Your first world after the Ultimate pack is released?

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I've always wanted to make an obsidian tower. Maybe make a burning, all-seeing eye on the top. :D With TE, it's pretty easy to make a bunch of obsidian now. Would have to use the arcane levitators to move switch floors since this would have to be a magicians tower. Just have to make sure to get the layout right since it would be a pain to move the blocks.. heh.
I got some inspiration from Monkeyfarm and his world 3 LP. He is building off the side of a big mountain. Never really cared for mountains to build with, but I got some great ideas. One thing that this will be perfect for is RP windmills and turbines. Before I even start up a map every snow biome will be removed, I cannot stand them...

Edit: One other thing that I have recently found is Sim-U-Craft. Seems like a more thought out and a lot less buggy Mine Colony. I tried Millenaire, but that thing even with a pretty good pc is just way to much of a mess to deal with.
First I will leave the taiga biome I will sure spawn in (99/100 times I spawn in a taiga in ftb and I hate taiga and all other snow biomes), after those two days of walking I will set my home in a forest or meadow (really like the grass there) and make my base as I always do.
I'm hoping to find a nice extreme hills-type biome (possibly with the red cobblestone) with a great view of a tall RP2 volcano. Set up a base in the side of the hill with a glass wall on the side facing the volcano!
My current soon-to-be-erased modular base:

The rooms are all the same, inset in the land (flat world) and with a mushroom-shaped glass ceiling with a hole in the center for easy jetpacking.
It has different patterns on the floor (last pic one is experimental) and with 4 spaces between modules for in-wall wiring and piping.





Provided a seed I discovered works, head straight to a village and begin construction on the hill overlooking it. Above and below ground. Max size high pressure boiler as a power foundation.

A void mystcraft nexus and an age specifically for a full chunk frame quarry. Eventually, power foundation will transfer to four fusion reactors automatically refueled.

And probably stealing villagers from every village in 100 chunks to add to my population. :D
I'm going the normal route I go down. TE pulveriser and iron furnace for ores, no house I'm going nomad style for a while. I'll either look for or make an age with extreme hillz, meadows/plains, birch forest and swamp. Hollow a large mountain out (should have a filler by then) and separate it into floors for different mods. Then go for a quarry to be updated with frames. :D
First I will leave the taiga biome I will sure spawn in (99/100 times I spawn in a taiga in ftb and I hate taiga and all other snow biomes), after those two days of walking I will set my home in a forest or meadow (really like the grass there) and make my base as I always do.
I know that feeling :/
First I will leave the taiga biome I will sure spawn in (99/100 times I spawn in a taiga in ftb and I hate taiga and all other snow biomes), after those two days of walking I will set my home in a forest or meadow (really like the grass there) and make my base as I always do.

You're saying it's possible to NOT spawn in a snow biome?
Find a Jungle biome: treetop fortresses linked by wooden bridges primed with explosives to deal with intruders. Then portal to Twilight Forest and build a canopy-top city.
All the ideas here sound really amazing! You guys truly have some awesome ideas, I only wish I was creative enough to come up with some of them before I start, I always end up with a flat roofed cube (much like Dire's infamous 9x9 only different varying sizes all the time and huge basements dug in. I think this time I am going to find a nice program (like paint) that allows grids and individual coloring of individual blocks of said grid and really plan how everything will work. Looking forward to reading more ideas :D
I have an affinity for the top of mountains. Redrock gives me lots of rubies and looks cool so probably that. I'll have factory around 64X64 on top of it. Farms on the roof, portals in the basement, machines on a big open main floor with a loft with my living quarters.
I'm hoping to find a nice extreme hills-type biome (possibly with the red cobblestone) with a great view of a tall RP2 volcano. Set up a base in the side of the hill with a glass wall on the side facing the volcano!
There's volcanos? Fuck the old way, I'm living in a evil genius style volcano fortress. Can you make volcanos? If so it's an island volcano fortess I'll create.
MFINN23, You can collect the basalt, smelt it back to solid rock, and arrange it like a volcano would look.

I'm probably going to look for a mountain, for Redpower windmill purposes. I actually like snow biomes, so I might go looking for one of the snowy mountains, though... as I'm wanting to use Thaumcraft, I might prioritize extreme hills desert if I can find a pyramid nearby. Pyramids and deserts in general are a great place for Thaumcraft due to the aura nodes that spawn in the pyramids and the myriad uses for sand.
Unless it's changed for the new release, I think RP2 Worldgen spawns volcanoes in oceans as well. Just need to hint for a bit to find one.
Nice, don't know if I'm gunna go through the trouble of deconstructing and reconstructing a volcano though would be cool if you could plant a volcano seed or something :D Hopefully I'll get lucky and there will at least be a cove or something next to the volcano.[DOUBLEPOST=1356224630][/DOUBLEPOST]
Unless it's changed for the new release, I think RP2 Worldgen spawns volcanoes in oceans as well. Just need to hint for a bit to find one.

Nice, hmm. That's gunna be a lot of exploring me thinks but it'll be worth it.
There's volcanos? Fuck the old way, I'm living in a evil genius style volcano fortress. Can you make volcanos? If so it's an island volcano fortess I'll create.

Here's a pic. I'm looking for a taller skinnier one though.


Nice, don't know if I'm gunna go through the trouble of deconstructing and reconstructing a volcano though would be cool if you could plant a volcano seed or something :DHopefully I'll get lucky and there will at least be a cove or something next to the volcano.

Volcano seed.. The ultimate griefer tool :)
You know, in all my time playing with Red Power, I have yet to see one of the really tall skinny ones. I have always wanted to live near one, just have never been fortunate enough to actually find one, I tend to find tiny ones.[DOUBLEPOST=1356237188][/DOUBLEPOST]
First I will leave the taiga biome I will sure spawn in (99/100 times I spawn in a taiga in ftb and I hate taiga and all other snow biomes), after those two days of walking I will set my home in a forest or meadow (really like the grass there) and make my base as I always do.
lol I once spawned into a world inside of a Oil shaft, by time I was loaded in and started swimming up, it was too late, died. That has been the worst overworld spawn I have ever had :)