Dartcraft, why even?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Tears and Ghast Tears are both registered in the Ore Dictionary with the same entry by Dartcraft, but aren't interchangeable in most recipes because most mods don't use Ore Dictionary recipes for ghast tears. Probably on account of not anticipating that alternate tears would even be a thing. Kind of like how modded planks and logs won't work in mods that don't specifically use the Ore Dictionary entry in their recipes instead of the vanilla block.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't care what other people think is OP or whatever.. I play minecraft to have fun. If your idea of fun is using a drill thats faster than a bat out of hell then go have fun doing that! I find immense enjoyment from customizing and creating tools with TiCo. Choice between better looking, more personal, slightly slower TiCo tools and an ugly more powerful tool is a pretty easy one for me.
I still very much want to play with DC for the wrench and pack though. And I've just started screwing around with engines.
I know he probably won't read this but MCF is a toxic dump and I really don't want to make an account there so I'll say it here... Apple juice as a throttle? Good idea no?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't care what other people think is OP or whatever.. I play minecraft to have fun. If your idea of fun is using a drill thats faster than a bat out of hell then go have fun doing that! I find immense enjoyment from customizing and creating tools with TiCo. Choice between better looking, more personal, slightly slower TiCo tools and an ugly more powerful tool is a pretty easy one for me.
I still very much want to play with DC for the wrench and pack though. And I've just started screwing around with engines.
I know he probably won't read this but MCF is a toxic dump and I really don't want to make an account there so I'll say it here... Apple juice as a throttle? Good idea no?
Just quoting you because I love your way of thinking.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, the tears should work universally but don't, in my SSP world I got around the oversight by cheating out the normal tears and cheating in the real deal.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
HAHA! I found a way around it! I just needed a single ghast tear! I put the ghast tear in the "preferences" slot in the unifier, and bammo, works like a charm!

Dartcraft has its own unifier. You can infuse item cards with forge (furnace) to get card that can automatically convert items according to what you put inside. There is also crafting card and force transmutation card. Cards can work in backpacks, but also in force pipes on items traversing through them.
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