I am not against RF, I am against the design ethic that is usually associated with it (plug and play and complete lack of consequence for misuse), and even then mostly because it indirectly leads to many, many people who get accustomed to that (or, who just started playing modded MC, as anything else was too complex for them) getting very angry when others do not follow suit. A user on my thread just put it best:You're against RF because it allows for easy generation and transmission of energy* and yet for EIO because it trivializes transportation and removes logistics effort for literally everything? Some days you confuse me, Reika.
*entirely depending on what mods you put in your sandbox
Vinlaell said:when you dedicate such professionalism into your work making something so great that only the niche few appreciate it because its not fisher price you be ready and (bitter if it was me) willing to cure any ignorance or misconceptions over your work
This is doubly true for something like my mods, where consequences of misuse can be particularly disastrous (just ask the people overspinning solenoids, melting down BWRs, or getting sucked into jet engines), and it is very much antithetical to the idea of plug and play (though, contrary to popular opinion, an engineering degree is not a prerequisite

I like EiO because of the cable bundling. Minus that, its conduits are not dramatically different from most others - though I suppose they are generally somewhat more powerful - but with the bundling ability comes a lot more flexibility for machine setups, where otherwise you have 11 parallel cables that very quickly occupy an entire room. With as many piping systems as a lot of my machines tend to use, this is very much a desirable feature. The ability to bundle cables also means I can hide them discreetly in walls (a 2x2 or 3x3 of cable is much more difficult to do) without making the walls excessively thick.
It is also a bit more conducive to centralized fluid storage, as I can then "link back" all the piping to the tanks:
Were it not borderline impossible to do (given the need for bevel gears and shaft junctions at splits, as well as GUI access to these blocks, plus of course all the normal difficulties of multipart), I would not be against it.Can we get rotarycraft power shafts to bundle too?
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