcraft and buildcraft. Your server seems nice :D
1. IGN:Nassaeu
2. Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: yes :)
3. Have you been banned before?: Nope!
4. IF so, why and how many times?: N/A
5. Why should you be whitelisted?: I have been playing minecraft for quite sometime. I have a little experience with ftb but have watched hours of videos and understand the concepts of a lot of the main components. I am a casual player and willing to help with any project.
  1. IGN: kingbirdy
  2. Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: Yes, and I heard that ReglasRules
  3. Have you been banned before?: yes
  4. IF so, why and how many times?: 3 times, for griefing, all within a day or so of each other, 6 months ago. I was hanging with people who at the time I considered my friends, and they weren't a good influence on me.
  5. Why should you be whitelisted?: I enjoy FTB, and I want to play it in a social setting with others.
Oppa Admin Style!

  • Are you currently whitelisted on this server?: I am indeed!
  • Do you meet ALL the requirements above AND agree to abide by the admin laws?: I do indeed!
  • Have you ever been banned before?: I have like once or twice, refer back to my application for whitelist :P
  • How long have you been playing on The.Factory?: Well, since November 25th!
  • On average, how many hours per week do you play on The.Factory?: At least 30 hours a week!
  • Why do you want to be an Admin in The.Factory? Well, I figured I could help you out a bunch, because there is always times when people need admin assistance and you weren't on. I have a load of experience, and feel I could bring a lot of my skill and knowledge of the mods, and moderating, to the server!
Whitelist Application:
  1. IGN: mikkeldp
  2. Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: Yes (ReglasRules)
  3. Have you been banned before?: Yes
  4. IF so, why and how many times?: Once while hackers had to much fun
  5. Why should you be whitelisted?: I have been looking for a good server for a long time and this looks like the one and i got some building skills (not like OP but got some good desgins here and there)
  1. IGN: noobtube2
  2. Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: yes i accept all of them
  3. Have you been banned before?: nope i have never been banned on any severs
  4. IF so, why and how many times?: N/A
  5. Why should you be whitelisted?: i hope i could help people with mods such as buildcraft and get help with mods that are new to me such as U.E
1. IGN: MrFifo
2. Have you read and accept to obey all the rules?: Yes, ReglasRules
3. Have you been banned before?: No.
4/5. Why should you be whitelisted?: I have lots of experience with IC and Tekkit. I love to teach people about it and I have been looking for a good FTB server.
1. IGN: Rübezahl
2. Have you read and accept to obey all the rules?: Yes
3. Have you been banned before?: No
5. Why should you be whitelisted?: I played Minecraft + IC2 for a long time and now i want play on a nice server
IGN: carldc2
Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: Yes
Have you been banned before?: Yes
IF so, why and how many times?: Once I believe, maybe twice. The most recent was like a year ago. I was playing on a griefing aloud server with no rules. . . I got banned for griefing a house :/
Why should you be whitelisted?: I love playing with people and don't have a lot of friends who play FTB

  1. IGN: MajorM19
  2. Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: Yes Reglasrules
  3. Have you been banned before?: mhm once
  4. IF so, why and how many times?: And im not really sure why it was a while ago
  5. Why should you be whitelisted?: Reglas... nuff said ;P
  1. IGN: Kirin15
  2. Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: YeS ;)
  3. Have you been banned before?: no Newer
  4. IF so, why and how many times?:
  5. Why should you be whitelisted?: This is the best modpack
1. IGN: Gokatgo
2. Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: Yes I have and I Shall except them
3. Have you been banned before: No I have not
4. If so, how many times?: N/A
5. Why should you be whitelisted?: I am looking for a great FTB server atm. I used to play tekkit but once I found out that ExtrabiomesXL was on FTB immediately because I love building and I can Imagine huge and nice buildings in the new biomes. Also I want to find new friends that could even play on other servers if this one crashes. I Also hope to find other people that are also fond of building to make Giant Buildings with all the new blocks and Biomes.
  1. IGN: Jouat, Friends Jul835
  2. Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: Yes, Yes
  3. Have you been banned before?: Yes (Brothers Server for the hell of it), No
  4. IF so, why and how many times?: 1's
  5. Why should you be whitelisted?:I want to help him with FTB, He wants to learn it.
  1. IGN:Bcpwd
  2. Have you read and accept to obey the rules?:yes
  3. Have you been banned before?:Yes
  4. IF so, why and how many times?:I Banned myself on my own server That it for my bans
  5. Why should you be whitelisted?:I love to play with the ftb mods and much more fun then playing ssp and share my ideas and help others
  1. IGN:Choongjae
  2. Have you read and accept to obey the rules?:Yes! I normally follow the rules without being asked also!
  3. Have you been banned before?:No.
  4. IF so, why and how many times?:N/A
  5. Why should you be whitelisted?:I love Feed the beast, and I have been searching for another server to try, due to my love with mods, I wouldn't mind playing with a community of people. :)
  1. IGN: Orcius
  2. Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: Yes
  3. Have you been banned before?: Never
  4. IF so, why and how many times?: /
  5. Why should you be whitelisted?: I love Feed The Beast, I have seen all Direwolf20's video's; so I know how the game works