Greg Tech opinion discussions go here

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Expect an announcement from Slow "real soon now".

In my case, it's god damn 3am and I've been working on this since 5am. I'm going to bed. You can expect I'll be working on something tomorrow though.
tnx for the heads up & ofc all your work.
Well, I can already tell that this thread won't end well...

I'll kick it off with my short opinion on what I understand about the GT VS TC thing, for people who don't know what it's about.

EDIT: Just to clarify, this is what I've understood from the situation. I might be completely wrong, and if I am, feel free to tell me so that I can put my facts in order.

1) Greg nerfs wood. He makes it so that logs only give you two planks. This is changeable in configs, but it's pretty odd. It affects basically every mod and vanilla because of how the tech trees are laid out, and it doesn't make the game hard, it just requires you to cut down twice as many trees. I don't agree with this change because it basically breaks the balance of every mod in FTB.

2) Mdyo decides to un-nerf wood. Bearing in mind that he's basically doing what Greg did to every other mod, but it's a de-nerf not a nerf. It was childish, but justified. I don't know enough about how much communication goes on between them to comment on this more.

3) Greg decides to make his mod CRASH YOUR GAME if it detects Tinker's Contruct installed.

This is... ridiculous.
Not only are his actions bordering on malware, distributing software specifically designed to cause crashes, I consider it an abuse of trust.
Personally, if Greg wants us to choose between TC and GT, I'm going for Tinker's.
Up until now I've been a defender of GT ("they have configs", "I like the content, not the nerfs") but I'm completely shocked that he would be this childish. It's a sort of escalation that should never have happened, and it's gotten out of hand.

So there you have my point of view. I'm personally not going to be using GT any more until these issues are adressed, because I get the feeling Greg is just trying to see how far he can go before we've had enough.
Feel free to disagree with me though.
All I have to say is how stupid greg was to NERF WOOD. Why would you nerf a VANILLA MECHANIC. Greg has gone off limits and should either re-balance his mod to be back to normal, or just get completely discontinued for this dumbass move. I used to love this mod, but no the mod has gone overboard. Piss off greg
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All I have to say is how stupid greg was to NERF WOOD. Why would you nerf a VANILLA MECHANIC. Greg has gone off limits and should either re-balance his mod to be back to normal, or just get completely discontinued for this dumbass move. I used to love this mod, but no the mod has gone overboard. Piss off greg

Umm.... the anger isn't really at the wood nerf. That's honestly expected of GT. What isn't expected is Greg causing the game to crash because another mod reverts his change to keep the balance of his own mod.
Its a really big shame how Gregtech changes other mods. In their words - to make it more difficult. Just what is the point of that? There is some fantastic machines etc in Gregtech. I just wont use it because it messes so much with the other mods. I have a large system of Applied Energistics which is completely disrupted when Gregtech comes along and changes the names of the ores and metals. Just for instance. I would finish by saying stop messing with other mods and just concentrate on how yours does. If people want it complicated they can complicate it enough by themselves.
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To be honest, they are both wrong. Changing another mod is not against the rules, but is certainly frowned upon.
mDiyo shouldn't be apologizing for anything, at all.

This is, from my perspective, an observable pattern of behavior from Greg and one that should not be tolerated by the folks who put together the FTB packs. Greg has violated the trust of users to engage in personal attacks against other modders. Tolerating this type of behavior does nothing but encourage more of the same in the future.

As the GT fans say, using his mod is optional, so I think it'd be prudent to remove ti entirely from any and every iteration of FTB from this point forward and if those who like the mod wish to install it, go for it. This mod pack and this community are much better off with childish, game crashing antics. It's despicable, childish behavior and I hope the crew here sees it for exactly that.
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I remember a while ago SirSengir did somthing similar he looked for when his mod (Forestry) was used in the technic launcher and deleted itself if it was. but now Sengir and technic are freinds again so i wont worry about these two and their disputes i hope it will all work out in the end.
mDiyo shouldn't be apologizing for anything, at all.

This is, from my perspective, an observable pattern of behavior from Greg and one that should not be tolerated by the folks who put together the FTB packs. Greg has violated the trust of users to engage in personal attacks against other modders. Tolerating this type of behavior does nothing but encourage more of the same in the future.

As the GT fans say, using his mod is optional, so I think it'd be prudent to remove ti entirely from any and every iteration of FTB from this point forward and if those who like the mod wish to install it, go for it. This mod pack and this community are much better off with childish, game crashing antics. It's despicable, childish behavior and I hope the crew here sees it for exactly that.

You do know that the GT packs are the most played ones though? I'm not sure if rage-kicking GT out is the right decision for FTB. best decision would be to just discuss it with greg and try to get a solution. OUTSIDE of pointless forum threads.
This is a truly idiotic claim. Conflicting recipes are not incompatible. The only incompatibility, absolutely the only incompatibility was in Greg's mind.

Since you're basing it on an invalid premise, the rest of your message is also invalid.

Ah yes, but as the creator of the mod, it's his call what's compatible or not..... and not yours
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Ah yes, but as the creator of the mod, it's his call what's compatible or not..... and not yours

Yes, he has every right to prevent his mod from loading, but has no right to crash the client. He can easily allow the game to continue loading and not have GT load.
You do know that the GT packs are the most played ones though? I'm not sure if rage-kicking GT out is the right decision for FTB. best decision would be to just discuss it with greg and try to get a solution. OUTSIDE of pointless forum threads.

True, but at one point folks thought RP wasn't replaceable, I firmly believe that any functionality that GT adds could be added by some other mod down the road. If folks would like to continue to use GT, let them install it themselves. After all, that is often the mantra of the GT zealots, that using it is completely optional, so in my opinion it ought to be made so.

If the mod isn't removed, it's sending a loud and clear message that any type of egregious behavior will be tolerated. My main concern is precedence, doing stuff like this should result in more than a polite conversation, it's an assault on end users and that simply can't be allowed.
Again a gentle reminder that greg changes recipes of three mods outside vanilla and IC2 and all these are rather minor at that. All the other hardmode recipes using GT stuff or generally being expensive are added by the original mod authors.
Two problems with that. The wood un-nerf change never reached github and greg wasn't aware that TiC was OSS until after it was pointed out to him shortly before mDiyo removed his stuff.

vauthil meant that greg crashed the game if any mod was installed that changed the recipies back to what they were or dont agree with his configs, the trigger for the crash was removed but the code to crash the game still exists and the trigger could be re added without warning, as for the pumpkin of shame, that was just greg being a jerk and putting a sad pumpkin on mdiyo's head, that was on a different comment btw
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