Whitelist Server Zen Tech|FTB Ultimate version 1.0.1 |White list|This is a 16+ server

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Server IP: zentech.atl28.creeperhost.net

No griefing
No cheats/hacks
No Trolling (usually a little bit is fine as are some more minor pranks)
password is:purple
As little cursing as you can manage but it is allowed
No stealing
No killing other players without a reason
Any and all complaints should be taken up with a server admin or a owner/co-owner
Have fun and be polite to others
A Little about ourselves
We are a fairly small group of friends who recently decided to start a server. After a while we realized that it would be pretty awesome if we could get some new blood on the server so we could have a bit more help and so that the server was getting a bit more use than it was with just the few of us that were on pretty regularly.:)
The server is running on a Creeperhost.net provided server​
1024 RAM​
HDD: 25GB​
CPU: 2 Cores​
A Bit about the server:
Difficulty: Normal
Slots: 10 as of right now
Play style: We are a usually very laid back server so don't be suprised if you get hit with the smite command every once and a while or if some invisible force seems to be placing blocks around your house:p , while this wont happen regularly if we feel people are being way to serious then we might do this to lighten up the mood. Take everything in stride just because someone says something you feel if mean or un-thoughtful doesn't mean they meant it that way so just either ignore them or contact an admin owner/co-owner
Whitelist application form:
In game name: put your in game name here​
Age: put your age here​
Reason for joining:​
Mod experience: this server is a moderate to very experienced level server​
Time playing minecraft: put about how long your have been playing minecraft here​
Did you read the rules: Yes or no​
If you read the rules what is the secret password:​
How actively will you be playing:​
Tell us a little about yourself (the more the merrier):​
Have you ever been banned before:​
Disabled mods or items
None at the moment although this may change in the future
Preferably only a couple chunk loaders per person so ask an owner before using
In game name: GreenRaver
Age: 16
Reason for joining: need a feed the beast server that doesn't have a bunch of fance plugins
Mod experience: I'm decent with computer craft and factorization
Time playing minecraft: about 3 years now
Did you read the rules: Yes
If you read the rules what is the secret password: :Purple
How actively will you be playing: 3-4 hours a day based on how im feeling
Tell us a little about yourself (the more the merrier): well i'm a regular teen so that stuff. I'm also into anime and am a very honest person who will not lie to look better.
Have you ever been banned before: Yes but idk why it happened.
  • Like
Reactions: zenith
In Game Name: WTBjellybean10
Age: 15
Reason for Joining: I would like to join a multiplayer server that has no griefing and a tight nit community that plays frequently
Mod Experience: I'm great with everything, I've been playing modded Minecraft since Minecraft 1.0
Time Playing Minecraft: 2.5 years or so
Did you Read the Rules: Yes
If you read the rules what is the Secret Password: :purple
How Actively will you be Playing: 1-3 hours on weeknights and a lot on weekends
Tell us a Little more About Yourself: I am a very friendly person and I love to help others, I also know TONS about all the mods in the ultimate pack
Have you Ever been banned: No, I can prove it with MCbans: http://mcbans.com/player/WTBjellybean10
In game name: Freeloader798
Age: 22
Reason for joining: looking for some people to play and learn FTB with
Mod experience: new to FTB
Time playing minecraft: played vanilla since beta, and little after release. about 2 weeks of tekkit, just moved to FTB
Did you read the rules: Yes
If you read the rules what is the secret password: :purple
How actively will you be playing: a shit load
Tell us a little about yourself (the more the merrier): chill, laid back. pretty quiet for the most part. always down for some group building an such,
Have you ever been banned before: nope
  • Like
Reactions: zenith
In game name: GreenRaver
Age: 16
Reason for joining: need a feed the beast server that doesn't have a bunch of fance plugins
Mod experience: I'm decent with computer craft and factorization
Time playing minecraft: about 3 years now
Did you read the rules: Yes
If you read the rules what is the secret password: :purple
How actively will you be playing: 3-4 hours a day based on how im feeling
Tell us a little about yourself (the more the merrier): well i'm a regular teen so that stuff. I'm also into anime and am a very honest person who will not lie to look better.
Have you ever been banned before: Yes but idk why it happened.

