World - [including Extra Crops] Ores, Crops, Latex Trees,and CropsI see you with a strange glint in my eyes - thumbs up!
Here is my bag of ideas!
Get modular, provide great configuration, and documentation, changelog, downloadability of older versions, we plan to use 1.6.4 for 6-7 months.
Be aware when other mods already do something, you don't have to do everything, but you can go on refine things, like gregtech.
Do not recode what is already there.
Extra Crops is just Flax, Oats, and Hemp, a.k.a. non-magical utility crap.MagicalCorps addon.
Please provide configuration switches - as I don't like more ores - to be the new materials able to mined from ores, or no new ores and the new materials craftable.
In Stargate naquadah can be set to be craftable, or be a new ore.
All COMMON ores and EXTRA ore are configurable, but I wont let you damage the tech-tree with it, and no, the ore will not be craftable.
Machines [including Alloys, Modular Power, Ceramic and Steam Pipes, and PowerSuits] - A.K.A MortTech
I'll add a Terraformer then~There is one machine I miss from IC2: the terraformer.
You may include real biome changes, including Biomes of Plenty, nether and end dimensions too - Biomes of Plenty addon.
Advanced Tinkering [Tinker's Construct addon] - Tinkering of stuffs
No, just some new tools, maybe armor will come down the line eventually.Tinkering armor?![]()
Alternate UU [including UU+] - Want UU without IC2?
It wont be a MineChem addon, although support is very likely.Yepp, or MineChem addon.
Ars Alchemica [including Runic Stones] - Alchemy, 'nuff said
Ars Alchemic will be its own little mod, not an Ars Magica addon, and I know about TC and AM's origins.Ars Magica addon. This, and Thaumcraft are planning to join - do you know they are both made from the Ars Magica roleplaying game?
Improved Dyes - Maybe, not sure...
Not plants...Already in Magicalcorps dye plant.
Forbidden Thaumaturgy [Thaumcraft Addon] - RETURN OF THE ELDRITCH
Maybe, either SpitefulFox or FlaxBeard were my two first choices anyway.
Dimensions - Many new Dimensions
It'll be good I promise.Oh noes!There are plenty of dimensions already. Also there is Mystcraft.
One thing we need, commands for world handling: teleport, copy, move, delete, edit,
and buildable, non-chunkloading gates between them.
And if you will read below, only cyberspace dimension inside computers.
So beside the world-handling module, a Computercraft addon.![]()
Better Villages - Name says it all
More of an overhaul really.Already lots of mods provide this, Biomes of Plenty is one of them.
Player Expansion - Some RPG Stuff...
I'll look into it when the time comes~As Thaumcraft and Ars Magica taken roots in Ars Magica RPG, your mod can have it's roots, and mood from either of these RPGs:
Cyberpunk, which only tech -
Shadowrun, this contains magic too -
My preferable routes would be alongside tech built into the bodies of players, decreasing max health (as for example Tinkers Construct has a way increasing it), like in the two RPG-s above decreasing "humanity".
MortEssentials - Server Stuffs...
I will add dimension stuff, but it was more for RPG Servers, and I use OPIS myself.See dimension handling, also take a look at Opis!![]()
I think you know this page:
If anything I wrote catches your fancy, I can provide more ideas alongside your wishes.
Thank you,