World Diary (FTB Light)

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Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012
Day ? 1? Again?

Took my log with me, I don't know how much use it will be now. I thought I'd just get more of the wood for the floor from that other realm, maybe try the mound in the swamp. Seems life had other plans. That fall was too long, and this is not the world with the trees. It looks very much like home, but unless I am far from any place I have explored, I know I am not.

Whatever whim that has brought me here has proven to be kind, given me a chest with some few things with what to make a new life. Not much, but it's something.

There's jungle, and if stand on the tallest hill around I can just see snow. The world is vast and flat, lots of animals, I might have to take up farming, instead of mining.

Still, I see a temple in the sands, I can start there and dig latter.


Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012
Day 3.
Small chest of resources waiting for me, little more then stone tools and food (low). Pickaxe, and an axe. Some scraps of wood. Still it's enough. I took the torches placed around it, whomever placed this gift wanted me to see it, and I turned towards the temple just within sight.

I admit it, I am not too proud to loot the resources of the ancients that left them behind in days of yor. It's a good start, steel armor, chest and boots. A touch of copper, some tin, and a small pile of gold. There's even a cave here. Though this emerald is too valuable to leave behind, or risk in the cave. Back to where I began this trip, into the hill and a quick refuge. Better to store in a chest behind soft dirt, then left in a temple for others to rob, assuming there are any others.


Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012
Day 5
Smelted what I had, but it looks like I'm going to have to find a forest next. Good thing there was an axe. I'll need a stack of torches before I can go down again. I see myself making a tower in these flat lands. Around here, wood means jungle. I'm a little afraid of that place, I've honestly avoided them in the past, but when one must, one must.

Day 9
Lost my nerve, it was night. Saw some lights on the sand, turned out not to be beehives, but rather strange flowers that left me blaze powder. I remember wanting this stuff on the way to steel before. Sadly on my return a creeper caught me, took out some of the very soft marble under my feet, and within was a cave full of these very angry zombies. Sadly not everything survived the experience. Found quite a bit of coal down there, enough for torches, or making charcoal, or anything else I might need for a little while. Back at my base, going to make axes and try that forest again. I'd still rather charcoal, then the coal. But I am starting to think "Ivory Tower" has a nice sound to it.

Day 11
Short trip. I'd remembered something important. Those ancient relics, the odd copper and such from the temple. It was obvious, just turn it into nuggets and press it back into ingots. It's easy enough to fake a modern makers stamp, and nobody around here is actually going to inspect it to make sure that the copper is exactly pure. From the jungle I've brought back a few saplings, a little wood. Not enough, I'm going back out. From the height of the tree I was able to spot more of those strange flowers from before.

Day 21
Wandering the desert, chasing those lights, I ended up using all my iron sword. I've got enough back at the base for another, I am not worried. I found other strange flowers, a shimmering tree of blue leaves and a sound of monsters in a cave, I'll look again latter, but the most interesting thing for me was this great huge tree. Though it only left one sapling. I've a feeling I'd need four to grow one, but I marked a few others on the map, I could see it on the horizon. There was even a regular forest out that way. The desert rises into blasted hills, steep cliffs. I love the view, the tower might go here instead. Still, I need some serious wood, so back to the base for me. On the way I even found a shallow lake, with clay, and squids. I think I've got every resource the surface can give me, save the rubber for a serious start. Though the temple had enough gold I might try those machines again.

Day 23
I'm starting to fear the night in this strange world. A swarm of these angry zombies got me on the way to the forest. I lost count, nothing but glowing red eyes everywhere I turned. They chased me all the way to where I entered the world and continued to swarm. Somehow the number of them continued to grow. Still, I am determined...

Day 31
I've been in the jungle so long that solid ground seems a little strange. So much time in the vines, hiding in trees when night comes, or just working through the underbrush. There's a tree that arches over everything else, strangely pretty in the leaves and saplings, with a sappy wood. It's not the rubberwood from home, but I might find use for it, though I have a feeling that it will be a long while. I've found tunnels, caves, and even a path to the beach. There's a sheltered cove at the far end of the jungle, opening onto the sea. Two trees grow like sentinels on a brave thrust of land, a spot that just calls for a lighthouse to bring others safely in from the sea, but I do not want to remove the trees. This is a quandry. I will be building around them, if I build there at all. It's time to outfit myself and explore some caves. There's some under the temple, under this small base of mine, and through the hills and jungle. What I will find, will determine my fate in this world.

