In game name: Lighman2
Age: 15 (16 in august) hope this doesn't get my app declined
Reason for joining: Well fairly recently (a few months ago) the server I was playing on went out of service unexpectedly and tho they said it will be up (hope it will) it isn't and I am getting bored of waiting. So here I am. Of course this is not the only reason. I am looking for a smaller tighter nit community type server where we can can have fun and share ideas etc.
Mod experience: I have been playing modded minecraft since 1.8-9 ish and have been playing ftb type mods since minecraft official release. I have been playing ftb since it came out and am pretty well rounded in almost all the mods. (though I admit I am a bit behind on the recent updates but I can adapt quickly)
Time playing minecraft: I have been playing minecraft since 1.8 actually almost exactly the day it came out in 1.8 (introduced to it at a halloween lan party)
Did you read the rules: Yes.
If you read the rules what is the secret password:
urple (or purple not sure which one you want ;D)
How actively will you be playing: Probably at least 2-3 times a week for 3-4 hrs at a time usually.
Tell us a little about yourself (the more the merrier): Well I am a interesting character that's for sure. Lets see where to start... Well I am a computer nerd and love playing video games. I sometimes act like a knowitall and if I ever am smack me. I love fixing problems and usually never give up until the problem is fixed. I am a heavy procrastinator so if you see me in-game way behind everyone else that is probably why (and I hate it when I am to). Also I hate dieing no matter what for of it is. I get this gut wrenching defeat feeling and I start getting distasteful of playing the game so if I die then leave probably means I went to go read or watch a anime or something to divert my mind (I usually do this silently so you probably won't notice). I am also a perfectionist. I like using RP2's beheading enchant to get my fellow server mates heads (with their consent of course). I am also a competition freak sometimes.
Have you ever been banned before: Once quite awhile ago (1.9 era) but it was a minor misunderstanding on my part and apologized for it and went on to better things. I have also been an admin on a school mates server and was chosen out of a couple of candidates on the server. I really don't want to do that again because being the perfectionist I am I want to fix everything I see wrong when I go to help them and of course most people don't like that ;D.
p.s. hmm seems I am 100 or so words short of matching Solice Eclipse. (oh well)