What's new in modded minecraft today?

  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
Just released RFTools 5.10 for MC 1.10.2 with the following changes:

  • Added protection for the matter transmitter crashing when a player disconnects while in the beam
  • Added safety for player bounding box being null. Shouldn't be possible but at BTM everything is possible
  • Fixed the space chamber card gui so that it shows better information and no longer crashes in some cases
  • Fixed a problem with (elevator) buttons on large screens sometimes not working if you click on the 'dummy' screen part (i.e. the top-left screen is the real screen and the rest are dummies)
  • Added diagnostics to the builder in case it finds a block that returns invalid itemstacks (null items). That way the quarry no longer crashes but dumps info on screen and in the log
  • Fixed a bug in the environmental controller with both the peaceful and the no teleport modules where they would fail to turn themselves off if the module was removed/deactivated

Download: https://mods.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/224641-rftools

Have fun!
Released Deep Resonance 1.2.0beta36 for MC 1.10.2 with the following changes:

1.2.0beta36 (MC1.10.2):
  • Fix a bug where breaking a glowing crystal might not reset the glowing state
  • Cleaned up tank code and possibly fixed some syncing bugs. Also removed the unused duct code
  • Increased default chances of resonating ore spawn from 3 to 5
  • Martin Zeller added full Open Computers integration to Deep Resonance! There are drivers available for all Deep Resonance machines

Download: https://mods.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/233398-deep-resonance

Have fun!
The One Probe 1.0.14 released for MC 1.9.4+ with the following changes:

  • getPickBlock is now called client side with the correct raytracing information. That means that it should work properly for things like MCMP for example.
  • Added a new feature that shows basic block/entity info when the server is lagging (more then 500ms behind). This can be disabled
  • Other mods can now implement probe functionality in their items too (not only helmets). To do that just add the tag 'theoneprobe_hand' to the NBT of the item (for helments it was 'theoneprobe')

Download: https://mods.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/245211-the-one-probe

Have fun!
new day, new update, and today it's @Lance5057 with Tinkers' Defense
Lance5057 said:
Tinkers' Defense 1.3.6
Bug fixes -

  • Casting TD metals into full guard takes 3 ingots worth instead of 1.
  • Blocking with MnB shields no longer crashes the game.
  • Icons show up in Tinkers' Forge properly.
New stuff -

