Your best FTB Pranks, Traps or Trolls

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just like the title says: Post your pranks, traps or trolls on other players.

Building a player vaccum, into a spikes trap. Grave stone broken by terrain smashers, vaccum hoppers collect loot. INFINITE AMOUNT OF LOOTZ!
I once considered hiding a turtle with the MiscPeripherals speaker upgrade underneath a friend's pressure-plate-activated doorway, so it would very creepily greet him whenever he stepped through. Never got around to it, though.
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not my prank, but a good one nonetheless. a while ago the twitch streamer @ZeekDaGeek constantly find all kinds of items around his base and he thought someone kept coming to his base and dropped those items.
what actually was happening was that someone placed item droppers high up in the sky which kept getting triggered by a redstone signal, dropping items down to the ground.

he only found out about this so late because he didn't had flight that whole time, so he couldn't see those droppers high up in the sky
I rigged my friends proximity door trigger to open a one way portal to the TF :)

Edit: meant to say TWForest
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I remember a while back in direwolf 1.4.7 I was playing with my friend. He went to eat and while he was eating I put redstone receivers underneath each door in his house ( he had a lot of doors and also multiple houses ). I also put industrial craft alarms here and there in his base with more receivers. Then, when he came back I used the remote transmitter to send signals to each receiver opening every door and setting off alarms. I kept spamming the button and he had no clue what was going on.
Creeper trophy buried underground just outside someone's front door with an autonomous activator set to redstone signal and a 5 minute 37 second timer.
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Because it's not an even enough number for most people to latch on to. It's 'about' every 5 minutes but not 5 minutes.
These are good. We're limited to non-destructive pranks.

One guy filled a house, floor to ceiling, with statues (from the mod). I filled someone's house with a bunch of thaumcraft cheese once.

But my favorite so far was a troll..there was a kid on a server way back with a MPS lightning generator and we all got tired of hearing it. So I changed the power requirements to something outrageous.

I THOUGHT that it would keep him from firing it, but I was wrong. Instead he fired it once and then immediately caught on fire as his heat spiked into the stratosphere. Listening to him panic was the funniest thing I've heard on teamspeak for ages.
These are good. We're limited to non-destructive pranks.
Nah, just keep it realistic. Eg. Firing a Red matter missle at a base directly. This is just an act of aggresion.

One time, I distributed free wing force armor to some noobs. They didn't realize it requires liquid force.

[player] Fell out of the world

Also, i set up a huge bridge with a laser system. Laser activates a RoC sonic borer (Thanks Reika!) That litteraly blows them into the ocean.
I rigged my friends proximity door trigger to open a one way portal to the TF :)

Edit: meant to say TWForest

I did something like this back in beta vanilla days, I did it in an insidious way.

You know how people like to place pressure pads at their doors for easy access. Well I hollowed the bottom of their house and rigged the pad with tnt but did so in a way that it only took out the floor.
Pressure pads are pretty suspicious when used in direct traps but people don't bat an eyelid to ones they place themselves.
Troll Idea: Make some Draconic Armor, make it really freaking overpowered (basically maxed out with full power), give the armor Curse of Binding, and choose a random player. Set up a trap in their base that will 1) kill them and pick up their items so that their items are safe, 2) once he respawns at his bed he will have the Curse of Binding Maxed-Out Draconic Armor forcibly put on him, and 3) use another mod to make a one-way warp to the Corner World Border at "X=±32,000,000 Z=±32,000,000" coordinates (and then have the bed trap destroy itself afterwords so it doesn't get triggered again). He cannot get back in a timely manner without dying, they do not have any potential house warps they would have had if they hadn't died to set off the trap, and they have insane god armor that can allow them to survive the self-destruction of a Chaos Island AND a full-powered Draconic Reactor Nuclear Meltdown right next to the core (albeit with half a heart) and they CANNOT TAKE OFF THE ARMOR TO DIE TO GET BACK TO SPAWN.

TL;DR make overpowered god armor DRACONIC ARMOR, give it curse of binding, kill a player, and rig their bed to give them the god armor and one-way-warp them to the corner world border (presumably the one that is farthest away from all of the bases)

You can even put up a sign on the other side saying something like "hey, I heard you needed some help with getting more powerful stuff. Here, have some god armor!" or something like that just to add to the rage. Basically, you turn invincibility into a priceless troll.

You're welcome.
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One 'prank' that came perilously close to 'dude, not funny' was on the old Forgecraft series. You know those cicadas from Twilight Forest? They filled DW20's whole base with them. Hid them behind walls, under machines... everywhere. It took him like three or four episodes to get rid of 'em all.

One that I did was pretty cute... guy had his AE system set up. I... installed a player detector hooked up to a redstone latch that turned off his security terminal, meaning he was no longer authorized to access it. However, the player detector only went off when he was directly adjacent to the ME Crafting Terminal he'd installed in his main crafting room, and at no other time. The even better part is that if he accessed it from an extra block out, it worked just fine. His wireless access worked just fine, unless he was directly adjacent to it. So to him, it seemed like an intermittent bug with his security system. It took him a couple of days of on and off tinkering before he finally broke down and asked me for help.

He was one of those guys who did wiring by rote rather than understanding the system. But I got him to swear off the destructive/theft type 'pranks' he thought were funny in exchange for fixing it.
One 'prank' that came perilously close to 'dude, not funny' was on the old Forgecraft series. You know those cicadas from Twilight Forest? They filled DW20's whole base with them. Hid them behind walls, under machines... everywhere. It took him like three or four episodes to get rid of 'em all.

One that I did was pretty cute... guy had his AE system set up. I... installed a player detector hooked up to a redstone latch that turned off his security terminal, meaning he was no longer authorized to access it. However, the player detector only went off when he was directly adjacent to the ME Crafting Terminal he'd installed in his main crafting room, and at no other time. The even better part is that if he accessed it from an extra block out, it worked just fine. His wireless access worked just fine, unless he was directly adjacent to it. So to him, it seemed like an intermittent bug with his security system. It took him a couple of days of on and off tinkering before he finally broke down and asked me for help.

He was one of those guys who did wiring by rote rather than understanding the system. But I got him to swear off the destructive/theft type 'pranks' he thought were funny in exchange for fixing it.
Crainer did that once to SSundee in Crundee Craft. It took him half the episode to remove them, and in response to that, in a later episode (as well as the fact that Crainer had made a base under his base) he put a screaming scarecrow in the Dream Dimension (using Witchery) with SSundee in the Whitelist.

And then after Crainer moved out of the underground "base" and onto a mountaintop, SSundee found it almost immediately and hid muffler blocks everywhere.
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