Mod Feedback [By Request] RotaryCraft Suggestions

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MC is somewhat sketchy with big explosions. You'll need a custom explosion [of some kind] as the standard one results in very geometric patterns when you crank the power up.

Though I like the containment idea in general- if the reactor hull failure is contained then surely the radioactivity would also be contained?
An equally valid option is to actually change the Chernobyl explosion to basically an extra-large standard MC explosion with a puddle of waste in its place. At the very least you'd reward people with the foresight to have blast-proof containment rooms in place.
Much less so. IC2-style explosions are exactly the kind of "comic book science" I wanted to avoid.

Alternatively: How about a skyblock setting for the terraformer, to generate blocks from the void, as a late-game way to make enough room (rapidly) for playing with reactors?
I am not sure this is a good idea for the terraformer - that only changes biomes - but this function is certainly acceptable for something like CC. Is that not basically a BC filler, though?

Are you talking about the ones from mfr? I think they're only good for a straight away, buy haven't used them much
That or the ones from CC.
I take it the fallout nerf suggestion come from softcore skyblockers... One would think a hardcore skyblocker would welcome the risk ReactorCraft reactors bring.
I think Reika wants to avoid those unrealistic explosions. As they don't happen to real reactors, afaik the explosions that have occurred in history have been ignition of excess hydrogen. While they are big explosions they have never been thermonuclear style shroom clouds. Think Hindenburg style fireballs.

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What Azzanine said. Take the classic meltdown: Chernobyl. While a lot of the structure was destroyed, for sure, the greatest reason that place is now a condemned, radioactive shithole is because of the massive amounts of radiation that were leaked out by a combination of waste being sent (by the explosion) into the atmosphere, exposed (and irradiated) fuel rods, and large amounts of corium where the reactor core was, which (if I understand it correctly) is basically a molten sludge of various, horrifically radioactive materials. Doesn't help that the Soviet system was more interested in assigning blame and trying to sweep the disaster under the rug instead of finding a way to prevent radioactive materials from leeching into the groundwater. While a large amount of the short-term, high-radiation waste has decayed in the 30 some-odd years since the meltdown, there are still long-term isotopes that will be there for millennia to come, unless we find a way to clean and dispose of it.

ReC mimics those reactor failures quite accurately, from my experience. A sizable explosion occurs, but it doesn't do that much collateral damage. Honestly, I've had IC2 machine explosions cause more damage than a ReC meltdown. If you can deal with having to walk around exclusively in a hazmat suit and living in a wasteland where nothing can grow,'ll still be a pain, but markedly less so than if you were relying on farming (which RoC kinda requires that you do, since you need canola for lube) to support your infrastructure.

(Also, minor point of correction, the initial Chernobyl explosion was a steam explosion, if memory serves. The intense heat of the reactor flash vapourized the coolant, which prevented it from absorbing neutrons, which made it hotter, thus creating a positive feedback loop until the boilers exploded from the pressure. The second explosion, though, that was a hydrogen explosion. Then there was a small criticality event [on the order of 10 tonnes of TNT], but that was only in a small part of the reactor core.)
I am not sure this is a good idea for the terraformer - that only changes biomes - but this function is certainly acceptable for something like CC. Is that not basically a BC filler, though?

What is a BuildCraft filler? (I have never touched buildcraft).

Maybe I've misunderstood the terraformer. I thought it also changed the blocks -- so that converting plains to desert would turn grass and dirt into sand. That's certainly what I recall seeing from the description. (And, it's why I was upset when you clarified that it would not save a netherrack-ruined world ...)
Look closely at my graph's scale. Log_2. :p
I said "more linear". It fits a linear line more closely than the reality would. Even though it uses a best-fit log_2 with discrete values :)

What is a BuildCraft filler? (I have never touched buildcraft).
See, this is why I think people should play old packs, or have them updated to the new versions. Buildcraft is part of the core identity upon which modded Minecraft is based, as is IndustrialCraft, and MineFactory. They're the 3 oldest mods still in existence in basically unchanged state... well until recently for IC2
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How about the other classic, three-mile island? There, with proper containment, there was no significant leakage.

Chernobyl, I've been told at least, was more an example of how not paying attention to safety could have a small disaster turn into a bigger one.
While modern reactors do indeed have containment structures to help limit the damage, there is no analogue in ReC, largely because I do not see it as implementable.
How about the other classic, three-mile island? There, with proper containment, there was no significant leakage.

Chernobyl, I've been told at least, was more an example of how not paying attention to safety could have a small disaster turn into a bigger one.

Yup. From my understanding, the Soviet government basically put a dangerous, delicate piece of machinery in the hands of incompetent morons. I mean, for fuck's sake, they sent untrained, unprotected firemen to contain a radioactive fire. Didn't tell the poor bastards that the fire was horrifically toxic and that being exposed to it would kill them in one of the most horrifying ways imaginable.
Doesn't that guy who did the tutorial videos for all your mods have it in his pack? I forget his name, SetenialCH or something.
Mine...kinda was a RoC-heavy LP. Before it died. Mostly due to a complete lack of audience put it bluntly, personal exhaustion. Seems that the older I get, the less time I have.
I know SentinalH has one or two. Dunno if his most recent one uses RC. I know he has a link to your download page in his minecraft vids descriptions.
While modern reactors do indeed have containment structures to help limit the damage, there is no analogue in ReC, largely because I do not see it as implementable.

What about something similar to ghast fireballs?
Each one [invisible to the player] flies from the source dropping a trail of radiation until it either decays after Xticks or intersects a solid block.
There was a mod, Thut's concrete, part of Thut's Mods, that adds liquid concrete that can be poured around Rebar and dries into solid reinforced concrete. Some implementation of this, especially with neutron-blocking concrete from Reactorcraft might be a good way to contain meltdowns in the way they are actually contained.