  • Armor!
    • 3 Types, Cloth, Chain, and Plate
    • Cloth offers no protection but can take magic related modifiers
    • Chain offers Iron level protection and can be built in the standard tool table.
    • Plate offers Diamond level protection and can only be built in the tool forge.
  • Gauntlets (Cosmetic)
  • Wrenches, works with IC2, Mekanism, Buildcraft, and Thermal Expansion.
  • Shears
  • Zweihanders, a new weapon type that does double damage to mounted opponents. Right clicking uses the ability Great Swing which hits all enemies around you in a circle but leaves you weakened and slow for a short time.
  • Modifiers. Lots of new modifiers, some even integrated with other mods.
    • All Tools/Armor
      • Wand Caps (Thaumcraft) Repairs your gear using vis from wands in your inventory.
      • ManaCore (Botania) Repairs your gear using mana from tablets in your inventory.
      • Scabbing (Blood Magic) Repairs your gear using LP from your network.
    • Weapons
      • Daze - Hitting an enemy has a chance of dazing them, causing slowness, nausea, and blindness.
      • TerraCore (Botania) - Swinging your weapon has a chance of shooting a terrabeam, like the terrablade would.
      • Corpse Ivy (Botania) - Hitting enemies refills mana tablets in your inventory.
      • Blood Oath (Blood Magic) - Gives your weapon the chance to drop blood shards when killing enemies. Requires LP.
      • Supping (Blood Magic) - Adds to your LP network every time you strike an enemy.
    • All Armor
      • ElementiumCore (Botania) - Being struck has a chance of unleashing pixies to retaliate.
    • Cloth Armor
      • Vis Embroidery - Weaves Enchanted Fabric into your clothes to reduce the cost of vis use.
      • Mana Embroidery - Weaves Mana Fabric into your clothes to reduce mana used by wands and staves.
    • All headgear
      • NightVision - Lets you see in the dark.
      • Rebreather - Lets you breath underwater using replaceable canisters kept in your inventory.
      • Revealing (Thaumcraft) - Attach goggles of revealing to your helmet to see nodes and essentia quantities. (no modifier cost)
      • Divination (Blood Magic) - Using a rune of Divination lets you see your LP meter as long as you're wearing the helmet. (no modifier cost)
    • All shoes
      • Glow Crystal - Every 8 steps or so the crystal will shed some glow dust on the ground, illuminating your path.
      • Fiery Crystal - Allows you to walk on lava by placing unstable obsidian at your feet.
      • Frigid Crystal - Allows you to walk on water by placing unstable ice at your feet.
      • Flippers - Makes you swim faster underwater.
    • Non-cloth armor
      • Protection - Adding additional plates to your gear makes you resistant to more damage.
      • Projectile protection - Riviting your chainmail makes it harder for projectiles to pierce it.
      • Blast Protection - Padding your gear with additional cloth reduces the damage done by explosions.
      • Fire Protection - Lining your armor with magma cream makes you more resistance to fire damage.
      • Hermes' Feathers (Feet only) - Falling from high places doesn't hurt as much.
    • Shields
      • Feathers - Makes you able to hold your shield up longer.
      • Mirrors - Reflects fireballs shot at you back.
      • Gluttony - Consumes arrows stuck in the shield to repair damage done to it.
      • Sanguisuga - Getting hit sucks hp away from your enemy and repleneshes your own.
      • Thorns - Getting hit causes instant retaliation to your enemy.
      • Light - Undead enemies that hit your shield are set ablaze as if they were in the sun.
      • Winds - Enemies that hit your shield are thrown backwards.
  • The Finishing Anvil
    • This new tool allows you to change your gear even more to suit your tastes. Putting in tools will let you change the designs of each part, while putting in armor will let you turn on and off various blocks to change its look.
    • Thanks to Shadowclaimer the Finishing Anvil is greatly expanded with tool designs from Metallurgy 5!

and @Kloonder with Good Old Backpacks
Kloonder said:
Good Old Backpacks

This modpack provides the good old backpacks, not these new ones, with the limited storage, but now with the size of chests. There are two tiers currently implemented, the first one can hold the size of a chest and the second one can hold the size of a double-chest.


Crafting Recipes:





I am not a developer of any older backpack mod. This is my first backpack mod, and I looked a bit at this mod, but it wasn't updated for so long so I though I could use the textures as basics and use the ideas of this mod. I have no contact with Eydamos in any way.
new day, new update, and today it's @dmodoomsirius with SBM-CardboardBoxes
dmodoomsirius said:
Simplistic storage for moving tiles while maintaining inventories, and settings.

This mod was created as a replacement for needing large mods for moving tiles. Examples of mods this can replace is jabba's dollies and mekanism's boxes.

Single Block Mods
This mod is part of the single block mods series which aims at creating simple high-quality mods.

Other mods in series
Wooden Rails

Colored Chests

Red Cow Energy Drink

Wooden Bucket

Planned Features
* Better mod support

* Live database of supported tiles

* Better config customization of approved tiles

* Improved handling of special tiles

* Randomized textures, and box decay

* Decoration textures

* Box labels to make sorting easy

* Improved NBT handling to prevent crashes with moving AE drive tiles

* Support for ticking tiles while stored in boxes

Join us on Esper.net IRC #BuiltBroken #BuiltBrokenModding
new day, new update, and today it's @bdew with JEI Bees
bdew said:
This mod adds JEI recipes that show breeding and products from Forestry bees, trees and butterflies.

This is a continuation of some of the features of NEI Addons for Minecraft >=1.10 and JEI.