Whitelisted nice job:p the profile pick really did it for me i got to say.[DOUBLEPOST=1366338742][/DOUBLEPOST]
In Game Name: WTBjellybean10
Age: 15
Reason for Joining: I would like to join a multiplayer server that has no griefing and a tight nit community that plays frequently
Mod Experience: I'm great with everything, I've been playing modded Minecraft since Minecraft 1.0
Time Playing Minecraft: 2.5 years or so
Did you Read the Rules: Yes
If you read the rules what is the Secret Password: :purple
How Actively will you be Playing: 1-3 hours on weeknights and a lot on weekends
Tell us a Little more About Yourself: I am a very friendly person and I love to help others, I also know TONS about all the mods in the ultimate pack
Have you Ever been banned: No, I can prove it with MCbans: http://mcbans.com/player/WTBjellybean10

Sorry but you didn't meet the age requirements :(
In game name: Freeloader798
Age: 22
Reason for joining: looking for some people to play and learn FTB with
Mod experience: new to FTB
Time playing minecraft: played vanilla since beta, and little after release. about 2 weeks of tekkit, just moved to FTB
Did you read the rules: Yes
If you read the rules what is the secret password: :purple
How actively will you be playing: a shit load
Tell us a little about yourself (the more the merrier): chill, laid back. pretty quiet for the most part. always down for some group building an such,
Have you ever been banned before: nope

Whitelisted:) congratulations. using the statement a "shit load" for how much you will be playing was definitely a nice touch
In game name: TankoHidiki
Age: 21
Reason for joining: Looking for people to play ftb ultimate with before they release the 1.5 version
Mod experience: I know most of the mods ability now atleast the path for rushing faster.
Time playing minecraft: A while
Did you read the rules: Yes
If you read the rules what is the secret password: im sure its purple if its not then its :purple
How actively will you be playing: as active as i can be which will be every day
Tell us a little about yourself (the more the merrier): A person that will poke fun at trolls with some sarcasm and reverse trolling, but over all a nice person
Have you ever been banned before: Nope
In Game Name: WTBjellybean10
Age: 15
Reason for Joining: I would like to join a multiplayer server that has no griefing and a tight nit community that plays frequently
Mod Experience: I'm great with everything, I've been playing modded Minecraft since Minecraft 1.0
Time Playing Minecraft: 2.5 years or so
Did you Read the Rules: Yes
If you read the rules what is the Secret Password: :purple
How Actively will you be Playing: 1-3 hours on weeknights and a lot on weekends
Tell us a Little more About Yourself: I am a very friendly person and I love to help others, I also know TONS about all the mods in the ultimate pack
Have you Ever been banned: No, I can prove it with MCbans: http://mcbans.com/player/WTBjellybean10

