Greg Tech opinion discussions go here

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IMO reading all the previous comment no one is seeing the obvious. Gregtech made his version to be the only version he wants working. This clearly points to him not wanting any other mod to be used in conjunction with his. Just let Gregtech work with vanilla minecraft and thats the end of all his and everyone elses problems. If people want to use Gregtech then this is the only option available to them. Vanilla and Gregtech otherwise players should get what other mod makers are trying to work together. End of all problems.
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Well I think MOST people agree on something, Greg is a dick, I'm with mDiyo on this, If greg can change recipes for balance then why cant mDiyo? if I must choose between Gregtech and Tinkers Construct I would pick TC, Yes gregtech allows us to use cool machines and makes gameplay longer, Tinkers gives us cool tools and makes the gameplay more fun. Quality over Quantity. Before I liked how hard gregtech is, but it requires about 7 stacks off planks for a alveary so about 3.5stacks of logs for it, honestly thats to long. Gregtech is considered a IC2 addon so why does it change Vanilla, Forestry, Buildcraft and who knows what other mods? If a mod is a addon to IC2 then only change IC2. Again a final quote. I said already.

Quality over Quantity.
IMO reading all the previous comment no one is seeing the obvious. Gregtech made his version to be the only version he wants working. This clearly points to him not wanting any other mod to be used in conjunction with his. Just let Gregtech work with vanilla minecraft and thats the end of all his and everyone elses problems. If people want to use Gregtech then this is the only option available to them. Vanilla and Gregtech otherwise players should get what other mod makers are trying to work together. End of all problems.
This is wrong. But if I am wrong - correct me: GT adds some good crossmod interop, with thaumcraft for example. No, it is not as bad as well known BTW.
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Except that you are overlooking a key point. mDiyo's mod is mDiyo's mod. He has the exact same "right" to make changes to other mods included with his pack as Gregtech does, and for anyone to say it's okay for so-and-so's mod to make changes but not someone else's is not only rank hypocrisy but outright stupidity. Plus there is the legal matters. Mojang is very aware of modded Minecraft. They allow their product to be modded for any number of reasons through an implied license, with the caveat that changes can not intentionally affect the stability of the game. The fact, and it is a FACT, that Gregorious put code in that intentionally crashes the game if certain changes to his pack are made by another pack is grounds for Mojang to engage in civil action against him. To say nothing of providing cause for Mojang to consider revoking that implied license to modify the basic game, leaving the entire mod-based community adrift. And all because someone with more ego than sense had a hissy fit because someone thought what was good for the goose was good for the gander.

Of course this thread wouldn't have gotten so long if the pro-Gregtech fanatics hadn't come bearing pitchforks and torches the moment someone said that their "God" was acting like a juvenile delinquent and a first-rate hypocrite. They set the tone and now that the other side has decided to not turn the other cheek they're the ones crying foul.

As stated nicely by you what the situation is, I think this topic/thread should not be about whether GT crossed the line here (because it has), but whether we as a community would like FTB to remove GT from (most) modpacks or not and if not therefore forgiving Gregorius for crossing the line.

I am definitely on the side of removing GT since crossing the line for me means that the line crosser should feel the consequences. If we would just accept his actions now he probably hasn't learned and at the next minor issue with his mod he could do it again or worse. After some time without GT (like about 1 MC version) and an apology from Gregorius and a promise he won't do such horrible things again and let other mods nerf what they want since that is also what GT does, he could reenter the scene. Though I have had it for now with him, especially since it looks like he is not sorry for his actions, where mDiyo has already presented a humble explanation of the situation AND an apology on his side, while in my opinion there is (way) more to blame on Gregorius.
If the great people of FTB decide to leave GregTech out of the incoming modpacks (which in my opinion is unlikely), I'll be sad to see it go, no matter how much of an ass Greg is.
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Well I think MOST people agree on something, Greg is a dick, I'm with mDiyo on this, If greg can change recipes for balance then why cant mDiyo? if I must choose between Gregtech and Tinkers Construct I would pick TC, Yes gregtech allows us to use cool machines and makes gameplay longer, Tinkers gives us cool tools and makes the gameplay more fun. Quality over Quantity. Before I liked how hard gregtech is, but it requires about 7 stacks off planks for a alveary so about 3.5stacks of logs for it, honestly thats to long. Gregtech is considered a IC2 addon so why does it change Vanilla, Forestry, Buildcraft and who knows what other mods? If a mod is a addon to IC2 then only change IC2. Again a final quote. I said already.