  • Minectaft 1.10.2 (other versions might work, but are unsupported)
  • Reasonably recent Forge
  • Forestry >=5.2.x
  • JEI >= 3.7.x
Open Source

The mod is licensed under the LGPLv3, the source code is available on GitHub.
Yes this means you have permission to add it to any public or private mod pack.

and @P3pp3rF1y with Reliquary
P3pp3rF1y said:
Reliquary 1.10.2-
!!!!! The old nian zhus won't protect players from mobs anymore. They need to convert these to new mob charms through crafting table / player crafting slot

This is a Mob Charm release
- Nian Zhus are no more, now the items are called mob charms
- The old Nian Zhus can be crafted into new Mob Charms, just put them in the crafting grid
- Mob charms take damage when the mob they protect from is killed by the players
- They can be repaired with the special drops that were used to craft the mob charms
- When damaged they will show up in the HUD for a bit
- there are 3 settings related to this

- all accessible in the ingame mod config GUI
- position where they show
- number of damaged mob charms that show at the same time
- setting to determine whether very damaged mob charm will stay displayed in the HUD
- Mob Charm belt is now a thing
- Can store mob charms
- Can be put in the baubles belt slot
- Renders on the player when in the baubles slot (totally didn't check how botania does this :D)
- Of course player is protected from mobs when charms are in the belt the same as if they were in player's inventory
- And they do take damage in the belt as well
- Both mob charms and mob charm fragments got new graphics
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Reactions: DreamMasterXXL
After screwing up with 1.10.2 dev environment, FrogCraft: Rebirth, an unofficial continuation of IC2 addon FrogCraft, has been finally released.
Since I use the old documentation as reference, progression in FrogCraft:Rebirth is not changed much comparing with the old FrogCraft. Use JEI when necessary.

Hope those guys who have played 1.6.2 FrogCraft to enjoy this continuation, and I am looking for feedbacks as well!
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Reactions: SatanicSanta
new day, new update, and today it's @masa with Placement Preview
masa said:

A client-side mod for displaying a preview of the block that would be placed on right click.

Spoiler (click to hide)

There are several configuration options available, either via the in-game config menu, or in the configuration file.

fakeWorldCopyRadius The radius of blocks that will be copied to the fake world. The change detection radius is one less than this value.
renderAfterDelay The preview will only activate after the cursor has been held over a block for an amount of time.
renderDelay The amount of time the cursor must be held over a block for the preview to activate.
renderGhost Render a "ghost block" preview. Independent of renderWire.
renderWire Render a "wire frame" preview. Independent of renderGhost.
renderOverlapping Render a ghost block preview over existing blocks. This also changes the way the changed block models are detected. (when false, only blocks that were modified in the fake world via setBlockState() are included, when true, all blocks in a radius of fakeWorldCopyRadius - 1 are compared to the real world by comparing the getActualState() reference. This means that things like changing fence connections of adjacent existing blocks will be shown.)
requireSneak Whether the player must be sneaking for any preview to be active.
resetHoverTimerOnPosChange Whether the hover delay will reset when the cursor moves over a different block.
toggleOnSneak While sneaking, toggles both the ghost and wire rendering states on/off from what they are normally.
transparencyAlpha The alpha value of the ghost block, if useTransparency is true. 0 = completely transparent, 1 = completely opaque.
useTransparency Render the ghost blocks as transparent/translucent.
keyGhost The key that must be help for the ghost block rendering to be active. Can be "shift", "alt" or "ctrl" to use a key, or anything else (like "none") to not require a key.
keyWire The key that must be help for the wire frame rendering to be active. Can be "shift", "alt" or "ctrl" to use a key, or anything else (like "none") to not require a key.

The rendering can be toggled on/off via the Toggle key, which is P by default.
The renderGhost state can be toggled via shift + Toggle key.
The renderWire state can be toggled via ctrl + Toggle key.
Mod packs/permissions

Mod packs: go ahead!
Re-hosting the mod file otherwise is not cool, mmkay?

Short demonstration video (from version 0.1.0)

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Reactions: DreamMasterXXL
new day, new update, and today it's @don_bruce with Real First-Person Render
don_bruce said:
This mod comes as a request by one of my flight simulator mod modelers. It's a small client-side mod that renders the player's body when in first-person. Although it may seem similar to the Improved First Person mod, RFPR is coded quite differently. It doesn't require a coremod, and only uses one class file. This makes updating a snap, and allows it to easily be tweaked to work with any version. It also means that there are some inconsistencies; that's the price you pay for simplicity.

