Yogscast on FTB

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I believe Zoeya was originally a massive Forestry nut, right? I seem to remember she was real confused / let down when Forestry was removed from Tekkit.

I guess now she can get back to doing her Forestry thing now, yay!
Pfft, without devs FTB would be nothing. It was Sengir that started this dark and bitter war, and I'm not trying to point fingers, BTW. Then people were like "NAWWWWW TEKKIT IS ELLAGEL." and started using FTB.
Actually, FlowerChild started all the permissions bull, and Sengir just propagated it.

Also, may I note that now, they have perfect perms.
This is also true.
Pfft, without devs FTB would be nothing. It was Sengir that started this dark and bitter war, and I'm not trying to point fingers, BTW. Then people were like "NAWWWWW TEKKIT IS ELLAGEL." and started using FTB.

Also, may I note that now, they have perfect perms.

Kolik, it's Zoeya, (Zoey.) And Rythian and Zoey and Sips and Sjin. Maybe Nilesy, are the ONLY reasons I watch Yogscast.
permissions isnt the only reason FTB>tekkit but haters of tekkit were not loud since tekkit was only choise when ppl comment why ftb/tekkit is better than tekkit/FTB and a person votes for FTB it usualy is "FTB is newer version whit more mods it does not have EE2 and it has a better friendship whit moddevs". whitout devs there would be no tekkit/FTB since whitout devs there wont be mods BTW
We only have one option left.

Nuke the site from orbit.

No really as far as I can tell all this copy right mombo jumbo is just that a huge amount a wang waving. Someone just needs to call BS let people throw money away on some lawers and get a real answers.

Right now its just like someone is waving this gun around yell "IM GOING TO USE THIS" and people on the side lines debaiting if the gun is loaded or not.

I say let someone pull that trigger and get all this BS done and over with.

Ok I'll shut up now and go take my meds and coffee.

/pointless rant
Edited by a moderator: We do not appreciate your ranting and slander. You have been warned for these kinds of things before, and you are being warned again.
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Can't see how. What've they done wrong?
they can (but not always) act bad REALLY bad from "faaaaaarrrttt" (hard to miss) to "modding community is bad" (now i dont remember where i saw this but they are part of the moding community and some can say that they made the moddding community bad) "fuck you mod devs we dont like you" (saw something similar on ic2 forums). BTW if some1 is acting bad i asume they are stupid
i was talking about an old quote about tekkit not tekkil lite,i didnt say that T team treats modders like crap but there are times that that happens. about the forgecraft part that is 99.9% true but not 100%. if some1 would ask today me what is better i would say "FTB has a bit more mods but no optifine so you would have to waste to get that working but its not hard using the edit modpack, ftb does not have as bad history as tekkit/technic/tekkit lite but there wasnt enough time for something like that to happend, tekkit/technic/tekkit lite has less mods but getting an private modpack is easyer so you can have all FTB mods+optifine host a server and then give it to others"
i was talking about an old quote about tekkit not tekkil lite,i didnt say that T team treats modders like crap but there are times that that happens. about the forgecraft part that is 99.9% true but not 100%. if some1 would ask today me what is better i would say "FTB has a bit more mods but no optifine so you would have to waste to get that working but its not hard using the edit modpack, ftb does not have as bad history as tekkit/technic/tekkit lite but there wasnt enough time for something like that to happend, tekkit/technic/tekkit lite has less mods but getting an private modpack is easyer so you can have all FTB mods+optifine host a server and then give it to others"
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This. You're calling the Technic Devs stupid, when you can't even communicate in a coherent fashion.
The ironic part is that he'd be HelenKellered on the Technic forums for that post. Not for badmouthing Technic, but for just how low-effort that post was.
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I honestly have no idea what you were trying to say. The bad grammar, the bad spelling, and the low-effort 'txt speak' combined into a milkshake of what-the-fuckery.
i dont spend 12h a day using english (2h-3h) so when i dont have time for spellcheck dont expect something better
i dont spend 12h a day using english (2h-3h) so when i dont have time for spellcheck dont expect something better
I can understand not having proper grammar. But if you have a modern browser like Firefox or Chrome, spell check can be pretty much instantaneous. It even underlines misspelled words so you know where to concentrate your efforts. It won't be 100% accurate, but it will be a hell of a lot easier to read. And if you use a program such as AutoHotKey, you can have it automatically turn 'some1' into 'someone', for example. If you don't have time to help yourself, put in the effort to get your computer to do it for you. :D
I can understand not having proper grammar. But if you have a modern browser like Firefox or Chrome, spell check can be pretty much instantaneous. It even underlines misspelled words so you know where to concentrate your efforts. It won't be 100% accurate, but it will be a hell of a lot easier to read. And if you use a program such as AutoHotKey, you can have it automatically turn 'some1' into 'someone', for example. If you don't have time to help yourself, put in the effort to get your computer to do it for you. :D
by crome does not have that for some reason
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