Yomawolf (WW Game Thread)

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Due to time constraints (it was/is/will be a hugely busy weekend here), I'm late to the party again. Surprise! Stuff should hopefully level out slightly after today. This post may be a little longer than intended, since it's the sum of my day's thoughts.

Pyure, you've been the most active and you'll likely be the first to read this; I'll start with you.
On balance, statistically, the teams need to be fairly evenly distributed with good players. Unless its something like an unholy Shazam + Vikestep wolf tandem (it has happened), the good players are eventually going to log on and balance shit out.
I hope eeffoc and shazam show up and say something; I'm particularly hyped to hear Shazam's thoughts after he analyzes all this.
First off, thanks! :D

I can't decide whether to congratulate or condemn you on the Big Play, so I'll try and do both. I like what you did and hate the way you did it.

Your defense was, without a doubt, a hugely effective turnaround in votes. You started with a wagon of four on you, killed the momentum, knocked off two, and (from what I can tell) successfully got an even larger wagon rolling on Vike. You addressed every accusation that came at you and have been the most active speaker by far, generating conversation and getting a large amount of potential information out there. These are big accomplishments and I do not mean to detract from them.

I do, however, take issue with your methods.

You repeatedly rebuffed every opponent (including all future opponents) with the claim that only wolves and incompetent players would oppose what you did.
Correct. Anyone who actually votes me with the evidence on hand is a terrible mafia player or a wolf.

Woops. Just disrespected you.
*IF* I get lynched tonight it is NOT going to be because I played my role incorrectly and came up looking like a wolf. It will be a combination of a) wolves doing the voting, and b) people who are poor-ass mafia players.
I can't say this enough times: this is your pivotal moment where its good town players versus wolf.
Wolves in general: you should keep voting me, it helps identify who you are. Thanks :)

Many of your defenses extended off of this in a circular path of reasoning: "My opponents are wolves, therefore I must be town."
Dunno about RJS, but I'm town.
It is keenly apparent that wolves are directing this bandwagon, so what do we do about it?
2) If you can't see that I'm a villager, its because you screwed up. Not me.
Aaaaand that was the wrong answer!

So? I don't answer to wolves.

From there, and this is the main reason I made this post, I feel like your skill went to your head. Further arguments were based on the concept that you were the best, brightest, and only player making any meaningful contributions towards the town.
Me, on the other hand: nobody worked as hard as I did to reveal wolves yesterday and produce information.

I am going to deliver a single warning: I played my role perfectly yesterday. I played it strongly like a Mafia Universe player would play my role.
I am not going to reveal my role. It is known to one other player. This is just my ultimatum. I did my part correctly. Who's good at werewolf?
Town, due to time constraints, and as a last ditch effort to help my team, you have 1 (one) hour to fix this sinking ship. I'm done screwing around.

At that point, if I'm not satisfied that anyone cares enough to pay attention, I'll be forced to throw in the towel. In this instance, wolves win, gg.
If you lynch me today, the game is over for town. Town will not win. Town will not win without me. Town will lose. Town will fail without me, Pyure, the totally arrogant bastard, to hold their hands and guide them towards the light. I can't say this enough times: this is your pivotal moment where its good town players versus wolf.

I am not going to apologize for anything I did yesterday. I'm looking back at my work yesterday, and what can I say I did wrong? Some people might think I was too aggressive. Some people may be angry that I 100% led the lynch to string up the_J. But I know better: This is how mafia is properly played. And anyone who thinks differently isn't at my tier.

I love ya, man, and you really are a good player. But the arguments you've been making today come off as insulting, demeaning, and even a little toxic. They were effective. They are effective, as I type this post out on Day Two and Page 17 of the thread. I just can't say I look forward to a future... you know. At your tier.

...That took much longer than I expected. Sorry, guys, the rest of you don't get a full-blown rant. :p

Vike: Your main vote for the day was Pyure, on the basis he let you off too easy yesterday.
And on that note, Vote the_j because I don't think LAC is a wolf and I think the_j is now likely to be a wolf.
Vike vote-switches but somehow comes off less wolfy as a result. +town.

The reasoning looks vague out of context, but Pyure addressed it and you two seem to have reached an understanding, so it's more or less null at this point.

Real: You seem to have been supporting Pyure for the majority of the day. Whichever team you're on, it looks like you believe Pyure to be your teammate.

Erin: You got four votes in quick succession at the beginning of the day. The wagon may have been at least partially coordinated, but it's kind of hard to tell coordination from herd mentality when most of the votes are called antismites. You seem to have been generally supporting Pyure in the same way Real has; Is there some special convo I'm missing out on?

