I chose "Depends", because it literally depends on the question "
What does this server offer me for those five bucks, that I could not get on any other given whitelisted, moderated server?":
- Chunkloaders?
available from other servers (afos)
- helpful and responsive Admins/Moderators?
usually not needed with <=20 members, otherwise afos
- Uptime guarantees or quick crashrecovery?
nobody can give a 100% guarantee, plus.. afos
- up2date server hardware, upgrades incoming, lagfree surroundings and maybe even techsupport?
again, afos
- A lively, friendly community, maybe with a person of interest among, that I would like to know? now we're talking^^
Thing is, about the
only thing that would
maybe make me shell out cash for an otherwise freely available service elsewhere online, is something the server cannot buy. It grows. And it grows rarely. And even
more rare is the sight of an "old server" that still has an interesting community playing on it. I don't think I could count more than maybe a handful of those. Of course, this is highly subjective, as what
I call a worthwhile community might gross someone else out. Which makes it even
harder to put out a thought through request for money. And even if a community, helpful and whatnot is developing on a given premium server - who decides who may buy a ticket and who may not? Maybe the next person buying access is a griefer with too much time and money on his hands? How are downtimes calculated into the equation? If I can play 2 out of 4 weeks, I want a 50% refund. And I want it quick. Also, I don't want to wait two weeks from payment until I am whitelisted. That has to happen within hours at max. And so on...
As of right now, I could not think of a server that I would pay regular money for, just to keep playing Minecraft. I would NOT mind shelling out 20 bucks for, say a server upgrade or something. I would
also not mind paying for a bigger/more stable server. As long as I see the money invested indeed ends where it's supposed to end - in a more enjoyable game.

Plus, those would usually be one time payments. Or maybe every quarter of a year or something. And it would
definitely end up as some sort of donation feature, not a "pay to (keep) play(ing)" function. Grabby admin-hands before I even get to play? No wai!