Server IP:
No griefing
No cheats/hacks
No Trolling (usually a little bit is fine as are some more minor pranks)
password is

As little cursing as you can manage but it is allowed
No stealing
No killing other players without a reason
Any and all complaints should be taken up with a server admin or a owner/co-owner
Have fun and be polite to others
A Little about ourselves
We are a fairly small group of friends who recently decided to start a server. After a while we realized that it would be pretty awesome if we could get some new blood on the server so we could have a bit more help and so that the server was getting a bit more use than it was with just the few of us that were on pretty regularly.

The server is running on a provided server
1024 RAM
CPU: 2 Cores
A Bit about the server:
Difficulty: Normal
Slots: 10 as of right now
Play style: We are a usually very laid back server so don't be suprised if you get hit with the smite command every once and a while or if some invisible force seems to be placing blocks around your house
, while this wont happen regularly if we feel people are being way to serious then we might do this to lighten up the mood. Take everything in stride just because someone says something you feel if mean or un-thoughtful doesn't mean they meant it that way so just either ignore them or contact an admin owner/co-owner

Whitelist application form:
In game name: put your in game name here
Age: put your age here
Reason for joining:
Mod experience: this server is a moderate to very experienced level server
Time playing minecraft: put about how long your have been playing minecraft here
Did you read the rules: Yes or no
If you read the rules what is the secret password:
How actively will you be playing:
Tell us a little about yourself (the more the merrier):
Have you ever been banned before:
Disabled mods or items
None at the moment although this may change in the future
Preferably only a couple chunk loaders per person so ask an owner before using