Whitelist Server Zerro Skyblock! Agrarian Skies 3.1.1! No banned Items! Whitelist!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello and Welcome
Zerro Skyblock!

Agrarian Skies 3.1.1

Use /island to get to your own new Island!
With /kit start you will get your starting Items!

If you dont have Permsissions for the kit Command please try a relog.

Website: zerromc.eu
IP: newsky.zerromc.eu

No griefing/cheating!
Do not touch Stuff that doesnt belong to you!

Whietlist Application:

Ingame Name:
Last edited:
IGN: thsthethird
Age: 17
Timezone: AEST (GMT+10)

Just would like to say that I'm looking for a fairly small server community to play with (whether co-op or in opposition) as I seem to be particularly good at corrupting my world... and cheating....
Hi, I've been playing a lot of AS-Singleplayer lately (I love it!) and want to get on playing with a bunch of nice people, so I'd be happy if you could add me.

IGN: Dezimalhexer
Age: 35 at the moment 36 tomorrow
Timezone: GMT +1

BTW: Competitive or Coop?
Added, Welcome :)

Everyone gets his/her own island.. If you want to play coop its up to you to find someone :)
Ingame Name:wilsonreborn

Looking for co-op if possible tho ^_^
Ingame Name: quazre0
Age: 19
Timezone: utc-5\

looking to play on a stable server with my 3 friends