Final Release of Infinity Evolved and 1.8.9 Development

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Feed the Beast

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Greetings and welcome to the new FTB Newsletter! This issue will only be a brief overview of some pertinent material, but over the next few weeks, we will begin to publish a more formal newsletter. This will be a streamlined way for us to deliver important FTB news and information such as update announcements, community events, and various other things that may be of interest to you.

  • FTB Infinity Evolved version 2.3.5 - This will be the final major update for the pack except for any minor bug fixes that may eventually become necessary.

  • FTB Unstable version 3.x.x - This exciting, new modpack is being used as a testing platform for exploring modding in future 1.8.9 packs. As such, users should be aware that support for this pack will be very limited. Updates will be occurring almost on a daily basis, and worlds may occasionally need to be reset as new content becomes available.

In summary, you can expect to see a more formal newsletter keeping you up-to-date on important FTB related information. For now, just be aware that FTB Infinity Evolved is finalized and will be receiving no more new updates, and FTB Unstable is a cutting edge pack for testing mods in a 1.8.9 environment that will be updated almost every day, but as such, it will provide little to no tech support, and your world may need to be reset on occasion. That being said, 2016 is going to be an exciting year for the FTB Team, and we can’t wait to share it with you!

Due to inherent instabilities in the current developer version of Tinkers Construct in the FTB Unstable pack, we have made the decision to remove the mod until an update is released. We apologise for any inconveniences this may cause; however, as stated with the Unstable pack, situations like this do crop up from time to time. Tinkers Construct will return to Unstable in the near future.
Greetings and welcome to the new FTB Newsletter! This issue will only be a brief overview of some pertinent material, but over the next few weeks, we will begin to publish a more formal newsletter. This will be a streamlined way for us to deliver important FTB news and information such as update announcements, community events, and various other things that may be of interest to you.

  • FTB Infinity Evolved version 2.3.5 - This will be the final major update for the pack except for any minor bug fixes that may eventually become necessary.

  • FTB Unstable version 3.x.x - This exciting, new modpack is being used as a testing platform for exploring modding in future 1.8.9 packs. As such, users should be aware that support for this pack will be very limited. Updates will be occurring almost on a daily basis, and worlds may occasionally need to be reset as new content becomes available.

In summary, you can expect to see a more formal newsletter keeping you up-to-date on important FTB related information. For now, just be aware that FTB Infinity Evolved is finalized and will be receiving no more new updates, and FTB Unstable is a cutting edge pack for testing mods in a 1.8.9 environment that will be updated almost every day, but as such, it will provide little to no tech support, and your world may need to be reset on occasion. That being said, 2016 is going to be an exciting year for the FTB Team, and we can’t wait to share it with you!

Due to inherent instabilities in the current developer version of Tinkers Construct in the FTB Unstable pack, we have made the decision to remove the mod until an update is released. We apologise for any inconveniences this may cause; however, as stated with the Unstable pack, situations like this do crop up from time to time. Tinkers Construct will return to Unstable in the near future.
All the awesomes! :D
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So no new 1.7.10 packs with nothing seemingly close, tech related at least, for 1.8.9. 1.8.9 just doesn't seem to have very much of anything to offer in the way of comprehensive mods.
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Hey, I'd like to get the word out that Aura Cascade was ported to 1.8.(8/9), and I'd just like to express my feelings that it should become a staple mod in the future.
No where in my statement did I say NONE! I am aware that your mod is available as well as Thaumcraft, the Botania port, and Tinkers.
Give them time. Tech mods will come shortly, and you can easily keep using 1.7 until then.
Hello everyone,
FTB infinity evolved will be in 1.8 version or it is stop updating for ever

Sorry for the bad english
Hello everyone,
FTB infinity evolved will be in 1.8 version or it is stop updating for ever

Sorry for the bad english

Mod developers have just started updating to 1.8.9 in the past month or two, so it'll be a while.

If you want to play with 1.8.9 mods there's always the "Unstable" pack to try. Just don't expect a permanent world, since the OP stated that there will be rapid changes happening as new and/or repaired mods will be added on a nearly daily basis.
  • FTB Unstable version 3.x.x - This exciting, new modpack is being used as a testing platform for exploring modding in future 1.8.9 packs. As such, users should be aware that support for this pack will be very limited. Updates will be occurring almost on a daily basis, and worlds may occasionally need to be reset as new content becomes available.
Limited support aside, is it worth while to report issues? If so, is there an appropriate place to do so?
Limited support aside, is it worth while to report issues? If so, is there an appropriate place to do so?
Probably the mod authors if they are taking in bug reports. Which they probably are. As Tinkers construct was removed for not being finished enough for an ubstable pack. This tells me that it's author propably doesn't want feedback yet.
If they don't want feedback they will ask FTB to pull ot from the pack.

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