It's not 100% accurate and never will be, but it should give just a dash of realism for those who want it.

and @RWTema with Mine Souls
RWTema said:
Mine Souls 1.10.2-1.2.0
- Added 'dodge' ability. Press the key (default: R) to move very quickly in the current direction for a few moments at the cost of stamina. While moving you cannot attack/change direction/jump/sneak but you will dodge any incoming damage.

- Added 'Vanilla'-style GUI bars for poise and endurance. Go to the mod options to turn on the vanilla style GUI.

- Fixed a situation where fully drained endurance did not refill.

and @KaneApollo with Wings Horns & Hooves, the Ultimate Unicorn
KaneApollo said:
Wings Horns & Hooves, the Ultimate Unicorn 1.7.10-1.5.0
  • Kirins have arrived! Like all other horse breeds in the mod, they can interbreed with any other horse type! They have the magical ability to walk on water and breathe fire!
  • Modified Hippocamp model to look better and more fish-like.
  • Modified baby models to make fish tails look better and to make baby unicorn horns shorter.
  • Reduced biomes that different horse breeds spawn in. I was getting messages about overpopulation of horses, and this was one easy way to tune that down without overhauling the spawning probability system (which I might still do). Thanks for the suggestion, George!
  • Fixed a bug in which jousting would cause a crash when used with some other mods that include new armor.
  • Added some new oracle text, mostly related to kirin.
  • Added new config options related to kirin, and to adjust max number of allowed Velvet bunnies.
  • Added one newcustom unicorns (Karas)!
  • This release is only for 1.9 and 1.7.10 at the moment, because I did not finish with the porting to 1.8 versions, and these are in less demand. They will get the kirin in an upcoming release soon, but I am considering dropping at least one of the 1.8 releases due to the increased effort it takes to support them.
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Reactions: DreamMasterXXL
ArmorPlus has been updated for Minecraft Versions 1.10.2

Mod's Versions 1.10.2-

Now requires TheDragonCore 1.1.0

Mod Feedback page: http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/157530/

Link to the Mod's Wiki: http://ftb.gamepedia.com/ArmorPlus

{Features Changed}
  • ArmorPlus now requires TheDragonCore.
  • ArmorPlus is now officially a project of TheDragonTeam
  • Some Command Tweaks
{Features Added}
  • Integration with WeaponsPlus (WeaponsPlus is on ArmorPlus from now on)
  • Custom Capes (WIP)
Last edited:
XCW has a Mystcraft bug fix and improvement

*A slightly bigger fanfare plays*

Moar bug fixes!
I went through the GitHub issues tracker and pegged a bunch of things that had been collecting. Steadily getting back into my groove.


[Interface]Improves first-time profiling gui text (Thanks to Hank_Riker)
[Feature]Adds a text field to the link modifier which allows setting the age seed to be used with unused age books
[Internal]Renamed Flat and Void to TerrainFlat and TerrainVoid
[Grammar]"Lacking" features now will not generate alongside other features
[BugFix]Symbols which happen to share names with biomes won't be changed to those biomes anymore
[BugFix]Fixes some issues with showing GUIs

And Looking Glass:
[BugFix]Fixes double update issues with rendering (FOV, particles, etc)

(Looking glass lets you see through mystcraft crystal portals to see the world (not entities) on the other side)
New modpack (made by me) is finally out! Its called project magic , avalible on curse launcher!
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Reactions: Yusunoha
new day, new update, and today it's @yrsegal with Silimatics
yrsegal said:
Silimatics allows you to sift out pure sands from the stuff you can find on the beach. Pure sand isn't as mundane as it's regular counterpart. When smelted, the glass it creates has magical powers. And if you grind panes down into lenses, you can take those powers for yourself... if you're willing to subject yourself to wearing silly-looking glasses, that is.

Created for The Modding Trials

and @Gekoreivax with Incense
Gekoreivax said:
Incense based mob spawning. Entry for the first Modding Trial, http://moddingtrials.xyz/.

