Seed oil, Ways to farm it?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
All this talk of "most efficient seed" is pretty silly imo, by the time you got a full base setup somewhere, you're going to have a metric buttload (an official measurement) of seeds. Use them.

Really though, if you have GregTech you have a better use for melons. Convert honey to gold.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You don't need intelligent straw golems. They don't harvest the stem so there is nothing to replant.

Reread point 6 and I think you'll understand why I use intelligent straw golems. Also, perceptive on straw golems is something of a waste in the current version, because their range resets after each operation. They will routinely run across your entire farm.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
All this talk of "most efficient seed" is pretty silly imo, by the time you got a full base setup somewhere, you're going to have a metric buttload (an official measurement) of seeds. Use them.

Really though, if you have GregTech you have a better use for melons. Convert honey to gold.

Actually I had no seeds until I started my melon farm. Well I had flax seed but those don't work. I only eat potatoes our steak from the beef I get from getting leather. I grow my straw by hand for golems.

And yrs, if this was a general farming thread intelligent golems are necessary but this is a seed oil thread.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
But, since i dont and dont want to use thaumcraft (i hate wasting resources), what are my other options? I'm trying to work my way up to a sweet chestnut, since those nuts give the most seed oil. I hope that will work with AE, since i cant get the interface to input in the squeezer... Does someone have a solution to that? It needs to be with AE, since i want to have the farm somewere else...



Too Much Free Time
Nov 9, 2012
Tartarus.. I mean at work. Same thing really.
But, since i dont and dont want to use thaumcraft (i hate wasting resources), what are my other options? I'm trying to work my way up to a sweet chestnut, since those nuts give the most seed oil. I hope that will work with AE, since i cant get the interface to input in the squeezer... Does someone have a solution to that? It needs to be with AE, since i want to have the farm somewere else...


AE should export into a squeezer fine -put the bus on the side.
sweet chestnut needs a lot of breeding and a forestry multifarm- resource intensive to setup and run​
thaumcraft isnt really a waste since it'll run indefinitely without any kind of refuelling​
alternately minefactory reloaded offers some fairly epic farming, even a relatively small farm can produce more seeds than a squeezer than handle​
or an Steve's carts farm, with lilypads from Xreliquary to boost growth​
Having the farm in a remote location doesn't just limit you to AE- hook it up with tesseracts (would save a fair bit of quartz cable)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I found a workaround for the squeezer, i wanted that it would only create seed oil when i want to make a (as i have it set up now) sturdy casing. What i did was taking a item that would never (really important!) land in my AE system, and told it that it could make that with 25 seeds. Now i made another pattern with that item and 8 wood (needed to make a casing), works awsum :D

i have a MFR farm, but it doesnt produce as much as i hoped... I picked a 11x11 farm, and it produces a lot slower then i would've expected. Just wait and hope that that fertalizermachinethingie of MFR is going to realize he can do his job... (it doesnt fertalize the crops :( )

+ the problem with tesseracts is (watch out, details info on how the mod works, is still the case!) that they have a hidden buffer of 1 itemslot. If i want to put more then 1 item in them the buildcraft pipes (no RP2 on 1.5.2 :( ) it will spill on the ground, and we dont want that to happen :D. A better alternative is enderchests, not the vanilla one, but the ones from chickenbones' mod. O yea, btw, what i ment was that the fruits the farm would produce needs to come inside of a AE system, so i cant bcpipe it to my squeezer.

I have enough resources for another forestry farm, they arent that expensive when you always have a quarry running (produces a lot of apatite)... Energy enough, i always have around 900 buckets of fuel running in my systems.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You should even be able to tell the system to plant 25 Seeds and Wood somewhere to make a casing. The interface could output it into a chest from where it gets distributed to the squeezer and carpenter. It basically works like telling a furnace to melt something.


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
But, since i dont and dont want to use thaumcraft (i hate wasting resources), what are my other options? I'm trying to work my way up to a sweet chestnut, since those nuts give the most seed oil. I hope that will work with AE, since i cant get the interface to input in the squeezer... Does someone have a solution to that? It needs to be with AE, since i want to have the farm somewere else...

Necroing a post from February? Really? Le sigh...

However, to answer your question: AE is about the *worst* way to deal with a farm being elsewhere, unless you like running tons of cable all over the place. That's not to say you can't use AE to automate it, just that you won't be using it on site.

Here's the deal: You want seed oil, you're aiming at Sweet Chestnut trees to do so. Good job. So you set up a Multiblock Farm (I hope you have plenty of Apatite), you're going to need water, so an Aqueous Accumulator will work there, power which will probably be an Energy Tesseract, and then there's your hatches for item automation.

You don't want to use AE here, it's really a waste of resources. You only have one output from your Orchard: Chestnuts. Therefore, you only need to input fertilizer and output chestnuts. Build two hatches. You'll see why in a moment why two. Use Translocators and EnderChests.

One Enderchest is hooked up to an ME Interface back at your main base, being told to keep one fertilizer in inventory at all time. This keeps your EnderChest full of Fertilizer. You may need to set it to auto-craft if you want to just store apatite instead of the actual fertilizer, but that's fairly simple. The Translocators are one-way item movement, which is perfect for your needs. It pulls fertilizer out of the enderchest and puts it into your hatch, keeping your fertilizer topped off, but won't overload and spit things all over the place like BC pipes will.

The other is actually an Item Tesseract, which is then attached to that very same ME Interface, but set only to output into the ME Interface to send stuff back into your ME Network. The Translocator outputs from the other hatch all the chestnuts and spits them into the item tesseract, which in turn spits them out into the ME Interface.

