[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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Raven is correct. Vazkii believes that neither of them require enough mana during "standard" use to require the throughput of sparks. You can GREATLY speed up the process by understanding the rules of mana bursts though. Travel time is the single biggest bottleneck with mana transfer via burst. ONLY one burst from a spreader is allowed to exist at once. This means a two block gap is nearly twice as slow as a one block gap (assuming your mana spreader stays fully saturated with mana). A no-block gap is also significantly faster than a one block gap (not instant, the spreaders have a slight internal cooldown, but still WAY faster).

Lenses are also very helpful. With a touching system, I'm not sure if velocity is a good idea (haven't done any testing), but I know flat-out that potency is. Obviously so is upgrading your spreader to elven and then gaia.

i know that sparks arent necessary, an elven mana spreader with a potency lens next to the brewery completes the potion in less than a second.
i just think sparks look cool, so i wanted to use them if possible.
does anyone know if there are any mekanism quests jet.
i was planning to hold of on buildcraft robots until i got to the mekanism power storage, but it hasn't unlocked in the book yet even though i already have all the recources for it.
and i am getting real tired of harvesting everything manually, gollems break all the things without a manual agricraft update and a forestry farm is expensive to build and maintain.
i was just assuming that a big mod like mekanism would have quests, but maybe they aren't implemented yet?
Oh normal potions? Yeah. Those're quick. Try some of the more advanced crafting like the pendants, or some of the expensive seeds in this pack. Cases like that are why I'm not a fan of tight authorial vision in a freeform environment. You never EVER anticipate all the use cases. "This is sufficient for my crafting"... sure... but what about the addon that uses 100 times the cost because it makes sense for the thing being done? Botania is still one of my favorite mods out there, but I'm no otaku
A manual update of agricraft works? Good. I didn't notice the required changes in the log, but I'm totally doing that. I'm an automator, and having to manually harvest is just ick.
A manual update of agricraft works? Good. I didn't notice the required changes in the log, but I'm totally doing that. I'm an automator, and having to manually harvest is just ick.

i am just relaying what i read on this tread, but multiple people stated that a manuel upgrade of agricraft would fix the problem with golems breaking cropsticks, and the agricarnation not working on crops.
i have not done the update myself because i have no idea how, and how that would affect future updates.
does anyone know if there are any mekanism quests jet.
i was planning to hold of on buildcraft robots until i got to the mekanism power storage, but it hasn't unlocked in the book yet even though i already have all the recources for it.
and i am getting real tired of harvesting everything manually, gollems break all the things without a manual agricraft update and a forestry farm is expensive to build and maintain.
i was just assuming that a big mod like mekanism would have quests, but maybe they aren't implemented yet?
I think quests are planned, but not for the very near future (they don't exist yet in the current version) I actually have no idea when TPL wants to add Mekanism/AE quests...
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Just a heads up for anyone rushing for a ae system, it uses a cr*pton of energy. I have 2 drives filled with 4k cells and a crafting terminal and it is already drawing close to 300rf/t. Also do ae cables normally require power? Since in this pack it seems they do (almost 1 rf/t per cable)
Since i cant live without ae doing everything in mt base im currently building a powerroom capable of supplying around 15000rf/t all automated. Gotta love boilers :)
Vazkii believes that neither of them require enough mana during "standard" use to require the throughput of sparks.

Botania was one of my favourite mods but is made by one of my least favourite mod authors. Vazkii thinks her way is the only way people should be playing the mod and cant stand it when people do things differently to how she thinks it should be done, the recent change to passive flowers as an example. Even after having the config option available for people to choose whether they decay or not isnt enough for her, and after overwhelming evidence that people dont want the change, she decides that even giving us the option to choose for ourselves is too much.

I wont go into how she interacts with people on social media or reddit because thats a different issue altogether, but it contributes to my continued decline in how frequently i want to play her mod.
This has happend to other players as well,
The client crashes when i am in water
ocean and small ponds
I restart and it crashes again Immedlatly