Create incense paste with a mortar and pestle, then create an incense stick. Light the stick to attract mobs to spawn!

First, you'll need a mortar and pestle:


Then, create the incense paste:


Combine the paste with a stick:


Place it in the world:


Light it with a flint and steel:


And watch things spawn!

Elec332 and me worked on our Modding Trials entry: Elemental Dimensions. This is an adventure/exploration mod with 5 dimensions (Earth, Water, Air, Spirit, and Fire) which you have to go through to gain the final reward: Elemental Wand. This wand can do various things like teleportation, digging and damage.

Given the limited time we had on this entry the mod is obviously still a bit barebones. The mobs are just retextured vanilla mobs and the dimensions can use a lot more decoration. But it is a start. This mod is for 1.10.2 and also requires ElecCore.

Download: https://mods.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/248539-elemental-dimensions


Have fun!
Updated AbyssalCraft (1.8.9) (1.9) (1.9.4) (1.10.2) to
  • Statues now refuse to transfer PE if there's adjacent Statues on any side
  • Demon Animals now use the BiomeDictionary entry NETHER instead of the Nether Biome for Biomes to spawn in
  • Statues now refuse to transfer PE if there's adjacent Statues on any side
  • Demon Animals now use the BiomeDictionary entry NETHER instead of the Nether Biome for Biomes to spawn in
  • All entities (except the bosses) now have their own loot tables
  • Statues now refuse to transfer PE if there's adjacent Statues on any side
  • Demon Animals now use the BiomeDictionary entry NETHER instead of the Nether Biome for Biomes to spawn in
  • All entities (except the bosses) now have their own loot tables
  • Statues now refuse to transfer PE if there's adjacent Statues on any side
  • Demon Animals now use the BiomeDictionary entry NETHER instead of the Nether Biome for Biomes to spawn in
  • All entities (except the bosses) now have their own loot tables
  • Now runs on Forge
  • Split the Crystal Clusters into 2 blocks (solves the startup crashes with Forge 2044+)
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new day, new update, and today it's @Skullmassarce7 with Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Content Pack
Skullmassarce7 said:


This is my second creation. I have made a pack that adds weapons from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive into Minecraft. The sounds are NOT MINE, there are ripped straight from the game files and are used in this mod. This mod is made by me, Skullmassarce7, and is only made by me. Please remember that this is a Flan's Mod Content Pack and that it requires Flan's Mod in order to run. If you are unsure about how to install Flan's mod (there will soon be link at the bottom of the description to help), then look up how to install content packs and flans mod. Please be sure to leave a comment after downloading on what you think and please take this 5-second poll to tell me what to add next. Thank you!

Poll: https://strawpoll.de/663935b


Spoiler (click to hide)
Version 1.2 Beta:

- AK-47


- AWP + Scope

- Deagle

- Glock 18

- M4A4

- Nova

- P2000

- P250

- SG553 + ACOG

- SSG 08 + Scope

- XM1014

- Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Weapon Box [Unfinished]


- Galil AR

- Default Counter-Terrorist Knife

- Default Terrorist Knife

- Bayonet + Skins

- HE Grenade

- P90

- PP-Bizon

- CZ-75 Auto


Spoiler (click to hide)
Key:Red = Cancelled Blue = Unconfirmed Green = Confirmed

Version 1.3 Beta:

- Smoke Grenade

- Molotov

- Incendiary Grenade

- Flashbang

- Decoy

- Weapon Skins

- Outfits

- Cases/Keys

This mod was made entirely by myself with the help of nobody. If you dare copy my Pack or any pf it's files and use it on your own I will hunt you down! You may use my pack in Modpacks (Technic Packs etc.) with MY PERMISSION ONLY. Other than that, enjoy the pack and please READ THE TXT in the first folder. Please leave comments as I appreciate any type of feedback and I need to know what YOU want. Thank you for your time! :D


Skype: skullmassarce750

Steam: Skullmassarce75

Email: [email protected]


and @Kloonder with Counter Guns
Kloonder said:
Counter Guns

- a moddingtrials mod

Counter Guns adds 7 new Guns and 4 new Grenades to your minecraft world.
You can't craft these weapons, however, you can get them by using the GunTable, which can be crafted like this:
In this one, everything should be pretty self explaining.

