Recent content by BurningCake

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    Hello FTB Community!

    Welcome Terraude! Enjoy your stay, and avoid the blue spies. :3 Also, very nice computer you got there. *covets the GTX 690*
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    Hi everyone!

    Welcome. Stay away from that Munaus guy, he's an international spy... (o_(o
  3. B

    A timber / treecutting mod

    They didn't add such a mod in because they felt it would be overpowered. Feel free to add it yourself though.
  4. B

    Are Strongholds more common or am I just lucky...

    Huh, opposite is true for me. I've seen 5 jockeys in vanilla since Beta 1.3, never seen one in a modded game. Weird.
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    Just started,help would be nice!

    ^I might be mistaken, but from 1.4.5 onwards, don't slimes spawn in swamp biomes? Just explore swamps at night.
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    Just started,help would be nice!

    The Blast Furnace is pretty expensive to make though (doesn't it require lots of nether fortress material?), so I would recommend only making the coke oven in early game.
  7. B

    Just started,help would be nice!

    Just pick a random mod and start working at it. Of course, starting with IC2 and Thermal Expansion are probably best, as you can double ores outputs and such.
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    Official FTB seed thread.

    All you need now is a giant canyon/crevice running parallel to the mountains. Then, it should be perfect.
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    Ain't got no time for them status messages...

    Ain't got no time for them status messages...
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    Entering the gates of Mordor...

    Entering the gates of Mordor...
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    Vanilla Suggestion

    I agree with OP. However, downloading a new snapshot each week may mess with the game's files. Hm.
  12. B

    Oneecho here

    Well Munaus, want to give us a little heads-up when we're reading through this? Almost dropped my drink...
  13. B

    Confuzled here!

    Oh boo. Last 3 posters are so unimaginative. Dear sir/ma'am, we humbly welcome your presence to this homely abode we call the FTB forums. Please enjoy your stay; tea is served at 3pm.
  14. B

    This is Flipz!

    Hello there! I'm BurningCake and I am from Technic. You know, T-E-C-H-N-I-C? That thing with the stuff that makes stuff go do things? I'm also an active follower of Lord Voldemort, he-who-most-definitly-should-not-be-named-by-anyone-who-is-not-a-loyal-DeathEater. ^credit to Munaus
  15. B

    OPTIFINE needs to be added

    Install it yourself? FTB doesn't have permission by the author of Optifine, so I can't include it anyway.