I denied your app so please stop trying to get on the server. you're not whitelisted so please stop trying to join :)
In game name: delotheric
Age: 24 and counting
Reason for joining:i like small community servers and my server is very dead
Mod experience: not a whole lot of experience with the mods but im a fast learner and the time i have been playing the only thing that really stumps me is computers
Time playing minecraft: been playing MC about 2 yrs
Did you read the rules: Yes, yes i did:p
If you read the rules what is the secret password::purple
How actively will you be playing:as much as i can between the wife and work which is around 4 hrs a day and more on weekends
Tell us a little about yourself (the more the merrier):well me im a 24 yr old guy working in the military (sry if that puts u off from me its how i provide for my family). i prefer small knit communities since its easier to meet and get to know the people you play with.
Have you ever been banned before:eek:nce but it was my own server and i had banned myself for kicks and didnt know how to unban myself :eek:
EDIT: Do y'all have TS3 or any form of TS just wondering cus imma a talker lol
In game name: BeddingPlants
Age: 31
Reason for joining: the server i was playing on is being discontinued, i need new home
Mod experience: Extensive. Been playing modded minecraft since 1.7 Still learning the newer mods tho, like AE
Time playing MC: over 2 years
Did you read the rules? Indeed
Secret PW: :Purple
How active will i be? Quite active, I play too much minecraft
About me: 31, unmarried, mundane job. i enjoy outdoorsy stuff when not playing games
Have i been banned? Never. I dont mess with other people's stuff
Whitelist application form:
In game name: Tombenpotter​
Age: 16​
Reason for joining:​
Mod experience: I have been palying FTB for like 5-6 months, but I do not know all the mods, since some new mods have been added with the utlimate pack :p
Time playing minecraft: I have been playing for a year and a half​
Did you read the rules: Yes I didn Indeed​
If you read the rules what is the secret password: :purple​
How actively will you be playing: I can paly at least 1-2 hours on school days, and a crap load more on weekends​
Tell us a little about yourself (the more the merrier): I am a nice person to play with, I enjoy pranking others and helping people, but don't expect me to be silent on the chat ! I love chatting with others, and I hope that this nice community will accept me !​
Have you ever been banned before: I have been once, because falling in a quarry without jetpack and blocks sucks, and the owner didn't like me cursing. :3​
In game name: trixes
Age: 17
Reason why joining: Looks like a decent community group and none of the mods are banned
Mod experience: I know the basic stuff, Im also are going to work with the bees if im getting in.
Tine playing minecraft: I had a amazing experience with minecraft about a year now.
Did you agree with the rules: YEs ofc
Secret password: :purple
How actively will you be playing. Im gonna play some houres per day and gonna be active in our community
Tell us about your self: A mature guy who likes to team up with others, have fun. I dont know if there is any thing else you
want to know really
In game name: put your in game name badsap
Age: put your age 20
Reason for joining: I wanna play on a small comminity server
Mod experience: I am expert in some mods and basic in others
Time playing minecraft: since first beta
Did you read the rules: Yes
If you read the rules what is the secret password: purple
How actively will you be playing: quite alot
Tell us a little about yourself (the more the merrier): I like teaming up with others and create fantastic constructions, as I am more of a builder.
Have you ever been banned before: No I always hosted my own servers with friends.
In game name: Its_MaGiiK
Age: 16
Reason for joining: I have been looking for a new server and this one looks really good. I like that you are all willing to joke around and have a good time, that is really important in a game.
Mod experience: Between moderate and experienced. I know what everything does but I am not the best and putting together very complex builds.
Time playing minecraft: Since very early beta.
Did you read the rules: Yes
If you read the rules what is the secret password: :Purple
How actively will you be playing: Few hours a day, probably more.
Tell us a little about yourself (the more the merrier): I am a highschool student, I love music and movie. I usually watch a movie a day.
Have you ever been banned before:Yeah, but it was a long time ago and it was hardly my fault. It will never happen again.
In game name: BinsoXO
Age: 16
Reason for joining: Been looking to try out the Ultimate pack and a new server also really want to get back into FTB
Mod experience: Im some what experienced with some of the mods in the pack
Time playing minecraft: About a year now
Did you read the rules: YEAH
If you read the rules what is the secret password: Purple
How actively will you be playing: At least an hour or so, usually three hours
Tell us a little about yourself (the more the merrier): I'm a high school student, Love computer games
Have you ever been banned before: Nope
In game name: ForsakenNinja2
Age: 18
Reason for joining:My old Server that I was playing on shut down sadly
Mod experience: I am very experienced with all the mods I've been playing since December 2011
Time playing minecraft: Since Very early beta
Did you read the rules: Of course I did
If you read the rules what is the secret password:purple
How actively will you be playing: a Metric Shit ton
Tell us a little about yourself (the more the merrier): well I'm a college student getting a degree in nuclear engineering, I have been a Pc gamer my whole life i love playing computer games I'm very excited about the new games coming out, I hope i can enjoy this game with all of you on this server.
Have you ever been banned before: Once when I was 10 I broke into a admins house( I am much more mature then I was back then)
In game name: Xalazhar
Age: 19
Reason for joining: Looking for a new server after the ones I frequented shut down
Mod experience: Very experienced in all mods, have been playing since 2011
Time playing minecraft: Since alpha
Did you read the rules: Yes
If you read the rules what is the secret password: :Purple
How actively will you be playing: very actively
Tell us a little about yourself (the more the merrier): I just want to be on a nice, friendly, feed the beast server with people who enjoy building and other projects.
Have you ever been banned before: No
In game name: delotheric
Age: 24 and counting
Reason for joining:i like small community servers and my server is very dead
Mod experience: not a whole lot of experience with the mods but im a fast learner and the time i have been playing the only thing that really stumps me is computers
Time playing minecraft: been playing MC about 2 yrs
Did you read the rules: Yes, yes i did:p
If you read the rules what is the secret password::purple
How actively will you be playing:as much as i can between the wife and work which is around 4 hrs a day and more on weekends
Tell us a little about yourself (the more the merrier):well me im a 24 yr old guy working in the military (sry if that puts u off from me its how i provide for my family). i prefer small knit communities since its easier to meet and get to know the people you play with.
Have you ever been banned before:eek:nce but it was my own server and i had banned myself for kicks and didnt know how to unban myself :eek:
EDIT: Do y'all have TS3 or any form of TS just wondering cus imma a talker lol