Guns use ammunition, you get these in the Magazine Table, which can be crafted like this:

and @pau101 with Cacti (Categorical Creative Inventory)
pau101 said:
Cacti, short for CAtegorical CreaTive Inventory, redesigns the creative inventory to enable more immediate access to mods' creative tabs. When many mods are installed that add custom creative tabs it becomes cumbersome to page between several tabs while using the creative menu, to resolve this Cacti groups every mods' tabs into their own category. These categories are displayed as tabs on the side of the menu.


For mods with many tabs, Cacti provides the ability for them to categorize their own tabs with the Cacti API.


Display Side

By default the categories are displayed on the left of the GUI, this option allows you to toggle it to the right in case it is more convenient.

Group Single Tab Mods

Mods which only add a single tab will be put under a "Grouped Mods" category when this option is true, by default it is false.

Remember Last Tab

If this option is true when the GUI is opened it will return to the previously opened tab, true by default.

Issues & Feature Requests

Please report bugs and submit feature requests here and when submitting a bug be sure to follow this guide.

For Developers

Source code for this mod is available on GitHub, here. You can read the usage guide for the Cacti API here.

For Resource Pack Creators

Cacti adds one texture, cacti/textures/wigets.png. In order to support it your resource pack must also have minecraft/textures/gui/container/creative_inventory/tabs.png or else rendering will switch to using the button textures from minecraft/textures/gui/widgets.png.

and @KitsuneAlex with Modularity
KitsuneAlex said:

Modularity is a mod to make your minecraft experience more like the classic modded back in 1.6 without all these new easy solutions

More Information

This mod was originally designed just for solo use and became something bigger and ended up becoming a team project, and we're all very happy with how its going so far!


  • TheCodedOne - Coding
  • KitsuneAlex - Coding
  • CyanideX - Textures

and @kroeser with EverlastingAbilities
kroeser said:
This mod requires the Cyclops Core library!

This mod was created as part of The Modding Trials 2016.

Sometimes, you may want to have certain abilities, without having to carry around different potion bottles, wearing specific armor or using specific tools.

This mod allows you to have persistent abilities, that stay on you after you die, and you don't have to carry around specific items.

If you first spawn in a world, you will receive an Ability Bottle with a random ability.


Right-clicking this bottle, will open a window in which you can move the ability to your player.


Moving abilities to your player requires a certain amount of experience, moving them back to the bottle will give you back that experience.

Abilities have a maximum level, so don't try to get yourself 20 levels of the speed ability...

The following abilities are available:

  • Flight: Allows you to fly
  • Step Assist: Automatically step up a certain number of blocks depending on the level
  • Fertility: Animals in the area become fertile
  • Bonemealer: Bonemeal the area
  • Power Stare: Push away entities you're looking at
  • Magnetize: Attract nearby items
  • Speed: Walk faster
  • Haste: Mine faster
  • Strength: Inflict more damage when attacking
  • Jump Boost: Jump Higher
  • Regeneration: Regenerate health faster
  • Resistance: Take less damage from attacks
  • Fire Resistance: Take less damage from fire
  • Water Breathing: Breathe underwater
  • Invisibility: Become invisible
  • Night Vision: See in the dark
  • Absorbtion: Adds absorbtion hearts
  • Saturation: Reduce hunger
  • Luck: Have a higher chance on better loot
  • Slowness: Entities in the area move slower
  • Mining Fatigue: Entities in the area mine slower
  • Nausea: Entities in the area get nauseous
  • Blindness: Entities in the area become blind
  • Hunger: Entities in the area become hungry
  • Weakness: Entities in the area become weaker
  • Poison: Entities in the area become poisoned
  • Wither: Entities in the area become withered
  • Glowing: Entities in the area start glowing
  • Levitation: Entities in the area start levitating
  • Unluck: Entities in the area have a lower chance on good loot

If you die, at the hand of a player, you will lose one random ability. This ability will drop in an Ability Totem, which the other player can pickup and use for themself. (This behaviour can be changed in the config file)

Ability totems with random abilities can be found in loot chests.

