Whitelist Server Zen Tech|FTB Ultimate version 1.0.1 |White list|This is a 16+ server

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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In game name: Lighman2
Age: 15 (16 in august) hope this doesn't get my app declined
Reason for joining: Well fairly recently (a few months ago) the server I was playing on went out of service unexpectedly and tho they said it will be up (hope it will) it isn't and I am getting bored of waiting. So here I am. Of course this is not the only reason. I am looking for a smaller tighter nit community type server where we can can have fun and share ideas etc.
Mod experience: I have been playing modded minecraft since 1.8-9 ish and have been playing ftb type mods since minecraft official release. I have been playing ftb since it came out and am pretty well rounded in almost all the mods. (though I admit I am a bit behind on the recent updates but I can adapt quickly)
Time playing minecraft: I have been playing minecraft since 1.8 actually almost exactly the day it came out in 1.8 (introduced to it at a halloween lan party)
Did you read the rules: Yes.
If you read the rules what is the secret password: :purple (or purple not sure which one you want ;D)
How actively will you be playing: Probably at least 2-3 times a week for 3-4 hrs at a time usually.
Tell us a little about yourself (the more the merrier): Well I am a interesting character that's for sure. Lets see where to start... Well I am a computer nerd and love playing video games. I sometimes act like a knowitall and if I ever am smack me. I love fixing problems and usually never give up until the problem is fixed. I am a heavy procrastinator so if you see me in-game way behind everyone else that is probably why (and I hate it when I am to). Also I hate dieing no matter what for of it is. I get this gut wrenching defeat feeling and I start getting distasteful of playing the game so if I die then leave probably means I went to go read or watch a anime or something to divert my mind (I usually do this silently so you probably won't notice). I am also a perfectionist. I like using RP2's beheading enchant to get my fellow server mates heads (with their consent of course). I am also a competition freak sometimes.
Have you ever been banned before: Once quite awhile ago (1.9 era) but it was a minor misunderstanding on my part and apologized for it and went on to better things. I have also been an admin on a school mates server and was chosen out of a couple of candidates on the server. I really don't want to do that again because being the perfectionist I am I want to fix everything I see wrong when I go to help them and of course most people don't like that ;D.

p.s. hmm seems I am 100 or so words short of matching Solice Eclipse. (oh well)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In game name: Lighman2
Age: 15 (16 in august) hope this doesn't get my app declined
Reason for joining: Well fairly recently (a few months ago) the server I was playing on went out of service unexpectedly and tho they said it will be up (hope it will) it isn't and I am getting bored of waiting. So here I am. Of course this is not the only reason. I am looking for a smaller tighter nit community type server where we can can have fun and share ideas etc.
Mod experience: I have been playing modded minecraft since 1.8-9 ish and have been playing ftb type mods since minecraft official release. I have been playing ftb since it came out and am pretty well rounded in almost all the mods. (though I admit I am a bit behind on the recent updates but I can adapt quickly)
Time playing minecraft: I have been playing minecraft since 1.8 actually almost exactly the day it came out in 1.8 (introduced to it at a halloween lan party)
Did you read the rules: Yes.
If you read the rules what is the secret password: :purple (or purple not sure which one you want ;D)
How actively will you be playing: Probably at least 2-3 times a week for 3-4 hrs at a time usually.
Tell us a little about yourself (the more the merrier): Well I am a interesting character that's for sure. Lets see where to start... Well I am a computer nerd and love playing video games. I sometimes act like a knowitall and if I ever am smack me. I love fixing problems and usually never give up until the problem is fixed. I am a heavy procrastinator so if you see me in-game way behind everyone else that is probably why (and I hate it when I am to). Also I hate dieing no matter what for of it is. I get this gut wrenching defeat feeling and I start getting distasteful of playing the game so if I die then leave probably means I went to go read or watch a anime or something to divert my mind (I usually do this silently so you probably won't notice). I am also a perfectionist. I like using RP2's beheading enchant to get my fellow server mates heads (with their consent of course). I am also a competition freak sometimes.
Have you ever been banned before: Once quite awhile ago (1.9 era) but it was a minor misunderstanding on my part and apologized for it and went on to better things. I have also been an admin on a school mates server and was chosen out of a couple of candidates on the server. I really don't want to do that again because being the perfectionist I am I want to fix everything I see wrong when I go to help them and of course most people don't like that ;D.

p.s. hmm seems I am 100 or so words short of matching Solice Eclipse. (oh well)

Sorry app denied. We are pretty serious about the age limit thing (also not that im saying this is okay but if you are that close to your age it might be deemed........okay to perhaps fib a little just sayin)[DOUBLEPOST=1367285981][/DOUBLEPOST]
In game name: Xalazhar
Age: 19
Reason for joining: Looking for a new server after the ones I frequented shut down
Mod experience: Very experienced in all mods, have been playing since 2011
Time playing minecraft: Since alpha
Did you read the rules: Yes
If you read the rules what is the secret password: :purple
How actively will you be playing: very actively
Tell us a little about yourself (the more the merrier): I just want to be on a nice, friendly, feed the beast server with people who enjoy building and other projects.
Have you ever been banned before: No

