I actually didn't mind IT2 until I ran into a problem which was a basic mechanic of GT about how ores are silly in their distribution and there was no conveyance as to how I can obtain said ores, and it seemed like every time I was in a decent spot, my entire infrastructure chain became completely and hopelessly obsolete and I needed to tear everything down and start fresh. Again. About the only thing I could keep from converting from Steam to LV was the LV Steam Turbine and the steam production, to run my LV machines on Steam power, but I couldn't do both that and keep my Steam machines running on steam. And the Bronze Blast Furnace was obsolete almost as soon as it was built, and most of the components couldn't be repurposed because I was moving away from Bronze as a material, meaning if I wanted to 'recycle' any of the components, I'd need to break them all the way back down into its component copper and tin.fwiw I'm totally lurking this thread to steal further ideas for IT3. Surprising maybe given Shneekey's own opinion of the modpack's mechanics, but he's a smart dude and a lot of his ideas translate across modpacks or can be adapted.
Having been playing Omnifactory for a bit, some interesting things coming from there that I want to comment on.
* Pre-RF, the pack plays very similar to a traditional GT pack, EXCEPT you have the scanner.
* Omnicoins are an excellent way of rewarding players with something THEY feel relevant without being over the top.
* The synergy between the Scanner and the Omnicoin system is pretty huge. You can buy any ore you want, then scan it with your Scanner (the block module is trivial to make once you have access to sticky resin and gold wires) to find more of it in the world. This is exactly what I was missing from the IT2 playthrough. I really wouldn't call it 'too' easy, but some might.
* Not sure if I like the decision to make the default a cityscape, may have to play around with that a bit and check out the pros and cons. At least it isn't (by default, at least) another skyblock map.
* Not sure if I like Actually Additions and EnderIO in the pack yet. I'll have to see how it trivializes everything when it comes up. Early game, Flax makes wool easy to obtain, at least. AA tends to trivialize early game power generation with Canola, we'll see if this has been nerfed.
* Thermal seems to be the initial RF production technique. If they haven't nerfed Tree Oil, this could also be a stupidly OP early-game energy production method.
They straight up removed the Compression Dynamo, so tree oil is not a thing, and they straight up removed the oil generator from AA as well, so that's not an option either.I can't comment on the very earliest canola, but I know the atomic reconstructor is considerably more difficult than it was!Going by what I've seen so far, the pack has covered that stuff quite well. Thermal machines are not straightforward.
I don't really get that personally. Perhaps if you feel you are floating too much power, you need to do more parallel processing? I mean, even before I get into AE, I'm typically running 2-3 Assembly Machines, a Macerator running almost nonstop, Wire Mill, Compressor... if anything, my problem is getting to a stable power situation.Here's my reverse-ask: GT-CE seems to suffer from "you have more energy than you know what to do with", at least my base seems to. If you're NOT going ultra casual, what kind of energy sinks do you implement that don't piss people off and/or just come off as lazy-grind-enforcement?
Yeah possibly. I'm playing on a server 100% these days, and its really easy to just "cheat" and let my permanently-running industry take care of things while I'm away, whereas in single-player I'd be more inclined to scale horizontally: 5 Ore Washers, 10 Electrolyzers, etc.I don't really get that personally. Perhaps if you feel you are floating too much power, you need to do more parallel processing? I mean, even before I get into AE, I'm typically running 2-3 Assembly Machines, a Macerator running almost nonstop, Wire Mill, Compressor... if anything, my problem is getting to a stable power situation.
For LV tech, try a pair of Macerators and play our favorite game: Ore Double EVERYTHING! Is it necessary? No. Does it make it less necessary to go mining? Yes. Is it an energy sink? HECK YEA!Yeah possibly. I'm playing on a server 100% these days, and its really easy to just "cheat" and let my permanently-running industry take care of things while I'm away, whereas in single-player I'd be more inclined to scale horizontally: 5 Ore Washers, 10 Electrolyzers, etc.
It would still be nice to identify some interesting energy sinks that apply even in a server environment.