Certain mobs will also drop abilities. These mobs can be identified by looking at their particle effects, the color of the effects shows the rarity of their ability.

This mod collects anonymized startup data, this can be disabled in the config file and adheres to Minecraft's snooper settings.

and @eAndPi with Underworld
eAndPi said:

Naught but stone, ice cold water, and Monsters en-masse hunting you down in this forever dark place.

Can you survive and thrive in this place where the sun has never shone?

Underworld makes use of the Nether's terrain to create a massive cave-world that has overtaken the "Overworld".

Underworld uses several tricks to keep it's worldgen as light-weight as possible, sometimes even managing to complete worldgen 25% faster than vanilla!

Underworld also brings (very) few new blocks & items to help:

  • Hang Vines spawn in the ceiling of this massive cave-system, and are Ore-Dictionaried to vanilla string.
  • The Brazier is a decorative light-source, but requires flint-and-steel to be smacked on it to light up.
  • The Lantern is a dynamic light-source to help you as you venture around in the eternal night of Underworld.
Underworld is extremely young, so there will be bugs and issues. Please help by finding them all!

To generate an Underworld map:

SinglePlayer: Just select "Underworld" in the available maps, just like you would select a flat map.

Multiplayer: In the server.properties file, change the line: level-type=DEFAULT to level-type=CAVES, and be sure to delete the level.dat & overworld region files.

Latest Version: 0.0.7

  • Fixed Lantern recipe. (3 stone slabs, 1 glowstone dust, 3 stone slabs)
  • Added Dungeons (Rooms size 7 to 11 blocks wide, deep & tall.) Spawns high and low.
  • Added complimentary lootchests to Dungeons.
  • Made Animals spawn a bit more frequently.
  • Added Lilypads to worldgen, spawns in group of 8 to 16.
  • Added base for spawning in Ocean Monuments & Villages in worldgen. Not currently implemented!

Source-Code can be found here: https://github.com/Matryoshika/Underworld
Please post issues at mentioned GitHub!

and @ffba04 with Block Hologram
ffba04 said:
Display a hologram of your block before it's placed and a new block highlight.


and @abecderic with Daedalus' Labyrinth
abecderic said:
Daedalus' Labyrinth adds a new dimension for you to explore. To enter the labyrinth look for one of Daedalus' abandoned workshops in villages, they contain a portal. One like this:


A portal looks like this:


Right click the top block and it will open up the portal.

Going through a portal does not create a second portal in the other dimension. A portal closes again after some time and it is not fixed to a position on the other side. Going through a portal today might drop you off somewhere else than going through it tomorrow. If you plan to explore the labyrinth with friends make sure to enter the portal together so that you spawn as a group in the labyrinth.

Inside the labyrinth you can find rooms that include many different resources; but beware the monsters that spawn there.

To get back out, find one of Daedalus' workshops inside the labyrinth which contain a portal back to the overworld (like in the image above).

Pack makers can add rooms with a resource pack (with structures; look at the existing ones for what is possible) and remove rooms via config.

The mod adds multiple commands:

  • /labyrinth tp-in: Teleports you into the labyrinth.
  • /labyrinth tp-out: Teleports you back to the overworld.
  • /labyrinth chunk-info: Gives you info about the part of the labyrinth you are currently in.
  • /labyrinth spawn-room: Spawns a room in the chunk you currently are in; for testing purposes.
  • /labyrinth spawn-mini: Spawns a miniature version of the labyrinth in the world.
  • /labyrinth save-template: For saving a template (structure) like with a structure block just without the 32x32x32 max size.
If you've made it this far, one last tip: Bring torches. Lots and lots of torches.
new day, new update, and today it's @raoulvdberge with Refined Storage
raoulvdberge said:
Refined Storage 0.8.16