Nojr: Aside from the reasons Vike brought up, you've been pretty inactive; most of your votes have been antismites, and your posts have been relatively short.

Despite my gripes, I stand by that Pyure's been a very effective player this game. Lynching him would kill a lot of tomorrow's discussion. Real and Erin seem to trust him; not sure if the feeling's mutual, but the big guy would probably be at least somewhat opposed if they were up on the block. Nojr seems like the best candidate by process of analysis and elimination.

Vote 016Nojr


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
That was so totally worth it :)

Basically everything bang on. Toxicity was fully intentional (tier comments in particular took a minute to construct), and apologies of course while I'm out of context briefly :) :) :) fwiw, and back on track, I do feel that if we kill another villager tonight via the lynch its gg. In that respect I meant what I said!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So far as I can tell, this will be the final standings tonight. I do believe all have voted. (shamelessly stolen and updated from Pyure's tally ~1.5 pages back, muchas gratias)

016Nojr -
RealKC, Pyure, Spwnx, Shazam08
Vikestep - Erindalc, lenscas, 016Nojr
Pyure - Vikestep, ljfa, LivingAngryCheese
Erindalc - RJS, SoraZodia, eeffoc
ljfa - sgbros1
LivingAngryCheese - Someone Else 37


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
So far as I can tell, this will be the final standings tonight. I do believe all have voted. (shamelessly stolen and updated from Pyure's tally ~1.5 pages back, muchas gratias)

016Nojr -
RealKC, Pyure, Spwnx, Shazam08
Vikestep - Erindalc, lenscas, 016Nojr
Pyure - Vikestep, ljfa, LivingAngryCheese
Erindalc - RJS, SoraZodia, eeffoc
ljfa - sgbros1
LivingAngryCheese - Someone Else 37
If necessary, its easiest to tally by counting votes backwards, which is why my standings are always reversed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

recap inbound, any further actions will not be accepted

If necessary, its easiest to tally by counting votes backwards, which is why my standings are always reversed.
Yeah, I do that. It's just that I lack self-assurance.
Also I need to remember to not write so boldly all the time...
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
{One small clarification to the rule sheet has been made regarding tied votes. Find it in the additional notes section.}

(4) 016Nojr -
RealKC, Pyure, Spwnx, Shazam08
(4) Erindalc - RJS, SoraZodia, eeffoc
(3) Vikestep - Erindalc, lenscas, 016Nojr
(3) Pyure - Vikestep, ljfa, LivingAngryCheese
(1) ljfa - sgbros1
(1) LivingAngryCheese - Someone Else 37

Following last night's events, everybody was wary this day. The monsters could be living with them, perhaps under their very noses...
It was decided that night that another should die. However, when the ballots were counted, something didn't add up quite right, and a tie occurred. In this event, it was sagely determined that the fates had altered circumstance, and a higher authority than those present had prevailed. All agreed that the one known as Preacher Dalc would be sacrificed.

Preacher Dalc's body, after the event, was found writhing and covered in fur! The villagers had managed to sniff out a werewolf... but there were yet more to be found.

Later that night, cries for help were heard from the direction of Goodman Len's house. Chilled with fear, the townsfolk could only listen helplessly, as vicious snarls and grunts burst out. Suddenly, with a mighty clash, the noise ceased. Peering out his ruined threshold's windowpanes, Goodman Lens saw a figure wielding a giant sword, dispatching the terrible beast which had been attacking his abode. Only a few more moments and he, too, would have been erased from existence!

Once morning came, the beast's figure reverted to its former human figure, allowing it to be easily identified. It appeared this poser had eaten the courier and been living among them for some time. Understandably, caution hung in the air; were there more of these fearsome foes about?

Erindalc was lynched! They were a Beta!
RealKC was eaten! They were a Wizard!
016Nojr was killed by a Claymore! They were a Yoma!


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Huh. Just about everything above was the exact opposite of what I expected.

1) Erindalc went for my "yoma" ploy, except he figured it was his own ploy, except that I hate yomas. Wow on him for trying to infiltrate me though. I'm glad I didn't "trust" him.
2) I told realkc also not to trust erindalc. I wonder if he ignored me. There goes my wizard; he scanned me N1.
3) Totally didn't expect nojr to be the real yoma.

If Erindalc got Wizard identity from realkc legitamately (and they WERE chatting, realkc was supposed to claim candlemaker) then I vote erindalc for NoobMVP 2016.