[Warn] Failed to handle packet for / Ticking player    at net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP.func_71127_g(EntityPlayerMP.java:349) ~[mw.class:?]    at
net.minecraft.network.NetHandlerPlayServer.func_147347_a(NetHandlerPlayServer.java:303) ~[nh.class:?]    at
net.minecraft.network.play.client.C03PacketPlayer.func_148833_a(SourceFile:137) ~[jd.class:?]    at
net.minecraft.network.play.client.C03PacketPlayer$C04PacketPlayerPosition.func_148833_a(SourceFile:63) ~[je.class:?]    at
net.minecraft.network.NetworkManager.func_74428_b(NetworkManager.java:212) ~[ej.class:?]    at
net.minecraft.network.NetworkSystem.func_151269_c(NetworkSystem.java:165) [nc.class:?]    at
net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(MinecraftServer.java:659) [MinecraftServer.class:?]    at
net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q(DedicatedServer.java:334) [lt.class:?]    at
net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:547) [MinecraftServer.class:?]    at
net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:427) [MinecraftServer.class:?]    at
net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$2.run(MinecraftServer.java:685) [li.class:?]Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException    at
mytown.protection.ProtectionManager.checkPVP(ProtectionManager.java:153) ~[ProtectionManager.class:?]    at
mytown.protection.ProtectionHandlers.onLivingAttack(ProtectionHandlers.java:233) ~[ProtectionHandlers.class:?]    at
cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_378_ProtectionHandlers_onLivingAttack_LivingAttackEvent.invoke(.dynamic) ~[?:?]    at
cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke(ASMEventHandler.java:54) ~[ASMEventHandler.class:?]    at
cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:138) ~[EventBus.class:?]    at net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeHooks.onLivingAttack(ForgeHooks.java:292) ~[ForgeHooks.class:?]    at
net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer.func_70097_a(EntityPlayer.java:978) ~[yz.class:?]    at
net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP.func_70097_a(EntityPlayerMP.java:491) ~[mw.class:?]    at
net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase.func_70030_z(EntityLivingBase.java:226) ~[sv.class:?]    at
net.minecraft.entity.Entity.func_70071_h_(Entity.java:318) ~[sa.class:?]    at
net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase.func_70071_h_(EntityLivingBase.java:1561) ~[sv.class:?]    at
net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer.func_70071_h_(EntityPlayer.java:288) ~[yz.class:?]    at
net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP.func_71127_g(EntityPlayerMP.java:295) ~[mw.class:?]    ... 10 more
19:59:50  [Info] WhipCraft lost connection: TextComponent{text='Internal server error', siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null}}
19:59:50  [Info] WhipCraft left the gam
Curious what others are using to fuel their central boiler. I was thinking blaze rod blocks, but looking at the disparity of production per essence(A harvest of a 7x7 area gets me 32 coal blocks vs 8 blaze lamps, and blaze rods are only half again as strong as coal) , I actually think regular coal blocks would be better for solid fuel.

On the other hand, I've had a coke oven idling for most of my playthrough, and about a stack and a half of coal coke blocks. I could easily expand my coal coke production facilities to support a boiler once it's heated up.

Then, of course, there's the epic amounts cresote oil I've produced getting that stack and a half of coal coke blocks. At the very least, those 686 buckets could be used to jumpstart a liquid fueled setup that later converts to ethanol.
i am just relaying what i read on this tread, but multiple people stated that a manuel upgrade of agricraft would fix the problem with golems breaking cropsticks, and the agricarnation not working on crops.
i have not done the update myself because i have no idea how, and how that would affect future updates.

I have done the manual update, golems work. TPL has stated that at least the current version of agricraft will go into his next update, most likely whatever is current at that time, and there should be no issues upgrading ahead of time.
Curious what others are using to fuel their central boiler. I was thinking blaze rod blocks, but looking at the disparity of production per essence(A harvest of a 7x7 area gets me 32 coal blocks vs 8 blaze lamps, and blaze rods are only half again as strong as coal) , I actually think regular coal blocks would be better for solid fuel.

On the other hand, I've had a coke oven idling for most of my playthrough, and about a stack and a half of coal coke blocks. I could easily expand my coal coke production facilities to support a boiler once it's heated up.

Then, of course, there's the epic amounts cresote oil I've produced getting that stack and a half of coal coke blocks. At the very least, those 686 buckets could be used to jumpstart a liquid fueled setup that later converts to ethanol.

I skip directly to Mek Gas-powered generator running on Ethylene gas. Which is ultimately made from potatoes and water. Until I get into Mek and AE the Mana FLux field meets all my power needs. 1600 rf/t can supply multiple lasers. Eco friendly power, we are trying to restore the world afterall. ;P
Curious what others are using to fuel their central boiler. I was thinking blaze rod blocks, but looking at the disparity of production per essence(A harvest of a 7x7 area gets me 32 coal blocks vs 8 blaze lamps, and blaze rods are only half again as strong as coal) , I actually think regular coal blocks would be better for solid fuel.

On the other hand, I've had a coke oven idling for most of my playthrough, and about a stack and a half of coal coke blocks. I could easily expand my coal coke production facilities to support a boiler once it's heated up.

Then, of course, there's the epic amounts cresote oil I've produced getting that stack and a half of coal coke blocks. At the very least, those 686 buckets could be used to jumpstart a liquid fueled setup that later converts to ethanol.
Actually if you have an automated farm for your coal coke boiler then you can just run a liquid fueled boiler from all that creosote oil. I had my first coal coke boiler outputting 720rf/t and the creosote byproduct is actually running a 480rf/t boiler.

