What's new in modded minecraft today?

  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
NEI Addons 1.12.8
  • Removed Ex Nihilo hammer/sieve recipes as they are now handled by EX Nihilo itself.
  • Added mutation dump to NEI tools (thanks to @TraydenT for idea and initial implementation)
  • Updated to WAILA 1.5.10
  • Added NEI subsets localization (Adaptivity)
  • Added Russian localization (Adaptivity)
  • Added Italian localization (TheVikingWarrior)
  • Added French localization (Mazdallier)
Downloads on my website

In other news: All my mods now have automated alpha builds posted to CurseForge.

That's a lie!

I'll still be here, you just won't be able to see me...

new day, new update, and today it's @superckl with BiomeTweaker
superckl said:
BiomeTweaker 0.9.97
  • Several bug fixes and improvements
  • Support for comments at end of lines
  • Added ability to modify village and spawn biomes
  • Added intersect and subtract biome objects
  • Jars are now signed

and @SilentChaos512 with Super Multi-Drills
SilentChaos512 said:
Super Multi-Drills 1.0.2-13
  • Added a creative battery
  • Added some "pre-made" drills for spawning in and examples.
  • Drills with no energy can now mine blocks if the energy cost is set to zero
  • Energy cost will now rounded up to zero if negative
  • Config to show uncraftable drill heads
  • Fixed creative tab icon
  • Miscellaneous tooltips

and @Piepenguin with RF Windmills
Piepenguin said:
RF Windmills 0.51
  • Weather affects production speed
  • Fixed tile entity registration on dedicated servers

and this will be my last post as I'll be going on vacation tomorrow like I mentioned before.
I'll be back to posting on the 23rd of May.

also don't forget to water the plants, feed the kitty and try to not make a too big of a mess while I'm gone ;)
new day, new update, and today it's @superckl with BiomeTweaker

and @SilentChaos512 with Super Multi-Drills

and @Piepenguin with RF Windmills

and this will be my last post as I'll be going on vacation tomorrow like I mentioned before.
I'll be back to posting on the 23rd of May.

also don't forget to water the plants, feed the kitty and try to not make a too big of a mess while I'm gone ;)
I like that you've left your seat in your avatar.
Since I didn't post the previous version here last time here is what's been happening in the beta versions of sprinkles_for_vanilla:

sprinkles_for_vanilla 1.2.0beta:
  • Config syncing. Client will use server config values if the server has the mod
  • Config section to write notes plus a cool ascii text art
  • Config to enable/disable water placement in nether
  • Config to enable/disable cobblestone or obsidian creation with water and lava
  • Config to enable respawning in the end or nether
  • Config to set default spawn for overworld, nether, or end
  • Config to change spawn weights for any mob in any biome. This also supports adding animals to biomes without grass (such as nether) or ocelots to places without jungle leaves.
  • Config to disable all explosions
  • Config to log explosions. (Useful for adding custom explosion disabling with unknown entity names)
  • Massive refactor of entire mod. Bugs are likely
  • Completely new config design: New Config Design
  • Changed explosion configs so that any explosion can be added. Use explosion logging to get the entity name to know how to disable it
  • Removed flammability configs. This is temporary as there were some issues with it with the new config system. Should be back in next update
  • Fixed disabling enderman teleportation when enderPearlsTeleport was false
  • Fixed enabling sleep if another mod disabled it
sprinkles_for_vanilla 1.2.0beta2:
  • Config to enable/disable spawn fuzz
  • Obsidian/cobblestone creation from water and lava is now a dimension blacklist rather than a global setting for all dimensions
  • Crash when some explosions occur. This happened when the entity which causes the explosion has no internal name specified
  • Incorrect config order in some sections
Also I like how there's now a kitten.

NEI Addons by @bdew
NEI Addons 1.12.8
  • Removed Ex Nihilo hammer/sieve recipes as they are now handled by EX Nihilo itself.
  • Added mutation dump to NEI tools (thanks to @TraydenT for idea and initial implementation)
  • Updated to WAILA 1.5.10
  • Added NEI subsets localization (Adaptivity)
  • Added Russian localization (Adaptivity)
  • Added Italian localization (TheVikingWarrior)
  • Added French localization (Mazdallier)
Storage Drawers (for 1.8) by @jaquadro
Initial release of the Storage Drawers port to 1.8!

Known issues and differences from 1.7.10:
  • Storage Upgrades do not render any overlay on drawers. You'll have to just remember you applied them. For now.
  • No integration with other mods. Most mods 1.7.10 integrated with have not been ported. WAILA support may come in the near future, when I can get it working in dev and it's not so buggy.
  • Block labels render dark on some drawer faces. I'm still evaluating how this can be solved.
  • Drawer models are simpler and flatter. I intend on offering an alternate resource pack to let you pick the style you like.
Storage Drawers for 1.8 is dependent on the Chameleon library.

Archimedes' Ships Plus by @bk1325
Major Changes

  • MovingWorld now required
  • Major config files are now managed by MovingWorld
Bug Fixes

  • Major memory leak fixed
  • Seats sync properly
  • Engine data syncs properly
  • Engines rotate properly
  • Other...
Config Options

  • Engines can now be configured to be mandatory for your ship to move
Add logo, bump to beta.

CodeChickenCore and NotEnoughItems both had their 1.7 and 1.8 versions updated by chicken_bones. No changelog was provided...
Fluxed Crystals 1.0.1 (by jaredlll08)
jaredlll08 said:
  • Changed step and place sound of powered soil.
  • Implement more power options (currently disabled due to not being tested).
  • Removed range upgrades as they are not needed.
  • Formatted all the code!
  • Fixed the seed infuser not working with certain mods.
  • Changed the modid to lowercase.
  • Added code that should make sure non of the items get lost.
  • Changed the refiner drop.
  • Added a "refinerOutput".
  • General bug fixes.
  • Wrote this change log.
  • Removed the gem cutter/refiner messaging stuff, since it seemed to be unnecessary, and actually broke things (this was the cause of machines not running until they were right-clicked). Now the main logic only runs on the server, like with most things in Minecraft.
  • Removed the energy messaging stuff, because it was unnecessary except for the GUI bars, and inefficient (because it sent packets to everyone in the dimension). Now energy will only be synced while the player has the GUI open.
  • Fixed various things not working with "/gamerule doDaylightCycle false", by using the right type of world time.
  • Creates less temporary ItemStacks and ArrayLists. It should be more efficient, but I don't know how much of a difference it makes.
  • Removed a few methods that weren't actually being used for anything.