Day 45
First major mining trip, it did not go as expected. While I'd worked myself a rather nice path, and collected worthy resources, I'd run into a small mistake while trying to redirect the flow of lava. (Twice.) This seems somehow familiar, and might just become very familiar before my adventures in this strange world are completed.


Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012
Day 50
Spent a while turning iron and gems into armor and tools, including this oddly heavy pick of bronze. I know I saw a cave, wonderful, mysterious, marble, vines and a strange powdery mineral in vast strata. I think I'll be headed that way, to explore it better. Of the strange shards the monsters that fell left behind, I constructed a rudimentary artifact of transmutation. I see little attraction to the power of it, and yet it is a handy tool for travel, letting me leave the crafting bench behind. I will explore it more as I come to understand this 'alchemy'.

(creepers, they haunt my dreams... a nightmare in my waking moments...)

A den of spiders, and from whence they spawned. Treasures I was too loaded to return with, so I returned to the surface. I was able to find the cave half remembered and left from there, passing past a volcano that had just managed to breach the surface. I harvested the soft basalt and the harder obsidian. My map has lost all the traces of location that I had writ on it. I find it hard to find my way, even home is hard to find without the notes I had placed.

I return with much wealth, but the silver that I thought I found, or perhaps it was that strange dark heaviness of lead, obliterated by the jealous creepers, that will frustrate me the most. Not once, but over and over they swarmed and exploded until there was naught a trace to know what it was that I had found.

Most oddly is that the most worthy treasure I returned with, was a humble potato. I hope the zombie I wrest it from will now find peace.

Day 55
In frustration with my inability to find a fair fight against these swarming monsters, in a place where each step of progress slides back in an instant, I've turned to toying with the strange properties of the stone, replicating items I've already. Still, seems an odd way to use such materials and I've placed them back into storage again... perhaps it is best that I mine my stone from the volcano, instead of replicating it like this. I've a feeling it would be dangerous to use such magics of enchantment to forge myself anything I could not yet make with my own hands. I remember that I have not yet found the cause that stranded me in this world. I have come from this for the better, crafted myself a backpack so that I can more ably loot the depths. There was a vast cavern, etched in silver, gold, lead... I hardly had reached the edge before I had to return, and the spider guarded treasure remains. I will seek it on the morrow.


Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012
day 67
I made a wrong turn leaving my base. Without the marks on my map I do get lost rather easily. I ended up heading far into the desert, instead of cutting across the narrow end. I thought it would be a shortcut. Instead I found a lake of lava. All the obsidian I'll need for a long, long time. This heavy brass pick is as slow as such a thing could be and still be sucessful, and yet I find a strange enjoyment from this.
I found some strange minerals under the sand, where a cliff face exposed the underlying rock. It's described as saltpeter. I suspect that I could make something, not unlike what causes the creepers to be ssssssssssssssso volatile from this, but I think I will wait. I have no pressing need to explode at the moment, not as they do it.
But while I was up that cliff, I spotted a villiage. I was several days spreading torches and checking on the villagers. In exchange for the extra help keeping the town safe they premitted me to harvest some from the gardens. I found that with the extra supplies I needed to make a diggers backpack to go with my miners backpack. They fill fast, but it's better then carrying the weight in my pockets.

The huge tree at the edge of town was infested with spiders. It took me a while to passify them, and I was poisoned in the process. For some reason they where guarding a record.

I took a differnt path home, and I almost fell into a hole. A moment of thought and I jumped in anyway. Some say yolo, but I'm not in hardcore, so why not? My instincts are as solid as ever, for the one exit of this cave lead me right to a skeleton spawner. A bit of work and I'd dug most of it exposed to the sky, and filled the rest with torches. There's even another cave path from here. I'll come back to this, if these notes survive. Oh, there was another record. A jukebox needs a diamond needle, if it's to play records without destroying them, and yet such a machine is growing more tempting with each of these prizes I bring home.

