HighCraft|FTB-A-1.4.2|Whitelist|PvE| Casual/Relaxed| (̅_̅_̅(̅(̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅̅()ڪ

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
My IGN is lordnikon_13 most people call me nikon =]
im 19 years old
just looking for a nice FTB server to join and play on with some nice peoples and not have to worry about people annoying me.
hope you add me nikon
hello all im new to the feed the beast modpack but i use most of these mods all the time im a huge builder and just looking to join a server where i can be freely creative in survival mode without being gaged anyhow looking forward to hanging out mabe building some cool stuff with yall my email is colbyjrj@yahoo.com my specialty is buildint and making complex machines do amazing things currently working on a nuke plant in ic2 part of the pack to make tons of power i have 1 core up and running atm and will be adding 3 more just for ha hahs and fun
Hello, my IGN is nexus5219.I'm 15 years old.I''ve been playing ftb now for some time and quite enjoy it. :) I just found this server and it looks exactly like what I wanted in one of these servers,chilled,relaxed and hopefully not a lot of griefers.I would love to play here if you decide to add me.

Haha I really need to close this thread man! Or at least ignore the future applications ;)

Anyway, Imma let you guys on the whitelist since ya'll been asking so nicely!

I'll obviously need your IGN though, could you please enlighten me as to what that may be? :)


Hey man!

We haven't had any issues with griefers yet.
Everyone's just teaming up and acting really friendly so far.

If that were to happen though I'd make short work of said griefer :)

I've added your IGN and you're welcome to join us at any time man!
Hello Pontus. I am KaosC57 (aka Skiptrace Starbound)
and here is my app

IGN: KaosC57
Age: 14
Skype: KaosC57
FTB/Tekkit Experience: 8/10 FTB 10/10 Tekkit (i know alot about tekkit and im learning about FTB)
Bio: Hello im KaosC57 or you guys can call me Skiptrace. Im 14 years old and i live in the USA. I frequently play Tekkit, Vanella, FTB, and many other games such as PS2 (Planetside 2) TF2, MapleStory, and many others.

Alright, we're full, been for some time man

However, how can I deny it when someone wants to join us? AND you figured out Pontus was my name, believe it or not but I have some people asking me for my name despite my IGN being PontusLundh ;D

Long story short, whitelisted.

Welcome man! :)
Hi guys I see you are full. But i think it is worth it for me to try. Me and Nexus are premades and neighbors i was gonna apply this morning but i had some confirmation issues with my account ;(. I am 14 years old from Bulgaria and my skype is svetlyo51. When he made the app we taught there will be more slots tonight but it seems I am wrong. Anyways I will let you decide.
Alright, we're full, been for some time man

However, how can I deny it when someone wants to join us? AND you figured out Pontus was my name, believe it or not but I have some people asking me for my name despite my IGN being PontusLundh ;D

Long story short, whitelisted.

Welcome man! :)

Im sorry to pester but why am i not on the whitelist?
Trying my luck despite the fact the whitelist is apparantly filled. Because, you know, it's friday. So why not!
My IGN is Fionar. I'm a twenty-one years old Dutch student with a love for cynicism and nonsense. I've been playing Minecraft since the early indev builds, also played a fair share of Tekkit.
That being said I don't consider myself to be too proficient with the various modpacks. But hey, I'm only in it for the casual share of fun. :)
hey Pontus I found you power testing room in the hills and my have made a /home marker there :3 using your power is fun :D
not positive but my friend my be getting minecraft this weekend mainly because he has been watching me play your server and FTB and really hates cracked server(he has been planing on getting minecraft for a while but never had a job...), so with that being said he is a good guy and he would love to join I'll send him to here today or tomorrow hopefully if he gets it :P