Because I thought TTT and MoonWolf2 were poorly organised and hard to understand. YOU DON'T SEE ME COMPLAINING.
Confusing in terms of the game mechanics I can agree with. But poorly organised? I think that's extremely rude towards both people that GMed those games.
And if you don't like this game or think it is crappy. THEN LEAVE!
My issues have nothing to do with the game. The issues I have raised are a direct consequence of things you have said in the game thread. You are the GM. If you announce things like you did, in an official-seeming manner, is it any wonder that I was confused? To then reply to me with sarcasm?
Because I'm eleven and I show more frickin' respect then you.
Hardly. How would you feel if you were unsure of something that the GM said, only to have it clarified in an utterly smug and sarcastic way? Would you feel like the GM was showing respect? Because I definitely don't. I don't care whether you are 11 or 61, you have taken on the responsibility of creating, organising and running this game.
Do I expect people's first games to be amazing? Of course not. Mine wasn't. I don't know if there was ever anybody who's first game was.
If you guys don't want to play the game. Leave. Don't insult me.
Here's the deal. Everybody is here because they do want to play your game. If we didn't, we wouldn't have signed up. I want to play this game.
I don't want to play the game of 'Two truths and a lie' in terms of whether what you are saying, as the GM, is legit. You are the one who has access to all the information in the game. Truthfully, you are the only person in the game who knows what is happening. If we can't trust what you are saying as the GM, then how are we supposed to play?
While we're on the topic (last bit of ranting from me, then I'll stop, promise): Can you just clarify whether you meant that ghosting was allowed, or was that another thing that was
clearly genuine? Excuse me if I'm being thick.
Right, ok, onto the game.
I'm intensely suspicious of these people trying to jail themselves. It strikes me as something that is very convenient for a wolf to do in order to avoid coming under any threat of being lynched, or being random sniped by a Police. If they can stay out of the game for a few days and be perfectly safe, when they come back in they may well be in control of the lynch with minimal risk, as the town has been forced to largely lynch itself in the absence of the majority of wolves.
Vote Robijn
Pyure I'm not sure whether he's goofing around or a legit wolf (although the two do seem to go hand in hand with him), but Robijn specifically checked for clarification regarding lynch protection first. That ranks him slightly higher than Pyure in my eyes.