The best prize might still be the rubber tree saplings. Not the huge mutants from the jungle, but the smaller, more easily maintained kind. With these I might just start a real farm. The steel helm is as well a worthy prize. I am proud of this dig. Though, I do admit, I am not sure what to make of this purple pickax. There was never anything called thaumium in the world I came from.

But no sooner then I got home, did I remember, I left the items at the OTHER spawner in the chests. Wasn't that what I left to get?

Day 90
I remember trips like this. I remember being this lost. It happened in the twilight place. That forest. The one I was in before I somehow got sent here. On one of those amazing, lost trips, if the little gnomes had not kept bringing me food, I would have starved. On that one I turned half a stack of iron into picks and shovels as I worked. That day, was a good day.

This day makes that one look like a swim in the lava. Start with the simple fact of finding two spider spawners, a zombie spawner and a skeleton spawner. Though they where spread over hundreds of blocks I am confident I will find use from them. I went down with baked potatoes to keep me going, and some small bread. The chests saved me from growing hungry as I pared down my possessions, time and time again. The ore was so good that I turned around without completely exploring the caverns. There is a grand and huge mine down there, long abandoned, stretching over chasms of lava gashed through the earth. I will return, and not just to make best use of the spawners.

To try to put things in perspective, I think I used twice the tools of the fun in the forest. Saplings in reward chests, and bonemeal where needed to keep me in wood for torches and for my tools. Armor kept breaking, kept being replaced, chain, steel, more iron. So many pieces. Bows dropped, taken, used, broken. A struggle of attrition... So, what did I escape with that was worth so much?

Simplest first, two records more, though one is again "far" that tune has it's uses, and I am okay with this.
21 shards of magical water. I suspect this means I was mostly under the ocean. There where only 2 fire ones within. The 7 earth make me suspect that the rest was under the jungle. 12 glowing amber, 8 pure vis, and I did leave a few deposits of other crystals, I simply lacked the room. You will understand soon.

2 fragments of lost knowlege, and a book that glows with enchantment for bows.

Rarest of all rewards, not one, but 10 drones, steadfast, brave, powerful.

Of ordinary minerals, I count only what I left with. Not what I left behind, not what was consumed in the effort. Of iron, two stacks. Ordinary tin, two stacks, 16 ingots. Copper, 1.5 stacks ore, a dozen in raw ingot. Half a stack of silver, a stack of lead, 24 of cinnabar.

42 rubies, 29 and 19 of the sapphire, less the green. Of lapis I found a stack. And redstone I have finally found a stack to supply myself with. Twice that. Two stacks of Nikolite.

Uranium, 15 times I found this. More then I'd ever seen before.

That strange purple metal that I saw in a pickax, 5 ingots in the raw form.

I had to fight creepers for the gold. This time every time I saw some, there where creepers trying to destroy it. Of them, only 8 ore survived. This did give me the luck of revealing a small vein, 4 diamond.

If there are words beyond rare, and lucky, I require them, for I found 4 raw Ferrous Ore, and even one Tungsten.

If this is not enough for me to start my base with may a creeper find my chests tasty and force me to start over with less, for there is no excuse possible here and now.

Yes, if this is not enough, then force me to make do with less, so that I might be proper and humble.


Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012
Day 92
It took me a while to put away my treasures. I reinforced this little hole in the ground with a small entrance tunnel, and a pillar of torches to help guide me. If nothing else I can shelter here in a storm on some future day. Now, as I said, I'd lost the notes I'd made on my map, but I do remember there was a nice view of the region from a mountain in the desert. I am thinking that this might be a nice place to live for a while, if I can find it again.

Day 100
New location confirmed. There's even a small pool of oil for me to experiment with. I will return with tin cells to collect this so that it can be safely stored for latter. The small forest I planted some time back gave me quite a bit of fuel, this will be useful as I refine what I've found in the caves before at the new site. But first I've a lab to make.