Quality over Quantity.
You do realize that most, if not ALL mods change vanilla, right?
Not to mention that the wood nerf can be undone by using a sawmill. either his or the thermal expansion one... not to mention that wood is wood, does anyone ever had a problem whit wood?
People are now super misinformed, Greg is a dick but if he did not change nearly as much recipes as people think the most noticeable ones being the famous bronze nerf, whit now that that forestry multiblock farms require no bronze is nowhere as bad as before, and the quarry nerf witch a lot of people like.
I think you should make another pack with gregtech and in ftb ultimate delete gregtech and replace it with tinker's constructs.Btw what will happen when we won't
get redpower for 1.6 ?

You should research a little more before making assumptions regarding redpower....Eloraam the author of redpower is back and working on redpower for 1.6. And lastly this is not a Redpower thread so why try to hijack a thread with something totally unrelated to the topic at hand?
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As stated nicely by you what the situation is, I think this topic/thread should not be about whether GT crossed the line here (because it has), but whether we as a community would like FTB to remove GT from (most) modpacks or not and if not therefore forgiving Gregorius for crossing the line.

I am definitely on the side of removing GT since crossing the line for me means that the line crosser should feel the consequences. If we would just accept his actions now he probably hasn't learned and at the next minor issue with his mod he could do it again or worse. After some time without GT (like about 1 MC version) and an apology from Gregorius and a promise he won't do such horrible things again and let other mods nerf what they want since that is also what GT does, he could reenter the scene. Though I have had it for now with him, especially since it looks like he is not sorry for his actions, where mDiyo has already presented a humble explanation of the situation AND an apology on his side, while in my opinion there is (way) more to blame on Gregorius.

Thats what I thought the topic was but reading Jaded's initial post, it states that the topic is simply '...the recent conflict with GregTech and Tinker's Construct.' not whether we as a community want it removed or not.

Also, you say that the 'line crosser should feel the consequences', but in this case, the consequences will not be on Greg, but the people who actually like GregTech. In my opinion, Greg couldn't give a rodent's rectum whether his mod is included in FTB or not.
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greg is starting to remind me of flowerchild having a big temper tantrum then making his mod incompatible with other mods. But a least fc had a good reason and hits mod can stand by itself.
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Thats what I thought the topic was but reading Jaded's initial post, it states that the topic is simply '...the recent conflict with GregTech and Tinker's Construct.' not whether we as a community want it removed or not.


It is indeed what I think it should be about but reading not only jadeds post but also the others it looks like the topic is going in a whole different direction (which is heading nowhere)
The point of having GregTech installed is you are accepting that he nerfs things. If you just like the new machines (Which I rather enjoy personally) there is not just one but several config files which are very neatly and carefully organized which even if you do not undeerstand you can view hundreds of forums on how to change specific features.

As far as I can tell Greg acted in retaliation because someone was overriding his mod which would force the user to ignore the balance implemented by GT without them even knowing most of the time (Honestly most FTB players do not live on these forums or follow these dramatic events). This could cause users to think less of his mod if they thought his "balance" still allowed such blatant exploits.

All Greg did was the exact same thing that was done to his mod and no it was not borderline "malware" or whatever clever virus genre you think this applies to. He made it so his mod required his config files to match what the game was loading or the game could not run...which the configs are one of the main points of having GT installed. This is similar to if someone override his mod and disabled the industrial electrolyzer.

Whether you like GT or not is honestly irrelevant to this discussion so try and set your bias aside for a minute and look at it in a rational manner.
If the great people of FTB decide to leave GregTech out of the incoming modpacks (which in my opinion is unlikely), I'll be sad to see it go, no matter how much of an ass Greg is.
Do you know why that will never happen?
Mindcrack is not maintained by the FTB team, as long as the mindcrack guys play whit gregtech there is nothing the FTB community can do to remove it(not to mention that the one who really likes gregtech is etho who has 1 million viewers backing him up)
Yet the consequences are an important part of the discussion. Is simply allowing him to do this sort of shit tolerable? It shouldn't be.