Now your remote farm is all hooked up to your ME Network without having to run cable or use any ME Network components on-site! You can squeeze it wherever you like.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thing is, producing a can of seed oil takes quite a bit of time, even with max MJ load. You are better off storing the seed oil in a tank, since there is processing time required. Stop production when the tank is full and automate the system so that it begins again when there is room in your system for more seed oil.

Gates, AE, etc. You have all the tools.


I plan to have a tank that runs off an MFR farm. The time it takes to fill the tank will give me excess seeds as a small buffer between tank fillings. I hope it won't be much. It shouldn't be.


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
i have a MFR farm, but it doesnt produce as much as i hoped... I picked a 11x11 farm, and it produces a lot slower then i would've expected. Just wait and hope that that fertalizermachinethingie of MFR is going to realize he can do his job... (it doesnt fertalize the crops :( )
That's because it was too big.

You see, MFR farms look around each block per delay interval, so your 11 x 11 farm had 121 blocks it had to search in sequence before it would get back to previous blocks!

A *MUCH* better solution is to make a 3 x 3 wheat farm with a Planter, a Harvester, and a Fertilizer. Fertilizer is processed from Sewage, although there's also a recipe to make it manually. Trust me, the Fertilizer will keep things running FAR faster than your 11 x 11 farm was!

+ the problem with tesseracts is (watch out, details info on how the mod works, is still the case!) that they have a hidden buffer of 1 itemslot. If i want to put more then 1 item in them the buildcraft pipes (no RP2 on 1.5.2 :( ) it will spill on the ground, and we dont want that to happen :D. A better alternative is enderchests, not the vanilla one, but the ones from chickenbones' mod. O yea, btw, what i ment was that the fruits the farm would produce needs to come inside of a AE system, so i cant bcpipe it to my squeezer.
Yea, but with an Orchard that only produces Chestnuts, you only have one item type leaving the hatch, so this really isn't a problem.

I have enough resources for another forestry farm, they arent that expensive when you always have a quarry running (produces a lot of apatite)... Energy enough, i always have around 900 buckets of fuel running in my systems.
Possessing enough resources doesn't necessarily mean it is the most efficient means of making something.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sorry for bumping a post of feb :)

I havent really played with translocaters yet, i do know how they work. Thank you for thinking with me! I already have a 'main' enderchest for my quarry, the AE system wil pull everyting from that chest the system in. I'm definitely going to try your system!



Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
Sorry for bumping a post of feb :)

I havent really played with translocaters yet, i do know how they work. Thank you for thinking with me! I already have a 'main' enderchest for my quarry, the AE system wil pull everyting from that chest the system in. I'm definitely going to try your system!

You will need to use a DIFFERENT enderchest color pattern for your fertilizer input, otherwise it will clog your quarry input with fertilizer and back the whole system up. If you want to dump your chestnuts into your main enderchest, that works just fine.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also cant you input with a tesseract?

Place a Tesseract next to AE and make an Export-Bus feed into the Tesseract. It should put the Fertilizer into the Hatch automatically. Also vanilla Hoppers would work with an enderchest, altough they are slow I doubt that you have to provide fertilizer that fast. I'm not sure if a vanilla hopper can manage the output of the farm. But since the output-slot should only consist of chestnuts a hopper feeding into a tesseract should work too. Also MFR-Farms dont need to be really large. The problem with large farms in MFR is that they often pass a plant and it will grow after the harvester passed it. It will not be cut until the harvest gets to it again. Since Harvesters are so cheap making more smaller farms (it is easy to stack them) is propably better than making huge farms. And even you do make large farms use double-harvesters. Since harvester are placed on the side of the farm using double-harvesters reduces the amount of time until each plant is worked by a harvester dramatically. A semi-large farm with double fertilizer and double-harvesters produces a shitton of whatever you told it to produce, and the machines arent that expensive to make.

You could even double up the planters if you feel that they are two slow. The reason why most people go with large farms is the nether-quartz upgrade. It is so cheap and most ressources for the other upgrades are more valuable than nether-quartz (I think it is +8, while Gold is +7 and Diamond is +9).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's because it was too big.

You see, MFR farms look around each block per delay interval, so your 11 x 11 farm had 121 blocks it had to search in sequence before it would get back to previous blocks!

I know MFR uses that mechanic, but when i build it i didnt add a fertilizer, so it had to grow on time. Then i thought a second time when that didnt work too well, and added a fertilizer. I'm scaling down the farm right now, to a 3x3.

You will need to use a DIFFERENT enderchest color pattern for your fertilizer input, otherwise it will clog your quarry input with fertilizer and back the whole system up. If you want to dump your chestnuts into your main enderchest, that works just fine.

yes, yes ofcourse! I'm not that stupid :) I've watched direwolf20's let's plays (youtuber who plays FTB on the official server) for a while now, so i'm familiar with most of the mechanics.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are you in 1.5.2? Because then you can simply forget about Seed Oil for all beekeeping needs. Creosote Oil works as well and is much easier to get. (Normally I have a tank full from a Coke Oven, before I even start doing any bee stuff.) And normally I also start with Apiaries and Proven Frames, that were traded from the villagers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Another easily overlooked renewable resource that golems make easy is eggs: put a wood golem in your chicken coop with a chest and have all the eggs you'll ever need.

in 1.4 put a transposer under the chickens, in 1.5 a vanilla hopper. Way easier :b


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
Sorta depends on where you are in the tech tree. Golems are way cheaper if you've researched.
Vanilla hoppers are significantly cheaper than golems. All you need is a 3 x 3 and you're golden. Vechs has a system in his InfernoMines DevCom which then feeds the eggs into a dispenser for a geometrically-progressing chicken farm.