Day 110
Scouting between my base and my old base, I find there are lots of little caves that end in gravel, dirt, or marble. Sounds of zombies down there just past the end. I suspect there's another tunnel system, possibly connecting to the larger one, but blocked rather solidly. Maybe investigating, briefly, won't hurt.

Day 130
That cavern was deeper then I thought. A system of ravines that reached the lava that this world seems to float on. Sometimes I'd see a spark of light in the distance. Either springs of lava flowing from cracks in the walls, or perhaps places I'd placed a torch before. The entire region near the temple in the sands seems to be one vast cave system. I'd love to take my time and explore it, but these monsters give no peace, no rest, and little resources survive the fighting between us.

Hardly time to think.

But what thoughts I manage, between the sharp stabs of an arrow or the howling of the endermen, my thoughts are filled with the vast spaces nature has carved, with time, with wind, with water. I'm starting to think my idea for a base is guilty of thinking too small.

Far too small.


Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012
Day 140
Taking a moment here to sketch a note into this book. If you want to become comfortable with the space you are in, construct it yourself. Digging out the inside of a hill really helps you understand the space that you have. I will also say, if the walls are made of sand and sandstone, be careful of creepers.


Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012
Day 160
I find it hard to believe, until I look at the chests. I've just spent more time hollowing out this cavern for myself then I have in most trips into the earth. More picks, more gems, and I'd even taken to enchanting them to try to make them last longer. More then a double chest of cobblestone for this cavern. 20 high, and more then that from end to end or side to side. Over 5,000 cobblestone. Huge measures of gravel as well. It is beautiful, and I am oddly content with it.

Day 165
It was oddly quick to toss together the first of my resource processing. Ferrous ore into the pulverizer. Steam engine with an accumulator. Sawmill for the scaffolding. This gives me an induction smelter and I will slowly improve the rig until it approaches automation, moving things as I need it while working through the backlog. I am glad I need not be shy about using my resources, there is now enough to last. I will fill in with marble as I expand, smooth the sandstone and make things beautiful.
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Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012
Day 180
Leaving my machines behind to process a while, I'm trying to locate places I've seen before. Though sadly I only found them while I was rather badly lost, this makes finding them again harder then I would like. There had been a lake of lava, that I converted to obsidian. I'd like to bring a bucket of the lava back, if any remains, but I find I cannot find it. Nor the village that I'd tried to secure earlier. Nor the volcano. Though I have found the hill that I first thought would be a good base. It's a few times larger then the one I cleared, making me glad I lost that note, if perhaps none of the other losses fill me with joy.

Day 200
Seems my sense of direction was worse then I thought. I found the village again, it was on the other side of the forest then I remember it being. Or rather, the forest path was a shortcut to it and I'd taken the shore before. Found the far end of the mine, and some diamond. A barrow hill. All very good returns, save that for all that I found... A creeper found me, at the edge of a ledge above lava. On trying to recover I was able to find very little, my backpack with the dirt tumbled free and onto a ledge, but that was all. If ever there was a message to redouble my efforts with my machines, surely this is it.
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Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012
Day 210
Still tinkering in the lab. Newest device requires snow. I'm going to have to make an expedition to the pine forest, up in the hills. This could prove interesting, as I've rather a bad record on such expeditions. Still, I only need to use a shovel and collect 8 snowballs, how much risk could this be?

Day 227
While waiting for materials to process, I wandered the hot sands in the cold night. With many buckets and many trips I collected surface pools of this dark sticky mess that seemed to well up near the larger gushers. In an attempt to disguise my base I expanded a pool that had oozed down one side of the mountain I've converted. I've collected some excess to serve as fuel, should I need it. Speaking of fuel I've collected quite a few cells of creosote oil from my coke oven. I know not what to do with them, but I shall preserve them against the idea that I might find some use in the future. Now that my materials have been processed and worked into desirable forms, I find I can delay the trip not one night more.