There are multitudes of solutions to this, but allowing him to skip away scot-free isn't one. It encourages this sort of behavior.

Ah, like how he overrides EVERY IC2 recipe? How he overrided Forestry Bronze until sengir went "F- that"? How he overrided BC recipes?

Okay, so we're supposed to accept the GT nerfs things? Accept this: TiC buffs things. Choose one or the other.

Do you know why that will never happen?

Mindcrack is not maintained by the FTB team, as long as the mindcrack guys play whit gregtech there is nothing the FTB community can do to remove it(not to mention that the one who really likes gregtech is etho who has 1 million viewers backing him up)

Yet if you watched Etho, you'd see he hardly touches IC2 in general, much less Gregtech. All of the FTB items he uses that are remotely IC2 related are all third party (advanced nanochest, forestry eu generators, mining laser). He has hardly gotten into GT before, and has even said that he feels somewhat bad for making others play with it despite him hardly touching it.

Consensus from many other mindcrackers is not pro-GT either.
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Yet the consequences are an important part of the discussion. Is simply allowing him to do this sort of shit tolerable? It shouldn't be.

There are multitudes of solutions to this, but allowing him to skip away scot-free isn't one. It encourages this sort of behavior.

They are important but irrelevant.
It is futile to argue about the consequences when the perpetrator doesn't care about the punishment one bit.
Greg is that trouble-maker in high school who is always in detention, day-in, day-out, never learning his lesson or their consequences, because he simply Does. Not. Care.
IMO reading all the previous comment no one is seeing the obvious. Gregtech made his version to be the only version he wants working. This clearly points to him not wanting any other mod to be used in conjunction with his. Just let Gregtech work with vanilla minecraft and thats the end of all his and everyone elses problems. If people want to use Gregtech then this is the only option available to them. Vanilla and Gregtech otherwise players should get what other mod makers are trying to work together. End of all problems.
Gt is as yet not a stand-a-lone mod, but seems to be heading that way, so atm he still depends on other mods to a small or larger extent.
They are important but irrelevant.
It is futile to argue about the consequences when the perpetrator doesn't care about the punishment one bit.
Greg is that trouble-maker in high school who is always in detention, day-in, day-out, never learning his lesson or their consequences, because he simply Does. Not. Care.

I think he'd care if RichardG gave him the middle finger and threatened to boot him out. It's not like RG is particularly infatuated with Greg.

Even the high school bad boy is scared of getting kicked out of the house.
How much time, focus and energy this man had to expend to create the Pumpkin of Shame...
GT can be frustrating at times and time consuming, but it adds some great content and some interesting concepts. TiC is just really cool, new and a welcome addition. It's too bad that these guys couldn't work together and create something really mindblowing.
Yeah Greg has a definite lack of social skills and the game crashing thing was certainly wrong (on many levels) but torching the guy is only going to put him on the defensive and make things worse. Anybody here never been guilty of going too far?
Yes & when I did I publicly apologized to the injured party.
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In my opinion, GregTech is one of the best mods out there. Yes there might be some negative things that comes with it, but think of all the things the mod adds to the game. Hours and hours of fun gameplay for the really hardcore tech fans.
I think he'd care if RichardG gave him the middle finger and threatened to boot him out. It's not like RG is particularly infatuated with Greg.

Even the high school bad boy is scared of getting kicked out of the house.

That is neither here not there, we're talking about FTB.
What you're saying is a completely different, internal situation that I think we should leave to the IC2 people.
I can't comment on RichardG and Greg's relationship as I don't know what that situation is like.
A mod refusing to start?

Yeah, a coder purposely putting in a code bomb that crashes the game because he doesn't like another mod is a "mod refusing to start".


Shave the wool off your eyes.

In startup.. yes. Also gives you an error about the exception. It is a mod refusing to start.
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