  • Fixed issue with IC2 integration causing console spam
  • Slight performance increase and network efficiency improvement in all GUI's
  • Slight performance increase in Grid GUI
  • Fixed not being able to change some configs in blocks
  • Fixed serverside configs not syncing up with clientside
  • Fixed not being able to move inventory items in Grid GUI's to hotbar via the number keys
  • Fixed Relays when being in "Ignore Redstone" mode using up energy
  • Fixed Crafter facing bottom side on placement
  • Improved collisions of Cable parts
  • You now have to click the actual cable part head in order to get the GUI open

  • Added German translation by ChillUpX
  • Grid Filters can now only filter 9 items, but, Grids take 4 filters now instead
  • Grid Filters can now be configured to compare on NBT and/ or damage
  • It is now possible to shift click items to the Storage Device filters
  • Updated to Forge 2046
  • Updated Tesla
  • Java 8 is now a requirement
  • Added MCMultiPart integration for Cable Parts

and @Exo594 with Mulan's Dragon Rockets
Exo594 said:
Ever wanted a TNT-Cannon in a single block? Well, now you can have it!

This mod adds only one block, a thematic 3D modeled block that looks like the Dragon Rockets shown in Mulan's battle scenes. When clicked with a Flint&Steel, the block will spawn an entity that follows a regular ballistic flight-path, and when it connects with something, it explodes violently.

The block is crafted from 7 planks in a cauldron-shape, with a firework in the middle and a block of TNT at the top.

I'll be porting this to 1.8.9, 10.4, and 1.10.2 as soon as possible.

and @CrazyPants with Ender IO
CrazyPants said:
Ender IO 1.10.2-
Added Rod of Return
Added new items and fluid used by Rod of Return
Added some uniqueness to the new weather fluids

Reimplemented TelePad multiblock code and enabled its recipe.

Fixed The Ender's description
Fixed items required for Apiarist armour upgrades
Fixed Killer Joe so as to not trigger creepers to explode
Fixed generators stalling if they are configured to produce a lot of energy
Fixed R key being eaten be unregistered keybind
Fixed telepad coordinate selector
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ArmorPlus has been updated for Minecraft Versions 1.10.2

Mod's Versions 1.10.2-

Now requires TheDragonCore 1.1.0

Mod Feedback page: http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/157530/

Link to the Mod's Wiki: http://ftb.gamepedia.com/ArmorPlus

{Features Added}
  • The One Probe Integration
  • In Game Config GUI support
  • Added Advanced Armor Forge
  • Added a new Crafting System
  • Added Arrows (WIP)
  • Fixed Bows
  • Added Elytra Crafting
{Features Changed}
  • Nerfed the Crafting recipes cost of all Tinkers Armors in expert mode
  • Replaced a lot of the old recipes, changed them and moved them to the Advanced Armor Forge
  • Tweaked the Configuration File (I can't promise its gonna be for last)
Last edited:
new day, new update, and today it's @MineMaarten with PokeMod Go
MineMaarten said:
My entry for The Modding Trials 2016, a competition in which a Minecraft mod is created in 96 hours. This is a parody on Pokemon Go.

It uses an external database (http://pokeapi.co/) to gather all sorts of data about Pokemon, like textures, names, types (fire, water) and habitats. It uses this data to dynamically determine where you can encounter Pokemon.

By default it uses the Pokemon from the first generation (#1 - #151), this however can be changed in the configuration file as you wish.

and @Shadow_Hawk with Better Animations Collection Revived 2
Shadow_Hawk said:
This is a revival of a revival mod, so there's a lot that needs updating. For now, I'll be keeping the description short and sweet, and the releases in alpha. The alpha releases will all probably remain on 1.8.9, and all versions, current and future will require LiteLoader to function.

The current alpha release has an issue with player models, and will give off a startup error. You can ignore this, as I suspect it's the mob models you actually downloaded this relic of a mod for. The only other issue I can think of is that the sheep model may be a bit off when it eats grass. Currently all the main options are set to true, and cannot be toggled.

The previous revival can be found here, and all of its features are tucked away in my revival, whether they've been activated or still undergoing repairs.

New models included in this mod:






Iron Golem

Magma Cube









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