Day 237
I marked the locations of a number of behives on the map as I was scouting in the frozen hills. The region is almost as vast as this desert I have settled in, with little signs of life. I took the snow blocks with me and returned home. My one steam engine is slowly converting collected water into blocks of ice. I've blown up the pipes a few times now, don't quite have the hang of stopping the engine. Easier for me to keep it running, even if mistakes mean I've lost some gold to the pipe. The new entrance is a lower surface then before, so I've started to carve the base lower and polishing the walls, preparing for the marble to come.

Day 250
Having carved the base lower by a few blocks while waiting on the ice, it's time now to make a proper start on the industrial generators. A deep pillar of ice to melt, to turn the waterwheels, to power these machines. Alike and yet so different to the blocks I've already made. Instead of gold and silver laced circuit traces, I build complex forms, protecting myself from shocks with rubber. 39 blocks of cable. One more generator at the bottom, with water below that. One storage battery at the top. 42 blocks deep I go. 5 wide in a plus shape, and all the way down. To make this a little prettier, and to protect myself against digging into it, I better line it with something. 12 stacks of basalt brick is what comes to my mind first.

Day 253
I counted up the watermills too, and then looked at my wood collection. Have to go into the jungle again it looks like. No problem with that, not really. And the sawmill will make short work of the planks. Coal coke is replacing scaffolds as it runs forever even on a fraction of a stack. As close to forever as I can get, for now.

Day 257
Cleared a bit more of the jungle, I think I've returned with enough logs for the waterwheels now. I'll know in a bit. Still not quite sure how I am going to manage melting the ice I'm going to place, but I am sure that I can figure it out, even if I am not sure that I have figured it out. 77 waterwheels, with over 700 basalt bricks protecting it. I can only hope that I've made enough ice, and harvested enough wood.

39 generators (39 furnaces, 39 machine blocks (316 refined iron)). 39 batteries (78 redstone, 162 tin, 39 copper wire) ...

This is getting over my head, and I'm not even IN the water yet.

Day ... 266?
I'm down a hole. I've made it pretty with basalt brick, I've torches for light, and the waterwheels are safe platforms to work from. Sometimes I find myself waiting for ice I have missed to melt. Sometimes I am able to reach them all. I will get the knack for this, though I would guess it would be just before I reach the top.

Day 275
First of four low power assemblies in place. 10 stacks of hard earned materials used. That's not even counting the wood that was used, or the wood used as fuel. It does nicely fill the batbox. 2 minutes from 0 to 40k. Better then the charcoal I would have used. Now I must find a reason for this power. Perhaps it is time to investigate some frivolous activities, like flight.
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Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012
Day 278
Spent a little time in research, looking through old and dusty books.
Looks like I'm going to need some resources that are a bit scarce if I am looking into flight or other useful things from these machines. Oh, I know the resources exist somewhere, but not near here. I'm going to see about getting them some other way.

Day 280
AhHA! A careful blending of redstone can allow it to lend some of it's glow to the rare and shining gold found deep in the earth. Strange really that this soft metal should be so precious, but understandable that it is malleable enough to take properties of other materials into itself. This is strange magic indeed... magic? Maybe I should try some of that. No, not quite yet. I want something more sustanable first. I'm growing tired of eating potatoes and I know I've seen chickens, cows, even pigs in the forest. I don't like the idea of leaving my base unwatched though. This decides the fate of my last few diamonds, surely. That precious and malable gold, working strange magic with the touch of the endless, to transform an enchanting table... No, I'll use the one I already crafted, I can spare that for now.

Day 282
I've got a recycler going now. While I converted much of the stone into basalt, and ground much more of it into sand that ended up as slag, I still have quite a bit left. Somewhere, someday, maybe somebody will be amused that the first item that came from the recycled scraps was a wooden hoe. I suspect with the power generation I have started I can leave this under the care of the chunkloader for as long as I like without completely consuming the power that I have left, that's even with an overclocker to speed the work. So if I really do desire to get some animals in here, what is next for me? A pen in a lower level? A pen in an upper level? To simply make sure I can get the animals here? Shall I also think of plants, or of crops? The slow quiet buzzing of bees? Such are my contemplations.

Day 286
Heard some sheep. They'd wandered up the banks of the dry river. It was just a short bit of work to lead them into the base. Maybe I'll find some pigs next, some pork would not be unenjoyable as a change from potatoes.