To run a max size hp boiler on creosote you need 31,02 coke ovens or 32 to be safe ofc. This will net you 1440rf/t and about 2500rf/t from the coal coke if you burn it in a boiler
Botania was one of my favourite mods but is made by one of my least favourite mod authors. Vazkii thinks her way is the only way people should be playing the mod and cant stand it when people do things differently to how she thinks it should be done, the recent change to passive flowers as an example. Even after having the config option available for people to choose whether they decay or not isnt enough for her, and after overwhelming evidence that people dont want the change, she decides that even giving us the option to choose for ourselves is too much.
I might be using A New Dawn instead now... it's Botania (and kept updated with new content from the original), except un-nerfed and more configurable. I won't replace it in this pack, but general usage? Oh definitely.
Soo, I don't know if this is the right place for this, but seeing as the modpack author didn't write anything about bug reports, I'll just dump it here for the slim chance they'll actually see it.

So, let's get to it:

I noticed 3 strange behaviors with the quests (v0.8.2):
- 3. The Way the World Works:
- "The End of the Line" - placing the end portal frames and eye of ender did not produce a working portal. I tried it several times and also in a singleplayer test map. maybe there's a trick to it that I did not get.
- "Smells Like Power" - minor point, not gamebreaking, but completing the quest requires one specific incense, that being the upsurging enchant. Either make it so any incense can be made, or explicitly mention it in the quest text.
- 11. The Way the World Feels:
- Does not work at all. It is not greyed out anymore, as in I can click it and open it, but there are 0 available quests. and I'm pretty far into the game. I have not tested it on singleplayer yet, but it is still quite strange.
could you udpdate hqm with 0.8.3?
There are some very good updates to it.
You dont lose any progress or quests while doing it.
Updated locally and it works really nice.
could you udpdate hqm with 0.8.3?
uhm.. I'm using the FTB launcher out of simplicity and I'm playing on a server with friends, so no. I can't really use 0.8.3 until it comes out on the Launcher.
Thanks for the heads up though :) I'll have a look once they update the pack.
Soo, I don't know if this is the right place for this, but seeing as the modpack author didn't write anything about bug reports, I'll just dump it here for the slim chance they'll actually see it.

So, let's get to it:

I noticed 3 strange behaviors with the quests (v0.8.2):
- 3. The Way the World Works:
- "The End of the Line" - placing the end portal frames and eye of ender did not produce a working portal. I tried it several times and also in a singleplayer test map. maybe there's a trick to it that I did not get.
- "Smells Like Power" - minor point, not gamebreaking, but completing the quest requires one specific incense, that being the upsurging enchant. Either make it so any incense can be made, or explicitly mention it in the quest text.
- 11. The Way the World Feels:
- Does not work at all. It is not greyed out anymore, as in I can click it and open it, but there are 0 available quests. and I'm pretty far into the game. I have not tested it on singleplayer yet, but it is still quite strange.

Stand in the middle of the area where you're placing the end portal and place the blocks that way. They don't show it but they have a facing, and when placed they face towards you. The last block to receive an eye of ender must face inwards, the rest don't matter - but you should try to build the portal with all blocks facing inwards anyway.

The Way the World Feels has a hidden requirement. Obviously you will need to have made the essence seeds for the shards, but you also have to have progressed far enough into Witchery to craft a Treefyd Seed. That's where I keep getting caught when I try to start thaumcraft progression when I restart. That being said, mind you, nothing is preventing you from starting Thaumcraft once you have access to gold and infused shards. Technically you can start in as early as having iron, but you need gold and shards to make the Thaumometer to scan the nodes... and everything else.
Stand in the middle of the area where you're placing the end portal and place the blocks that way. They don't show it but they have a facing, and when placed they face towards you. The last block to receive an eye of ender must face inwards, the rest don't matter - but you should try to build the portal with all blocks facing inwards anyway.

The Way the World Feels has a hidden requirement. Obviously you will need to have made the essence seeds for the shards, but you also have to have progressed far enough into Witchery to craft a Treefyd Seed. That's where I keep getting caught when I try to start thaumcraft progression when I restart. That being said, mind you, nothing is preventing you from starting Thaumcraft once you have access to gold and infused shards. Technically you can start in as early as having iron, but you need gold and shards to make the Thaumometer to scan the nodes... and everything else.
Oh! So that's how it is! Thanks! I think the modpack author should add the part about the blocks needing to face inward to the quest text. :P

And concerning Thaumcraft, yeah we were planning on starting with it anyway. It just felt like a bug that the chapter wasn't greyed out anymore, but there were still no quests available. Oh well.

Thanks for the hints ^^
Started Thaumcraft yesterday, now I have unlocked the Eldrith tab with the void seed recipe, but it doesn't work.

EDIT : it's working.
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