What block, tool, or feature converted you to modded Minecraft?

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I'm of the opinion that it was either Better Than Wolves or Portal Guns. Because portal guns are frakking awesome.
I was at my friend's house, and he had taught me how to install SinglePlayerCommands and TooManyItems. With those two mods, we built a rollercoaster out of diamond blocks and killed giants with tnt cannons. After that he went upstairs, and I saw leptir1's let's play video in which he was playing with More Creeps & Weirdos. After I got home, it took me several tries to install it, but finally I started a new minecraft world, and saw a giraffe in the distance.
After that I installed mods like Mo Creatures, Pistons, Exanadu's Sponges and PetMod. I've always liked a combination of small unique mods, and with them I played through the whole Beta 1.5. Afterwards my friend installed Industrialcraft and that was our first glimpse to technical mods, even though at that time neither of us knew how to use the machines.
Later on my top sources for new mods were the Yogscast and minecraft forums. One day, though, I was surfing through youtube and found a technical let's play by some guy called direwolf. I got hooked right away, and through his smp server play, I found FTB. Rest is history.
I was waiting for guildwars 2, saw yogscast videos of the gw2 press beta, thought they were entertaining and watched a couple of their bread and butter minecraft videos. That lead me to duncan's tekkit videos, watched the first couple of them and bought minecraft, moved to modded after a week or 2 of learning the basics.
A long time ago simply seeing a vid of items travelling through BC pipes into chests.

Pipes ! that transport and sort items ! omfg !
I had been watching some youtubers, and wanted to know what that thing that gave you items was (TMI, not NEI)
From there it skyrocketed until I had my own pack with 110 mods
I originally saw Duncan's Tekkit let's play and I was hooked on modded Minecraft I eventually started playing Tekkit with a few extra mods like forestry but I had no idea how to use the machines so I went and looked up a forestry mod spotlight and I randomly clicked on a direwolf20 video after that I started watching direwolf instead of Duncan and moved over some of the mods that I liked to play like IC2 BC RP2 and some others over to a multimc instance but I couldn't figure out how to solve some ID conflicts between forestry and other mods so it was a very short list of mods I was using eventually I found out about the feed the beast launcher and their forum and now I'm using the ultimate pack with a few extra mods thrown in like logistic pipes flans gun mod and some nei plugins if you have read this entire post you deserve a big pat on the back.
Hmmm, I coudn't remember the first mod i used, but RedPower was the first mod made me can't go back vanilla. Because it adds amazing redstone things i'll mever play without them.
I started waaay back in 1.8 when I installed TMI. Then I went on a rampage installing mods until I found EE2. Then I found Dire. Then I found all the tech mods through him.
Getting a burnout of MC because it was growing painfully ever more repetitive, happened to bump into modded MC videos somewhere (been over a year now) and at some point started using DW20's config pack (season 2) and going along with that.

I couldn't say it was a single item or mod that did it. It was everything. I needed complex depth that wasn't in redstone logic circuits. I could never go back now.
Before I discovered FTB, it was Timber! (similar to Treecapitator), the campers mod (forget the actual name, adds different types of campfires, tents, and random campsites with campers to the world-gen), and Insta-houses (craftable blocks, when right-clicked with the special tool, made instant houses, AWESOME for improving villages). The campers mod is fun, but the campers are stupid and constantly walk into their own campfires and kill themselves. What hooked me on FTB was lasers. Mining lasers, BC lasers, arcane bore lasers (not really a laser but just as cool). I just think lasers are awesome.
Well, then you must be waiting for xycraft power system :)
Wait, what? I have heard nothing of what's coming in Xycraft. Could my dream be coming true? Energy beams shot directly into machines to power them? *Frantically searches interwebs*
For me it wasn't exactly a mod, it was direwolf20's singleplayer season 2 videos. I stubbled upon them once while I was bored on youtube, watched one and thought that I had to try this stuff out.
For me it wasn't exactly a mod, it was direwolf20's singleplayer season 2 videos. I stubbled upon them once while I was bored on youtube, watched one and thought that I had to try this stuff out.
If I had to credit a person, it would br PaulSoaresJr. He led me to the mindcrackers and Etho is really the one who got me interested in FTB.

Well, then you must be waiting for xycraft power system :)
You mean this? That is some cool lookin schitt right there. I lol'd at #27. Laser chicken ftw.
Yeah, but I saw them in dw,s server play, I want the pretty lasers, but I already have enough power systems, I hope powercrystals makes converters for it when it comes out
no mod converted me.

In fact I still enjoy default MC.

What got me to try modded MC was Etho's Lab. It was a sort of "Well it cant be that crap if Etho likes it"
It wasn't *a* mod. But rather all the oressssssssss. Mining is my favorite thing to do, do how could I possibly resist mods? I still rarely use any automated mining. It's like Christmas for me when I find a cave.

Also, the storage features. Not only am I a hoarder, but I'm a highly ocd hoarder that likes her stuff just so.