Day 289
Yes. The fields near where I started. That first base in the hillside. Those green hills by the river, they echoed with oink, resplendent with squeal. I've brought home three, and penned them likewise as the sheep. Now, I did find ONE egg...

Day 290
Chicken containment device built. I hear one should never trust chickens. The cows are very far away in the forest, this will be a longer trip.

Day 296
Returned with chickens. Containment unit seems to be faulty. Though with the addition of the water torture I think I will keep one subdued. I still don't know how they talked me into leading them to my base, instead of the cows.

Day 301
Returned with cows this time. I think the chickens where fighting some sort of battle against them as when I refused passage to chickens, this time there where creepers and swarms of zombies as I returned. Still, returned safe with the cargo.
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Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012
Day 308
Just a short trip. Out to the cooled lava lake to collect some obsidian and to bucket up as much of the lava as I could. This stuff is oddly useful if a little hard to handle. I'm going to store it neatly into a tank for a while. Then back to the lab to work on expanding my machine base. I've also not forgotten my desire to have slimes enough, but that can wait. I need to find enough netherrack among the scraps to make such a project worthwhile. Steel is a hard to make substance, I'll need something strange to contain enough heat to work it properly.

(Okay, okay, a stack of obsidian takes longer then a game week to mine, but there's nothing to SAY about it. I mined with a survivalist pick while I read a book)

Day 312
The machine I built to recycle scrap, I've refined it so that it processes the bits a bit better for me. Now when I come back from my trips I find a small stack of boxes, ready to to be examined, so that I might find if there is anything of worth in them. So far the answer is, "rarely" and yet this answer has been of worth to me. I am slowly growing a collection of machines to eek worth from even the most unlikely of supplies. Because this will not always be enough my next two projects are to establish for myself a mine, some gardens, and proper pens for the animals. Though in what order, I am not yet sure.
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Aug 21, 2012
Day 325
I've taken apart most of the base, left only the machine that is refining scrap into boxes so that I might find use from it, given myself a roof of glass and a shell of marble is slowly smoothing out the irregular outline that I started with. I found myself thinking, as I placed the floor, of Yggdrasil and how I'd fallen off into this world. I find myself growing a desire to make for myself a warden tree to shelter my base. Perhaps I will expand out in the lower levels, to leave room for proper roots.
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Aug 21, 2012
Day 350
That took a while. I've finished the first part of the research, the thaumic theory of everything. If I look ahead into the book and it shows me the next research is special wands, they would be rather useful in my attempts to craft a base from this mountain. Sadly I seem to lack the crystals of water. I could explore the caves, check the caverns under the oceans for them. I've nearly resources enough of almost every other kind to handle almost anything I might want to build for now. The main expenses are space, time, and fuel.

Day 390
Checking my storage I realized, there is one thing I'm short of, diamonds. So I went down until I was nearly swimming in lava. Found what I needed, that is surely truth. 25 diamonds, cluster after cluster as the days passed. Had myself a few close calls. Fell into lava, even lost my water saving myself. Then the skeleton almost finished me off. Survived that, but I'm not honestly sure how.

Day 410
I built the machines that use power from the waterwheels, the generators, and a compressor, and that's turned this strange infernal rock into an even stranger infernal brick. It has a resistance for high temperatures unlike anything else I've ever seen. I want more of it, hear I can work with something called steal, but it will take so much more of the infernal stuff.
I've got a new device capable of melting, almost anything. Essence of the end and flowing redstone are now mine to work, and with them I've made such tools. I've now storage for the power of engines and strange tesseracts to link across vast spaces, and yet, I need more room, I'm going to have to rebuild my machine network yet again.
I'm going to expand my basement...

