Xycraft tank.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I found this out the hard way the other day when I was moving one of the valves on my oil tank, and lost half the oil by doing it the wrong way... If you want to move a valve to a different spot in the tank, break the valve first. If you break a non-valve block, then break the valve while the tank is unformed, the liquid that valve is holding will disappear. If you break one of the valves in a tank while the tank is still formed, the other valves will keep all of the liquid, so you don't lose any when you reform it.

Dragos Circa

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a problem: when i create the tank, it won't open the GUI and after 10 seconds minecraft crashes.
When i entered mc-edit to remove the tank i saw that the tank exists.
What's the problem?
I play FTB Ultimate 1.1.2.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you try to edit a logic gate placed in a wooden waterproof pipe, adjacent to a xycraft valve that has not activated into a "tank", will cause a crash.

I had problems with this, but as soon as I right clicked the valve and turned the structure into a tank, I was able to finally access the logic gate GUI. Just a heads up for anyone else.

Dragos Circa

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In this picture i build the tank:

This picture is after i right-clicked the valve:

The tank is build, but it won't let me open the GUI.
When i right click with an item, the tank take my item and after i right-click with empty hand, he is doing weird stuff in my inventory:

As seen in the picture it multiplied my items and put a valve on my head!!!

What is the solution for this?