This also probably explains why the claymore ignored me. He already knew the real yoma.

Vike + Shazam look extremely, extremely town right now.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Eruantien, I'm not sure how much of that vote tally was 100% correct, but vike was voting for Nojr i believe. If that's the only messup, there was no tie.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Eruantien, I'm not sure how much of that vote tally was 100% correct, but vike was voting for Nojr i believe. If that's the only messup, there was no tie.

That is so.... why didn't anybody warn me in my earlier recap...

Retcon edition:
  1. Town attempts lynch on Nojr, a Yoma. Yoma evades lynch, town has no lynch.
  2. Nojr is killed by Claymore.
  3. ... a Beta died of sudden illness.......
  4. RealKC was still eaten by wolves.
Suggestions..........................................................................................................................................? ;-;
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario

That is so.... why didn't anybody warn me in my earlier recap...

Retcon edition:
  1. Town attempts lynch on Nojr, a Yoma. Yoma evades lynch, town has no lynch.
  2. Nojr is killed by Claymore.
  3. ... a Beta died of sudden illness.......
  4. RealKC was still eaten by wolves.
Suggestions..........................................................................................................................................? ;-;
Cuz that's your job boss :p
if it were me, I'd probably let erindalc live another day. Yes everyone knows he's a wolf.
Also, yoma does not avoid the lynch. Yoma gets lynched and CLaymore fails to get his win condition (Your order of operations)

Regarding first item, I virtually always get outvoted on GM cleanup calls like this, so take it with a grain of salt.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Cuz that's your job boss :p
if it were me, I'd probably let erindalc live another day. Yes everyone knows he's a wolf.
Also, yoma does not avoid the lynch. Yoma gets lynched and CLaymore fails to get his win condition (Your order of operations)

Regarding first item, I virtually always get outvoted on GM cleanup calls like this, so take it with a grain of salt.
Technically, my role sheet states this: "Only a Claymore can kill a Yoma. If a lynch vote falls upon a Yoma, it will fail and a townsperson will die."

This one's on me... sorry folks. Try not to hate me.

I can either:
  1. Give the remaining wolves one scan evasion each. Any who attempt to scan them will be given a fake alternate role.
  2. Revive erindalc.
  3. Follow through with my rule sheet and kill a random townsperson who voted for Nojr.
  4. ???


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Technically, my role sheet states this: "Only a Claymore can kill a Yoma. If a lynch vote falls upon a Yoma, it will fail and a townsperson will die."

This one's on me... sorry folks. Try not to hate me.

I can either:
  1. Give the remaining wolves one scan evasion each. Any who attempt to scan them will be given a fake alternate role.
  2. Revive erindalc.
  3. Follow through with my rule sheet and kill a random townsperson who voted for Nojr.
  4. ???
Woops you're right. I was looking at the Yoma description itself (which tells us that this info prolly shoulda been in his description...good to know for next run of yomawolf)

Does a wolf qualify as a "townsperson"? If you had said "a member of the town group", I'd have said you now need to kill ANOTHER town. But you can hedge and say "townspeople" are everyone living in the town, and erindalc was "randomly" killed by the failed yoma lynch attack. Then everythings cleaned up.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Woops you're right. I was looking at the Yoma description itself (which tells us that this info prolly shoulda been in his description...good to know for next run of yomawolf)

Does a wolf qualify as a "townsperson"? If you had said "a member of the town group", I'd have said you now need to kill ANOTHER town. But you can hedge and say "townspeople" are everyone living in the town, and erindalc was "randomly" killed by the failed yoma attack. Then everythings cleaned up.
Perfect. This is WEREwolf after all, everyone lives in the town.

Sorry @erindalc

Life goes on
(not for erindalc)

next run???!/////////3['asldjkasfk


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Perfect. This is WEREwolf after all, everyone lives in the town.

Sorry @erindalc

Life goes on
(not for erindalc)

next run???!/////////3['asldjkasfk
Your own damn fault. Yoma/Claymore = neat mechanic.

(next time read the small print or you'd know you don't actually get a say in the matter)


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
vote sgbros1

This is not an OMGUS. I genuinely don't have a great feel about him at this time just based on known roles and the way he doesn't give a shit about whats going on.


Jul 31, 2013
hmm...I used to like to play hearthstone which is all about rng thus I should in theory like it
vote sgbros1

This is not an OMGUS. I genuinely don't have a great feel about him at this time just based on known roles and the way he doesn't give a shit about whats going on.
I think that has more to do with the fact that sg has 2 small rp's running on a different forum and 1 on this forum.