Day 411
The chickens, they have killed my other animals. I in turn have slain the traitors. I can't think about this now.
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Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012
Day 437
After quite a few trips to the mines, I realized it was time to get invested, in investing in some fun. Now instead of a long staircase into the caverns below my home, I've a jetpack. Sure, it uses more power then my waterwheels can easily produce, but if I'm not having fun climbing all those stairs, there should be an alternative. Now, there is. Course, these trips where not about minerals and wealth, even though if I had found diamonds I would have taken them. No, I was down there to find myself some lava. And in taking the lava away into the new tank I was making the region that much safer. Course, this isn't going to be any sort of permement fuel source, just a bit of a jump start to keep things running properly while I figure out biofuels.
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Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012
Day 447
I grew a small garden downstairs, testing out the space. I like that rather much but I think I'm going to have to put that on a lower level. The more I look at it, the more I think I should let the first basement be a handy little sorting machine to make life easier.

Day 460
Grew a few crops while tinkering with the first few pieces of the sorting machine puzzle. Yes, I think I will let it have this floor. One floor lower down will nicely take my tanks. I crave some exploration again.

Day 472
I found a desert temple just the other side of the jungle, it looks like my little pile of sand actually creeps around the jungle and meets up here on the other side of it. I'm starting to suspect much of the land near me is actually sand. There wasn't any treasure in this one, the ground collapsed out from under it, ruining the tomb, no signs of those who had been burried here. With the temple itself almost under the sand I am not overly suprized, the ground must have settled quite a bit. I suspect it to be because of the ravine that's under the cave, it goes all the way down to a cavern with diamonds in it, very deep indeed. I can not stress (though as I'm writing this to myself, I need not) how much fun the jetpack is, and how worth the trouble it was to get the resources.

Day 483
I continued my explorations around the edge of my little world (-500 to +500) and found a swamp. I'd heard there where witches here, but mostly I found the trees with the sticky sap that I could process into rubber. A few beehives, but the story of witches living here seems to be false. Mostly, it was slimes. Course, spending as much time as I did taking down trees and exploring down caves, I'm going to have to build more storage. What where they called, iron chests?
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Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012
Day 512
In an effort to make the base clearing go a little faster, I invested the time to make a filler. With one of my two energy storage blocks powering it, it does empty the space rather quickly. Sadly I hardly picked up anything that fell in the process. Further I'm starting to feel like the tower of waterwheels might just be in the wrong place completely. I'm going to give it a little more thought, but already I'm seeing how much more room there will be with just a little tweek to the design... if you call removing, and then rebuilding a structure of stone and water source blocks 44 blocks tall a tweek, after all it need only move 3 blocks left and three blocks over, and one block further down.
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Aug 21, 2012
Day 522
I've moved everything I could down into the first basement. Somethings will just have to risk being exposed as I reconstruct the base. As nice as it looks being inside of a hollowed out hill in the sand, it's just not quite what I was looking for. I can always trust the endermen to move the sand around and help my base look more natural with time so I need not worry about the lasting impact.

Day 525
The scale of my project is either terribly beautiful, or just terrible to contemplate. I've already 5 basement levels down. Each level the floor alone is 16 stacks of material. Now that I am taking down the original mountain, I'll need materials to replace that, and the floor I'm going to build will start just as large.

Day 531
Just building the retaining wall around my construction site took most of my stored up cobblestone. I'm starting to really wonder if I've got enough of anything for this mad plan of mine. Then I realize, what I'm likely to be short of is storage space, the shell of the old mountain remains, and even as I intend to convert this into my new building, it's going to be a rather, large, amount of earth moving. Perhaps I should have spent the time to make better tools, or perhaps the retaining wall should have been of scaffolding, but it's not time to look back, it's time to look forward, for science.

Day 537
I'm looking out beyond the wall I've constructed, even in the safety of day, all I can see are creepers, circling, circling, almost finding a way in, and then circling around again, slowly, patiently. I remind myself, "SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS happens, and return to my work."

Day 546
There goes the last of the hill. I'm going to spend a night watching the sky before Tracing in the foundation of this platform. Then I must think a while on how high to make the walls before taking down the protective rim. Part of me argues to wait until it is done before removing the one thing that keeps me safe. And it is an odd form of safety, safe as long as a skeleton does not walk to some place that I didn't notice, or until a creeper finds a crack, or safe until I knock down a torch for too long. And yet. It is safe.