In game name: SoliceEclipse​
Age: 17 and counting
Reason for joining: I want a smaller server to enjoy myself on. Too many people and everything seems too crowded.
Mod experience: I've been playing with most of the mods since around july, FTB specifically since christmas, but this will be my first time with ultimate so i'm afraid I have no experienced with the new mods, or even some of the more recent additions to other mods (like i have yet to try out the new forestry farms for example)
Time playing minecraft: lets put it this way... Vanilla minecraft kept me busy for about a month, then I switched to mods.
Did you read the rules: Yes
If you read the rules what is the secret password: :purple
How actively will you be playing: depends on how obsessed I get and how evil my teachers. When I get addicted to a game I can play it from the time I wake up till the time I go to bed. If I just like it I'll probably play it an hour or two a day or every other day.
Tell us a little about yourself (the more the merrier): I'm a junior in high school and I hate it. I go to a public school. The average maturity level of the 2000+ students makes me question the sanity of whomever came up with the bright idea of the "no child left behind" program. Even though I take all honors classes, and in some cases college courses, I'm still faced with the problem of dealing with disrespectful students and their outbursts. They are incredibly distracting and pissing off the teacher just hurts the rest of us. Not that I'm a goody goody, I just ignore the teacher discreetly and don't make a scene. Honestly though, some rules are made for the people who don't get their work done. Example: no games in computer class. When I have EVERYTHING done, I would rather do that than stare at the desktop for 50 minutes. :3
Onto the topic of gaming. With minecraft I'm rather uncreative. Underground bases are my friend. They hide the fact that I live in a series of stone boxes. I like to play with the mods and attempt to make overcomplicated machines that do frivolous tasks. I once created a system for turning slimes into lithium, a process that ran slime balls through about 6 or 7 different machines. I hate having an excessive of any resource. I will try to find a (not so practical) use for everything. And I don't like things that seem too easy. You won't find me pumping lava out of the nether for power.
I would prefer to move in with someone because when I'm alone I get bored kinda fast. I'm fine with being a worker bee that gathers resources (though expect me to spend more than I find in an attempt to make the gathering process automatic).
Basically, I like to make overcomplicated things just so I can say that I've done it.
Have you ever been banned before: nope. I was actually an admin once. God I miss the invsee command and using inventory tweaks to sort people's inventories. There was always the one person who never figured it out and thought they were going insane.

Achievement Unlocked: Longest Application
In game name: SoliceEclipse​
Age: 17 and counting
Reason for joining: I want a smaller server to enjoy myself on. Too many people and everything seems too crowded.
Mod experience: I've been playing with most of the mods since around july, FTB specifically since christmas, but this will be my first time with ultimate so i'm afraid I have no experienced with the new mods, or even some of the more recent additions to other mods (like i have yet to try out the new forestry farms for example)
Time playing minecraft: lets put it this way... Vanilla minecraft kept me busy for about a month, then I switched to mods.
Did you read the rules: Yes
If you read the rules what is the secret password: :purple
How actively will you be playing: depends on how obsessed I get and how evil my teachers. When I get addicted to a game I can play it from the time I wake up till the time I go to bed. If I just like it I'll probably play it an hour or two a day or every other day.
Tell us a little about yourself (the more the merrier): I'm a junior in high school and I hate it. I go to a public school. The average maturity level of the 2000+ students makes me question the sanity of whomever came up with the bright idea of the "no child left behind" program. Even though I take all honors classes, and in some cases college courses, I'm still faced with the problem of dealing with disrespectful students and their outbursts. They are incredibly distracting and pissing off the teacher just hurts the rest of us. Not that I'm a goody goody, I just ignore the teacher discreetly and don't make a scene. Honestly though, some rules are made for the people who don't get their work done. Example: no games in computer class. When I have EVERYTHING done, I would rather do that than stare at the desktop for 50 minutes. :3
Onto the topic of gaming. With minecraft I'm rather uncreative. Underground bases are my friend. They hide the fact that I live in a series of stone boxes. I like to play with the mods and attempt to make overcomplicated machines that do frivolous tasks. I once created a system for turning slimes into lithium, a process that ran slime balls through about 6 or 7 different machines. I hate having an excessive of any resource. I will try to find a (not so practical) use for everything. And I don't like things that seem too easy. You won't find me pumping lava out of the nether for power.
I would prefer to move in with someone because when I'm alone I get bored kinda fast. I'm fine with being a worker bee that gathers resources (though expect me to spend more than I find in an attempt to make the gathering process automatic).
Basically, I like to make overcomplicated things just so I can say that I've done it.
Have you ever been banned before: nope. I was actually an admin once. God I miss the invsee command and using inventory tweaks to sort people's inventories. There was always the one person who never figured it out and thought they were going insane.

Achievement Unlocked: Longest Application

Accepted cus LONGASS APP!!!!!! Also anyone who creates an overcomplicated system for simple things is okay in my book.