Accepted mostly cus awesome username[DOUBLEPOST=1367286107][/DOUBLEPOST]
In game name: trixes
Age: 17
Reason why joining: Looks like a decent community group and none of the mods are banned
Mod experience: I know the basic stuff, Im also are going to work with the bees if im getting in.
Tine playing minecraft: I had a amazing experience with minecraft about a year now.
Did you agree with the rules: YEs ofc
Secret password: :purple
How actively will you be playing. Im gonna play some houres per day and gonna be active in our community
Tell us about your self: A mature guy who likes to team up with others, have fun. I dont know if there is any thing else you
want to know really

Accepted for reasons of..........yeah i can't think of anything except for a good app.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Whitelist application form:
  • In game name: mrzpicklez
  • Age: Celebrating the 14th anniversary of my 21st birthday
  • Reason for joining: I would like to find a small community to maybe call home
  • Mod experience: I have been playing since vanilla and tekkit days, I am familiar with most of the mods. Anything I don't know how it works I usually test it out in single player just to make sure it works right.
  • Time playing minecraft: I honestly have to say I am not sure but at least 2 years
  • Did you read the rules: Yes
  • If you read the rules what is the secret password: :purple
  • How actively will you be playing: I like to play all the time but my family does not like me cracking out on MC for that long so about 5-8 hours a night after I get home from work.
  • Tell us a little about yourself (the more the merrier): Well I am a gamer at heart, I love to find games and crack out on them :D. I have been a server admin for most of the time that I have played MC. I have also done server side maintenance as well. I HATE IT. But the thing is that I am good at it. I think it is because I am over zealous about it. I like to make sure everything runs right and am now very tired of that side of the coin. I want to just build pretty houses and make things work like they should. I have made some pretty houses over the course of my time playing although most of them have been done in creative mode :D. You can't really blame someone that spends more time helping the players then playing for that though. I also do enjoy killing the players that were on the servers that I admin'd. And it was always done with the players permission as well so that they could put their things in a chest before i drowned them in lava or dropped them from about 200 blocks in the air.
  • Have you ever been banned before: I have never been banned that I know of.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In game name: Xltimus​
Age: 20​
Reason for joining: The server I was just on shut down due to ISP issues and I thought this looked like a cozy community to play alongside with... oh and the beast needs to be fed​
Mod experience: I guess Moderate, I have a fair gist of how the mods work- but I haven't done anything particularly super complicated. I am fond of bees.​
Time playing minecraft: During alpha​
Did you read the rules: Yes​
If you read the rules what is the secret password: :purple or Purple, whichever is more correct​
How actively will you be playing: I have exams this week so I'd be on less often during that time, but after all that mess is over- I'd try to be on for most of the day(s) into the wee hours of the morning... everyday.​
Tell us a little about yourself (the more the merrier): I have trouble playing in single player, its kinda... boring. I often end up deleting my worlds even before nightfall. But with a community it becomes a heck of a lot more interesting. I am getting an Associate Degree in Programming. I am a Mindcrack fan and oddly fascinated by their unspoken honor code. I have been a moderator and/or admin on a couple of public servers, and still I regret it to this day (I can still hear all the people whining in my nightmares). Did I mention that I like the bee stuff? I enjoy working in collaborations.​
Have you ever been banned before: Nope​


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sorry app denied. We are pretty serious about the age limit thing (also not that im saying this is okay but if you are that close to your age it might be deemed........okay to perhaps fib a little just sayin)

Seems that you are contradicting your age limit. It is to filter out immature people (those people tend to lie about there age). Thus me being honest just justifies that I probably meet your maturity standards.

But it really doesn't matter either way. Just thought you shouldn't encourage age shifting when it really contradicts the whole age limit idea.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In game name: Pysk7​
Age: 20​
Reason for joining: Looking for a new server. Old server was too laggy for me to bear​
Mod experience: moderate or maybe more​
Time playing minecraft: since the first beta​
Did you read the rules: Yes​
If you read the rules what is the secret password: :purple
How actively will you be playing: as much as i can really (I am a college student atm but I try and play whenever i have time so it varies)​
Tell us a little about yourself (the more the merrier): I normally play solo but I'm always willing to start fresh with someone if they will be active as well. I try and use all the mods I can but I haven't used em all since there are quite alot. I'm willing to help out any way I can and thanks for the opportunity.​
Have you ever been banned before: nope​


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In game name: Ashen92​
Age: 20​
Reason for joining: I'm looking for a small, fun, friendly server to play on.​
Mod experience: I am very experienced in FtB. I have been playing since beta pack A. I am most knowledgeable about ComputerCraft and Thaumcraft.​
Time playing minecraft: Since alpha.​
Did you read the rules: Yes​
If you read the rules what is the secret password: :purple​
How actively will you be playing: Very actively, it's summer!​
Tell us a little about yourself (the more the merrier): I'm a college student studying CS. I live in Georgia and go to GT. I have the summer off from working and classes so I thought I'd join a minecraft server to have some fun with others!​
Have you ever been banned before: Nope.​